United Airlines Interview Questions | Glassdoor

United Airlines Interview Questions

Updated Jul 5, 2017
2,005 Interview Reviews



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  1. Featured Interview

    Helpful (4)  

    Business Development Interview

    Anonymous Employee in Chicago, IL
    Accepted Offer
    Positive Experience
    Average Interview


    I applied online. The process took 2+ months. I interviewed at United Airlines (Chicago, IL) in May 2016.


    Phone interview then in person interview. Phone interview was about half an hour, conversational but structured with behavioral interview questions. In-person interview in Chicago was with two separate sales managers - both very nice guys! Similarly conversational but with behavioral structure.

    Interview Questions

  2. Helpful (876)  

    Flight Attendant Interview

    Anonymous Interview Candidate
    No Offer
    Neutral Experience
    Average Interview


    I applied online. The process took 5 days. I interviewed at United Airlines.


    I did horrible on the video interview. It is extremely challenging to talk to a computer and not to a live person. I received the email to do the video interview on June 7th. I did the video interview on June 8th. We are now June 10th and I haven't heard anything back yet. I'm just in limbo right now. I would like to know either way. Just wondering if anyone has done a video interview lately and heard back. Thanks

    Interview Questions

    • I don't remember all the interview question   52 Answers
  3. Helpful (764)  

    Flight Attendant Interview

    Anonymous Employee in Newark, NJ
    Accepted Offer
    Positive Experience
    Average Interview


    I applied online. The process took 2 weeks. I interviewed at United Airlines (Newark, NJ) in August 2015.


    The interview process is very structured. I applied online and within a week I received an invitation to complete an OnDemand interview via HireVue. Suggestions for HireVue: Be in a well-lit area. My suggestion is to use as much natural lighting as possible. Be well-dressed. Research the company and see how the flight attendants dress for the particular company, and emulate that! The HireVue questions were behavioral questions. Everything I read on GlassDoor has been accurate! Within 4 days, I received an email inviting me to Newark, NJ for a Face-to-Face interview. I was beyond excited! When you call, the booking department will ask you the closest airport. I told her mine, and the flight is free, but please be aware you are usually not a "must-ride" passenger in instances like this. My case, I get to my closest airport with plenty of time to spare. The plane begins boarding. I board the plane and am in my seat. A gentleman from United walks on the plane and calls my name and says the flight is overbooked and I had to get off. I take my carry-on and exit the plane. I was a little stressed at this point. I go inside and wait for the counter to clear so I could talk to the desk agent, and they said the next flight leaves at 10pm (which I would have gotten to Newark at 11 ish), or you can go to another nearby airport and the plane departs in two hours! For a moment, I began to panic thinking I am never going to make it. I was not extremely familiar with the DC Metro stations, nor the other airport. However, I thought to myself, this is all part of the interview...staying cool, calm, and collected during a crisis! I managed to hustle through the DC Metro stops and navigate around. Got to my other airport and through security with about 10 minutes to spare! At this point, I was joking around the gate agent because of the mental meltdown I was having haha! I get on the plane and fly to Newark. Check-in to my hotel. The morning of the interview! Newark is an extremely busy airport! Give yourself plenty of time to get the gate pass and get through security--you do NOT want to be late. I was there a little after 7 and was seated with fellow interviewees by 8 (luckily)! Get to know your fellow applicants! Everyone is nervous, everyone is going through the same thing. Talk, be jolly, and have fun. It helps ease the nerves. Exactly at 9 am, the Inflight Recruiters came to get us! We went to the United building and were checked in. We were all briefed on United and they called the first 6 for interviews. While the others are in the interview, talk and be jolly with the other applicants. Take your mind to a less stressful place, but review some questions and answers in your head, too! My name was called, and I was nervous! The lady who did my one-on-one interview was nice, genuine. The interview was by far the best experience I have ever had! This one took about 45 minutes and it was basic behavioral questions, if/then questions, and we reviewed my resume. We were finished and we walk to the hall (I assumed I was finished), she said, I actually want my colleagues to meet you, so I am going to put you in this room with a few other applicants. I felt good! Talked to the few others in the room with me and they slowly leaving for the second interview. My name was called again and the ladies were nice and genuine again. I went to a very small room with them and they asked me basically the same questions. They said they had to step out and review a few things on my resume and they would be back. I sat in the room and about 5 minutes later, they walked through the door and said, "after reviewing you resume and answers, we have enough information to offer you the job today." Of course, I accepted the offer! The offer is contingent on drug, vision, and hearing tests, as well as passing the training! I leave for training August 30! They took me to the clinic onsite and I completed my drug, hearing, and vision tests!

