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Branding Margaret Court a racist may be a bridge too far

The odd charge by Martina Navratilova this week that, beyond being a homophobe, Margaret Court is a racist, too? She was referring to a quote, purportedly given by Court 50 years ago to The New Zealand Herald, cited on p. 209 from Eric Hall's book on Arthur Ashe and the civil rights movement.

"I love South Africa," Court is quoted as saying, "I have many friends there. Of course I will keep going to play. It is a tragedy that politics has come into sport. But if you ask me, South Africa has the racial situation better organised than anyone else, certainly much better than the United States."

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Margaret Court: Tennis is full of lesbians

Saying modern society causes gender confusion while referencing Hitler and communism, Margaret Court talks on Christian radio.

I know, I know. On balance though, trawling quotes from 50 years ago, when the world was a different place, is problematic. I can find no such quote in the files of The New Zealand Herald, and the closest I get is from The Guardian, in 1970, from Court: "South Africa has this sorted better than any other country, particularly America. I love South Africa, I'd go back there any time."

Either way, let us assume such views don't remotely resemble her attitude now. For the problem is not the views she expressed 50 years ago on race – as un-Christian as they seem – it is what she is hammering now, this week linking gays to Adolf Hitler and implying transgender kids are possessed by, yes, the devil. Read on ...

There are two central claims made by the defenders of Court: that she is being "bullied" and that the whole thing is a matter of free speech.

Bullied? Please. Did you say that when Court specifically targeted the family of Casey Dellacqua? How would those kids feel, if not bullied, to be targeted by a famous Australian, saying their family is not the full quid? And this week, when Court likened gay people to Hitler, and implied that transgender people are possessed by the devil, did you speak up then? If that is not bullying, what is? The outcry against Court is precisely because for centuries the gays have suffered bullying along those lines, and in these more enlightened times, society has had a gutful of those who put such damaging stuff out there. As Dellacqua said, "enough is enough".


Free speech? How is that remotely relevant? Ms Court has exerted her rights of free speech, belting an overhead smash at the gay community and all those who support them – and her words have been printed and broadcast freely, far and wide. We exerted our rights of free speech by blowing raspberries back. She said she wouldn't fly Qantas when at all possible, specifically because Qantas supports same-sex marriage. So if the gay community and supporters say they won't go into something bearing the name "Margaret Court Arena", because of her attacks on gays, how is that anything other than quid pro quo?

Still, when it all comes down to it, whether or not you support the idea of a boycott by fans and players of the Margaret Court Arena until it is renamed, there really is a problem, Houston. For better or worse, for richer or poorer, one of Melbourne's two main tennis arenas now bears a name that, for a huge swathe of Australia – whether you agree or not – really is a byword for bigotry. There'll be speeches, thunderous columns, tears and resolutions, but, in the long haul, the name will not stand.

Worth revisiting

Look, it may be apocryphal, but I don't care. In the wake of her comments this week, this legendary exchange from yesteryear is too good not to repeat.

Male journalist to Navratilova: "Are you still a lesbian?"

Navratilova: Are you still the alternative?"

The true word

One last thing. I have been contacted by a pastor, a reverend and a priest this week, all making the same point: the Christianity they know, loves all God's children, and doesn't denigrate one section of the community. I must say, that was the kind of Christianity I grew up with, too!

Vale Frank Deford

In 1987 I attended the French Open – my first major sports event as a journalist. Among the gaggle of international sports writers, there was one all the others deferred to, stood back for, looked up to, damn near worshipped. His name was Frank Deford, he wrote for Sports Illustrated, looked like Clark Gable, had the presence of Errol Flynn, and a twinkle in his eye that Kenny Sutcliffe would have been be proud of. All that, and he wasn't up himself – was even kind to junior journos from Oz, trying to work out what the sports writing game was all about, who felt they could learn from him.

His shtick, was to tell sports stories in beautifully rendered literary prose, so the reader felt like they were in the story, not merely reading about it. I find it, frankly, depressing – for it was so good, so evocative, so seamless, so far beyond anything I'd be capable of. It was like vaguely dreaming of being a fast bowler, and then seeing, close-up, Dennis Lillee in action. That's fast bowling. Or, like what Ilie Nastase once said about Bjorn Borg, after being ripped by him in straight sets: "We play tennis. He plays something else entirely."

Frank died on Monday, aged 78. An obit in this week began: "Frank Deford was to sports writing what Secretariat was to horseracing, what Babe Ruth was to baseball, what Michael Jordan was to basketball, what Ali was to boxing, what Pele was to soccer: the undisputed master of his craft." He was that. Vale, Frank.

A must see

Meanwhile? Meanwhile, as if you didn't know, the Clovelly Crocs Rugby League Club are releasing a short film, Little Victories, to tell the proud story of their hundred years of existence, including its near death in the early 1990s when the club could barely find enough local juniors to field two teams, to now, when it fields 10 teams in nine age groups and has never been healthier. Congrats to Adrian Lam, Drew Brabham and Philip Michael, for their recent work, and producer/director Nic Carroll for the film.

