Industrial Worker (February 17, 1940)

The February 17, 1940 (Vol. 21, No. 48, Whole No. 208) issue of the Industrial Worker, the newspaper of the revolutionary union, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).

Industrial Worker (September 18, 1937)

The September 18, 1937 (Vol. 19, No. 31, Whole No. 82) issue of the Industrial Worker, the newspaper of the revolutionary union, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).

State of the Union: Marx and America’s Unfinished Revolution – Robin Blackburn

Robin Blackburn on the failure of post-Civil War attempts to extend egalitarian impulses across race lines and factory floors, amid the sharpening class struggles of the Gilded Age. From New Left Review #61, January-February 2010.

Why is there no labor party in the United States? - Robin Archer

Why is the United States the only advanced capitalist country with no labor party? This question is one of the great enduring puzzles of American political development, and it lies at the heart of a fundamental debate about the nature of American society. Tackling this debate head-on, Robin Archer puts forward a new explanation for why there is no American labor party–an explanation that suggests that much of the conventional wisdom about "American exceptionalism" is untenable.

Trotskyism and the Labor Party – American Fraction of the Left Communist International (1949)

Written by D.A. for the January-February 1949 issue of International Bulletin, a periodical put out by the so-called American Fraction of the Left Communist International.

What we stand for – American Fraction of the Left Communist International (1949)

Platform of the American Fraction of the Left Communist International. It was written by D.A. and appeared in the January-February 1949 issue of International Bulletin.

Industrial Worker (July 12, 1930)

The July 12, 1930 (Vol. XII, No. 28, Whole No. 708) issue of the Industrial Worker, the newspaper of the revolutionary union, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).

Industrial Worker (October 1, 1927)

The October 1, 1927 (Vol. IX, No. 39, Whole No. 563) issue of the Industrial Worker, the newspaper of the revolutionary union, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).

Industrial Solidarity (April 7, 1923)

The April 7, 1923 (New Series, Whole Number 231) issue of Industrial Solidarity, a newspaper produced out of Chicago by the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) from 1921-1931.

March 1918 Vol 1 No 6