     Some good things to remember: SMILE, POSTURE, CONFIDENCE, RESEARCH THE COMPANY, PRACTICE QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS! Browse through this site and read the questions other people were asked--it helped me tremendously! Research the company! Know the company! They want someone who can be invested into the company! Be confident!

    Good luck! It was an incredible experience and I cannot wait to begin my new life in the air!

  4. Helpful (630)  

    Flight Attendant Interview

    Anonymous Employee in Houston, TX
    Accepted Offer
    Positive Experience
    Easy Interview


    I applied online. The process took 6 weeks. I interviewed at United Airlines (Houston, TX) in December 2014.


    I applied Oct 27, got an email on Nov 21 saying that they had received my application and are now reviewing it. Then Nov 25 I got email inviting me to the F2F interview
    I got there super early around 7:40. (I left my hotel at 7:30ish so it’s really close by from Ramada) Walked into a room with the other candidates. We chatted and they told us the process will start at 8:30 when they collect our resume, gave you a blue sheet to read about the position, confirmed your returning flight and gave you a name tag. Then after a short moment someone gave us a slide show explaining basic stuff about being a flight attendant, like being on reserve and the pay…etc.
    After that the recruiters came in and called people out one by one. Meanwhile someone else came in to answer questions. I asked ALOT of questions but not to impress anyone I just really wanted to know about the position. The guy who answered my questions wasn’t even part of the recruiters so you don’t have to really worry about ?oh if i don’t ask question i won’t have a chance’. There was about 30 of us, not too terribly much but honestly there were some people I already knew weren’t going to get hired, based on their way of talking (try not to sound cool or show off-y, I think that’s a horrible thing to do.) There were people who had been flight attendants before or currently working for small airlines, doesn’t mean anything if you don’t have a good attitude, really. Chat with people, I got lucky I met some people on my way to the training center. Just be yourself, and if you don’t really want this job, don’t apply, it’s that simple.
    It took them a while to call me name. BY THE WAY they told us they are doing things a little bit differently now, I agree it’s really nothing like what I read on here before. Instead of starting with one on one I got two recruiters interviewing me. They were SUPER NICE, I mean I don’t just tell you people are nice I’m not that kind of person, but these two recruiters were something else. One of them is a domestic lady, the other one was an international guy. They asked me a lot about scenarios, I will post as many questions as I remembered. They started with asking me about who I am, then moved on to reading an announcement out loud, it’s one that’s telling people on board that they need to fill out customs forms. Don’t be nervous just take 30 seconds read it over in your mind, then start. I would say I was in the room for maybe 20+ minutes. At the end they told me that would be stepping outside of the room to discuss, meanwhile they wanted me to think of my strongest strength and tell them what it is when they return. They were outside for about 3 minutes, came back to the room, I told them my answer, and they told me to go eat lunch at the airport and be back at 1pm. They just said “we have further questions for you so come back at 1". They sent me to the lobby to wait for the shuttle driver, I got off at terminal E (thats where they drop you off) and I went to the Marriott via the “air train” and I had lunch there.
    I think that’s as much as I can offer you all, best of luck!!!