Keeping the dream alive

Grassroots rugby. She lives! Take, for example, the situation at Hassall Park, St Ives, today, when St Ives "Saints" host Barker Old Boys in suburban third division rugby at their annual Back to St Ives Day. BOBs will be coached by Andrew Johnson, a 193-game, five-time premiership-winning life member of St Ives and captain of their team of "The First 50 years". Assisting him will be Scott Kennan, who has no less than 444 senior games under his belt for the club, six premierships to his name and also life membership. Put them together with their junior days and they have over 1000 games in Saints colours. Andrew's mother is Joy Johnson, a 22-year secretary at St Ives and life member; her loyalties will be torn. Scott's father is Graeme Kennan, 20 years St Ives president and another life member – he, too, will be pulled every which way as his grandson Tom will also be turning out for BOBs. Meantime, Petersham Rugby is also thriving with no fewer than 15 junior sides, and today is their annual Old Boys/Legends game down at Camperdown. Bravo, you mob. You are keeping the torch aloft, even as a dark malaise falls across the rugby land.

Huge week: Andrew Fifita.

Huge week: Andrew Fifita was named man of the match. Photo: Getty Images

What they said

Andrew Fifita: "I never got to see Artie play, but if he played like me he's a legend."

Margaret Court: "Tennis is full of lesbians, because even when I was playing there was only a couple there, but those couple that led took young ones into parties and things ... " That was just for warm-ups.

Court on transgender children: "That's all the devil ... but that's what Hitler did and that's what communism did – got the mind of the children. And there's a whole plot in our nation, and in the nations of the world to get the minds of the children." Exactly! Why not teach vulnerable minds that all the problems of the world come because a woman made out of a rib, took an apple from a talking snake in a magic tree?

Martina Navratilova: "She is demonising trans kids and trans adults everywhere. And now, linking LGBT to Nazis, communists, the devil? This is not OK. This is in fact sick and it is dangerous. Kids will suffer more because of this continuous bashing and stigmatising of our LGBT community."

Navratilova on Court: "It is now clear exactly who Court is: an amazing tennis player, and a racist and a homophobe. Her vitriol is not just an opinion. She is actively trying to keep LGBT people from getting equal rights (note to Court: we are human beings, too)."

Andy Murray stirs the pot on the possibility of boycotting Margaret Court Arena: "So I think if ... the players come to an agreement, if they think the name should be changed or whatever, that should be decided before the event ... but, yeah, I would imagine a lot of the players would be pretty offended by that. So, yeah, we'll see what happens."

Samantha Stosur weighs in on a possible boycott: "I guess we'll cross that bridge when we all get down to the Australian Open next year and [see] who wants to play on Margaret Court Arena and who doesn't, and we'll go from there."

Court, on moves to change the name of Margaret Court Arena: "I think it's very sad that they're bringing my tennis into it. This is why I say it's becoming a bullying from the homosexual gay side of people."

Ms Court claiming Navratilova and Dellacqua are trying to bully her: "Casey has never won a grand slam. I won 24." (I know.)

Aaron Woods on what Origin means to his generation: "I don't know what you're trying to say with the hate or you want someone to come out with a big quote or something? It's different. You haven't got those players who are going to come out and say those things any more. For 80 minutes, we hate them, but at the end of the game we'll shake their hands and if they want to have a beer after the game, we'll have a beer with them."

Nick Kyrgios channels Perry Mason at the French Open as he argues with the umpire: "If I was speeding and you don't catch me, where is the evidence?" And if I ran over Schroeder's cat, while speeding, but no one saw me, would I still be guilty?

Matt Cleary, live-blogging in Origin, for Inside Sport: "Fifita! He beats many men. He's hard to tackle. There's so much of him and it can move like a huge fat eel."

Josh Dugan on joining the Sharks: "Everyone talks about loyalty but at the end of the day loyalty won't pay the bills when you're 40."

Tiger Woods has a go at a police sobriety test, while under the influence: " Y ... N ... Z."

CNN analyst on Tiger Woods: "The fall from grace is just stunning and I can't even believe we're discussing this."

Sorry sight: Tiger Woods is placed under arrest.

Sorry sight: Tiger Woods is placed under arrest.

Team of week

Andrew Fifita. Man of the match in the State of Origin.

NSW. Terrific game and wonderful win, 28-bugger-all!

GWS. They are the real deal.

Auckland Blues. The New Zealand Super Rugby side with the least amount of points have significantly more than the top-ranked Australian side, the Brumbies.

Alison Sharpe. The Australian croquet player and Lower North Shore resident is the No.1-ranked female player in the world.

Socceroos. Nothing but a win against Saudi Arabia next week in Adelaide will do.

Angelique Kerber. Heavy is the crown. First top seed to lose in the first round of the French Open.

Greyhound Buses. Turns out that, just like Qantas and Virgin, they have a corporate policy of supporting same-sex marriage, too. Where to, now, for Ms Court?

Norths Rugby Club. Don't miss their big rugby lunch at Dockside, Cockle Bay, June 16. Google and go-go.

Tiger Woods. Bloody hell. Tough week. Arrested for DUI, with the only question being what exactly he was under the influence of.

Macquarie Uni Rugby Club. Celebrate their 50th anniversary, with a big dinner at Golden Century restaurant on June 16. Call Mudguts, or Blackhead, and sort tickets, OK, or get them at the door on the night!

Twitter: @Peter_Fitz


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