July 1, 2017

JUNE 10 ALERT! No Platform for Fascism: Noise-Demo against Hate! (NYC)

June 10, 2017 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Foley Square
111 Worth Street
111 Worth St, New York, NY 10013
Join us to make noise and drown out hate at Foley Square! Bring noisemakers of all kinds!

Bigots, Racists, Fascists out of NYC!

America’s proto-fascists have issued a national call for a “March against Sharia” on June 10th. In NYC, this thinly veiled racist rally will be taking place at Foley Square from 10AM – 2PM featuring such infamous bigots as Gavin McInnes of the Proud Boys and Frank Morganthaler of the Oathkeepers. We at the Metropolitan Anarchist Coordinating Council (MACC) are taking this opportunity to announce a new campaign, No Platform for Fascism, which will seek not only to confront far-right organizations in the streets but will also pressure businesses like Squarespace that give them a mouthpiece and profit off of their hateful ideologies. We call on all of those in the broader anti-fascist movement to join us as we inaugurate this campaign with a counter-noise demonstration at Foley Square starting at 10 AM. We encourage all organizations allied with immigrants and the oppressed to use this campaign and to call their own parallel events. Together we can shut it down and show that racist movements have no place in our city!

To be clear, this rally for Christian supremacy has nothing to do with the First Amendment and everything to do with promoting terrorism against minorities. In the last week two people lost their lives in Portland (Ricky Best and Taliesin Namkai-Meche), knifed to death after attempting to defend a Muslim woman from a known white supremacist spewing hate speech on the light-rail. This isn’t an isolated event. America’s own law enforcement organs state that the vast majority of fatal attacks on U.S. soil are carried out by white supremacists. We at MACC believe that the atmosphere of fear that the Trump administration and the far-right are cultivating in marginalized communities is an extreme form of a systemic violence that has long existed in the United States – precisely calibrated to deny these communities anything like “free speech” or a voice in the public sphere.

How can you expect the Muslim community to engage in dialogue, if being visible means the constant threat of attack, murder, deportation, or imprisonment? And how can the Islamophobic movement wrap themselves in the mantle of free speech and women’s rights when they recently beat a young woman at their rally at CUNY, where they were trying to prevent a moderate Muslim leader from speaking?

The anarchist and anti-fascist movement understands that we must fight both neoliberal terror and fascist terror wherever it arises if we are to create a new radically democratic and radically pluralistic society. A society in which all voices have a say in their political lives.

Anti-fascists to the streets June 10th! No Platform for Fascism!

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