    Interview Questions

    • -Describe a time where you had to work with a difficult co workers, what did you do?   8 Answers
    • Tell us about a time where you had fun on the job.   3 Answers
    • Describe a time where you had to make a decision at the job which you wished you would have done differently.   2 Answers

  5. Helpful (209)  

    Flight Attendant Interview

    Anonymous Employee in Houston, TX
    Accepted Offer
    Positive Experience


    I applied online. The process took 2 weeks. I interviewed at United Airlines (Houston, TX) in February 2016.


    Applied online. Two days later, I was asked to complete the video interview. And OMG was I nervous. I can't even say that I "think" I bombed it. I totally bombed it. Yet two days later received an email inviting me to schedule a group interview. Good luck to everyone applying!

    Anyone attending the interview in Houston on 02/19?

  6. Helpful (123)  

    Flight Attendant Interview

    Anonymous Employee
    Accepted Offer
    Positive Experience
    Difficult Interview


    I applied online. The process took 3+ weeks. I interviewed at United Airlines in August 2016.


    The whole interview process took less than three weeks and I loved each step! I suggest reading everything on here before your video and face to face interview. I got an email the night after I placed my application online to video myself on HireVue. I did the video interview on the second of the five days given to complete. I then heard back after a few days and received an invitation to schedule a face to face interview. I was flown out to San Francisco a week later where I was later offered the job! The interview is exactly as others say on this site. I highly encourage smiling A TON, studying these questions and look like a flight attendant!! Best of luck guys! If anyone is going to the January training, let me know! :)

  7. Helpful (306)  

    Flight Attendant Interview

    Anonymous Employee in Chicago, IL
    Accepted Offer
    Positive Experience
    Average Interview


    I applied in-person. The process took 2 weeks. I interviewed at United Airlines (Chicago, IL) in May 2015.


    They used Hirevue for the interview. They have questions appear on the screen and then you answer them on video. take the practice questions to get used to the format. also, get in a well lit area and make sure you look like a flight attendant. the interview takes about 15 minutes. They asked 'What is a misconception that customers and coworkers have of you. - 'they think i never have a bad day because I'm always in a good mood, when actually i have bad days just like everyone else.' Keep your answers positive. You want them to see all the good that you have to offer. They asked 'Why do you want to be a flight attendant' - They know you want to travel. Thats also what everyone says... Stand out with a unique reason for wanting this job. 'I love people and have a passion for service. I love adventure and enjoy being able to blah blah blah.' The video interview was like 5 questions, the final one was 'tell us everything you know about united airlines.' They want to see if you are looking for a job or investing in a career. I memorized the wiki page on united. I answered with 'I know that you have hubs in Guam, Tokyo, NYC, DC, Houston, Chicago, Cincinnati, Denver, San Fransisco and LA. I know you are the largest employee owned company in the world. I know that you started in the 1920s as a crop dusting company. I know that you have merged and absorbed tons of airlines over the years including Wisconsin air, Arizona air and most recently continental. I know that you are the largest airline in the world with over 370 destinations. I know you are a founding member of the star alliance with 26 other airlines. (a few other facts) and i finished with 'i know your employees are happy.' I finished the interview and thought i did mediocre of a few of the questions, but felt good about the others. wasn't sure if id hear back.

    Got to the willis tower at 8:20am (interview was at 9) made sure i know where i was going, etc. don't me late and get there w enough time to find your way around. there was other candidates hanging out in the lobby so i hung by them. jumped into conversation and they were amazing. Everyone there is wanting to do a good job, so they are all friendly. mix and mingle. it brings the nerves down. We went up and checked in. bring your resume. gave them the resumes, dropped bags and went into a conf room with about 25 people. They talked pay, hours and schedule, location. were all going to san fran right now. and gave time for questions. prepare a question or two. They called us one by one out of the group for our face to face private interview. I was called second our of 25, which was awesome! Got into the room with the nicest 4 people I've ever met. They were so amazing. The lady who was conducting my interview was incredible. I wish she was my mom. They want you to be your best, so they make the interview very calm and friendly. They had me read an announcement that was written on a piece of paper. They don't want you to read it, they want you to perform it. Read it the way the flight attendant on your last flight read it. Then they asked 6 questions.

