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Why Is Trudeau Blowing His Chance to Curb Dangerous, Climate-Warming Methane?

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau


The facts and solutions are readily available, but our pipeline-loving PM stalls. Read more »

By Andrew Nikiforuk, Today



In BC, Climate Determination Can Trump Defeat

A certain president may not get it, but most British Columbians do.

By Guy Dauncey, Today



UN Renews Call for Site C Review to Protect National Park

Meanwhile, Clark claims delaying the dam a year could cost $600 million.

By Andrew Nikiforuk, Yesterday



Canada’s Tax System Is Still Subsidizing the Ultra Rich

Costly loopholes continue to benefit the one per cent, but little is done.

By Dennis Howlett, Yesterday

Recent Stories


Rental apartment

Four Ways to Fill the Rental Housing Gap

Tap foreign capital, maintain aging apartments, tax windfall housing profits and zone for rentals.

By Christopher Pollon, Yesterday



First Responders Reflect on Opioid Crisis: ‘You See Your Efforts Going in Vain’

Huge increase in overdoses puts BC’s firefighters and paramedics under ‘dramatic stress.’

By Crawford Kilian, Yesterday



Government Silent on BC School, Teachers Caught in Qatar Crisis

Five weeks after election, officials still refusing comment on issues; gag goes too far, say critics.

By Katie Hyslop, Yesterday


John Horgan

Why a BC NDP-Green Government Will Last Longer than Pundits Think

Predictions of doom, trickery and legislative stalemate are all wrong.

By Bill Tieleman, Yesterday


British police officer

Enough Really Is Enough: Let’s Put Terrorism in Perspective

Countless deaths, like those of kids overseas, barely register, overshadowed by relatively rare acts of hate.

By Crawford Kilian, 5 Jun 2017



She Survived BC’s Overdose Crisis, but 49 Friends Did Not

After a long battle with addiction, Jolene Greyeyes found a way out. But the mourning doesn’t stop.

By Jackie Wong, 5 Jun 2017



Options Needed for BC Gamblers with Mental Health Challenges, Says Human Rights Complaint

Lora Bertuccio, who has bipolar disorder, says complaint is ‘about accommodation.’

By Andrew MacLeod, 5 Jun 2017



NDP to Raise Concerns with Elections BC about ‘Mishandled’ Ballots

Chief electoral officer says issue in Richmond-Queensborough district was addressed.

By Andrew MacLeod, 5 Jun 2017


Wonder Woman

Give Us a Real Wonder Woman!

New blockbuster version has her charms, but lacks the powerful punch today’s superheroines really need.

By Dorothy Woodend, 2 Jun 2017



Horgan to Hydro: Don’t Sign New Site C Contracts or Evict Residents

Moving forward on project ‘unreasonable’ given possible government change, says NDP leader.

By Emma Gilchrist, 2 Jun 2017



In Canada, Luxury Retailers Rule as Inequality Rises

Sears struggles, Holt Renfrew thrives as rich get richer and the rest fall behind.

By Geoff Dembicki, 2 Jun 2017


China’s foreign minister, Wang Yi

Is a ‘Progressive’ Trade Deal Possible with China?

Trudeau’s in pursuit of a bilateral pact. We think there’s a better way for Canadian workers.

By Scott Sinclair and Stuart Trew, 2 Jun 2017


Trump climate announcement

Can Trump Make Trudeau Put His Money Where His Mouth Is?

The president’s move gives our prime minister a chance to walk the walk on climate.

By Crawford Kilian, 2 Jun 2017


Celebrating people power

The Big Winner in BC’s Election? Citizens

Liberals federally and provincially the losers; Greens, NDP, MLAs and public share victory.

By Paul Willcocks, 1 Jun 2017



Four Principles that Can End Chronic Homelessness

Evidence from the US shows that everyone can be housed with a smart, effective approach.

By Stefania Seccia, 1 Jun 2017


'Game of Thrones'

Please Advise! What Madness Lies Ahead for BC’s Legislature?

Look to ‘Game of Thrones’ for answers, says spin doctor Steve.

By Steve Burgess, 1 Jun 2017


Kinder Morgan protester

Ottawa and Alberta Warned to Tone Down Pipeline Rhetoric

Keep pushing British Columbia and you’ll receive an unpleasant response, say political veterans.

By Jeremy J. Nuttall, 31 May 2017



Forget Any Economic Windfall from Kinder Morgan, Analyst Says

In damning report, David Hughes challenges claims that Trans Mountain will boost Canada’s oil prices.

By Andrew Nikiforuk, 31 May 2017



How Putin Has Already Won a Stealth World War

With the US captured — or undermined — Canada and Europe face a new world order.

By Crawford Kilian, 31 May 2017


Weaver and Horgan handshake

NDP and Greens Promise Electoral Reform Referendum, Big Money Ban and Higher Carbon Tax

Agreement details how parties will cooperate.

By Andrew MacLeod, 30 May 2017


Premier Christy Clark

Christy Clark to Recall Legislature, Expects to Be Defeated

Liberal leader says her party has a ‘duty to meet the house and test its confidence.’

By Jeremy J. Nuttall, 30 May 2017


Andrew Weaver and John Horgan

BC’s Tense Election Showdown Reaches Its Rightful Conclusion

Green-NDP alliance was the likeliest possibility all along. Now, Clark’s future is in peril.

By Bill Tieleman, 30 May 2017


Viral video of girl being grabbed on Steveston wharf

Grabby the Sea Lion Should Inspire New Tourism Campaigns

‘Come to the West Coast... if you dare’ beats ‘Beautiful BC’ as a marketing slogan.

By Shannon Rupp, 30 May 2017



NDP Leadership Hopefuls Debate the Scheer Challenge

New candidates Stogran, Singh add life to leadership race.

By Jeremy J. Nuttall, 29 May 2017


John Horgan and Andrew Weaver handshake

Greens and NDP Agree to End Liberal Era

Christy Clark says her caucus will ‘carefully consider our next steps.’

By Andrew MacLeod, 29 May 2017


Green leader Elizabeth May

Greens’ New Influence Changes Game for Trudeau Liberals, Says May

No matter who forms government, Ottawa will face pressure on pipelines, LNG, climate, says federal Green leader.

By Jeremy J. Nuttall, 29 May 2017

She Survived BC’s Overdose Crisis, but 49 Friends Did Not

After a long battle with addiction, Jolene Greyeyes found a way out. But the mourning doesn’t stop.

By Jackie Wong


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