    The last question they say 'were gonna step out of the room for 30 seconds, think of 3 reasons why you would be a good fit.' They asked me to attend another interview with some of the higher-ups in the company. i came back at 12:45 and went into the conf room. There were 5 of us now. I found out then that we had another face to face interview, not a group deal where they offer us jobs. So i sat and talked with the other 4 candidates, got called into the meeting and sat with 3 gentlemen. They said 'the hard part is over, we just wanna get to know you a little better.' They asked me 'Why united over other airlines' I told them 'They are the largest, meaning that they have strong leadership and vision. I want to be part of something great, something i can give my life to. They went from a crop dusting company to the largest airline on earth. that says something. 2. everything I've read, people I've spoken with, say that the employees love united. blah blah.' They asked about my customer service philosophy. I told them that customer service and keeping customers happy is a means to an end. the end goal is making them loyal return customers. My philosophy is to do what it takes to make them continue to choose United. one of my references is a flight attendant, they asked me what he has told me about actually being a flight attendant. i told them he said its great and amazing and awesome, etc. then they sent me out of the room for 2 minutes, talked and called me back in. They asked me if i had any visible tattoos, which i do, and i told them that the policy states that they have to be covered, but are ok. and i have them, but they are not able to be seen. They then told me that id hear in 5-7 days if i was being invited to attend training. training is 5 weeks long and you aren't an official employee until you pass.

    Interview Questions

    • name a time you had a problem with a customer, what'd you do?   6 Answers
    • name a time when you had an issue with a coworker. how did you handle it, what was the outcome.   2 Answers
    • They asked if I was the lead FA and one of my crew didn't want to do their job, how would i handle it.   1 Answer
    • Name 3 reasons you are the fit for this job   1 Answer
    • Why do you want to be a flight attendant?   7 Answers

    Associate Analyst Interview

    Anonymous Employee in Chicago, IL
    Accepted Offer
    Positive Experience
    Average Interview


    I applied online. I interviewed at United Airlines (Chicago, IL).


    Phone screen, phone interview, and an in-person interview with four parts: three behavioral rounds and an online quantitative test. There was also an opportunity to meet some younger analysts to discuss the role outside of an interview setting.

    Interview Questions

    • What are the biggest threats to United and the airline industry today?
      If you could open a new route to United's network, where would it be and why?   Answer Question


    Engineering Co-Op Interview

    Anonymous Interview Candidate
    Declined Offer
    Neutral Experience
    Average Interview


    I applied through college or university. I interviewed at United Airlines.


    Phone interview that would ultimately lead to in person interview. I was told that I would go on for an in-person Interview and was given 4 days to accept the offer under the given circumstances. I was wanted for a full-time position DURING the school year, which was not a good fit for me.

    Interview Questions

    • What interests you most about United?   1 Answer


    Flight Attendant Interview

    Anonymous Interview Candidate
    Declined Offer
    Negative Experience
    Difficult Interview


    I applied online. I interviewed at United Airlines.


    Went through online questionnaire then was asked to fly to Newark for in person interview. I had people who were in unprofessional attire wearing tattoos which is an airline policy you can't have and they made it further than I did. Horrible experience so glad I didn't get the job

    Interview Questions


    Bi-lingual Flight Attendant Interview

    Anonymous Interview Candidate in El Cajon, CA
    No Offer
    Positive Experience
    Average Interview


    I applied online. I interviewed at United Airlines (El Cajon, CA) in June 2017.


    Just got done doing a one way Video Interview (VI). On 06/12 I sent an application in and two days later I got invited through email to do a VI. They give you 5 days from the day you get the email to complete this. So I used three of my days to study everything I could find about this position and about the company. Glassdoor is a must if you want to do well. :-)

    Interview Questions

    • What was one situation in your job that you wished you would've handled differently?   1 Answer
    • What do you see the United Brand as and how would you represent it?   1 Answer
    • How would your past job experience help with being a flight attendant?   1 Answer

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