Dan Weiss - Sixteen:Drummers Suite

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About Pi Recordings

Pi Recordings is a New York-based record label dedicated to releasing innovative music by artists with unique and defining voices. Founded in 2001 with the release of two recordings of new music by Henry Threadgill, we have since been fortunate to work with some of the most influential composers and musicians in American music such as Muhal Richard Abrams, Roscoe Mitchell, The Art Ensemble of Chicago, Wadada Leo Smith, Anthony Braxton, Leroy Jenkins, James Blood Ulmer and Marc Ribot. At the same time, we are helping to nurture the voice of the best of this century’s young musicians. Artists like Vijay Iyer, Rudresh Mahanthappa, Liberty Ellman, Steve Lehman, Amir ElSaffar, and Corey Wilkes have all released CDs on Pi Recordings that document their growth as composers, improvisers and bandleaders.

We spotlight composers, improvisers and bandleaders who are pushing music in new, groundbreaking ways. Jazz artists have never had a wider musical palette at their disposal than now, and they are using it to create music that is more varied, profound and vibrant than ever before. Pi Recordings is here to capture what we recognize as the high points of these developments. The best of the best.

–Seth Rosner and Yulun Wang

Read a New York Times interview with Pi Recordings’ producers Seth Rosner and Yulun Wang here: Despite the Odds, a Jazz Label Finds a Way to Thrive.

Latest News

Finlayson in the news, Lehman and Threadgill at Big Ears and new Vinyl for sale

Last week, Jonathan FinlaysonÂ’s album “Moving Still” was featured on All About Jazz. The review calls Finlayson an “In demand” trumpeter who is “laying a foundation of top-tier groundwork in recordings with Steve Coleman on all of the uncompromising composer’s Five Elements albums since 2002.”

“His expertise at creating atmosphere through texture and color gives each of the pieces on Moving Still a bold, energetic feel without being exaggerated.” - Karl Ackermann at AllAboutJazz.com

Read more HERE

In festival news, Steve Lehman and Henry Threadgill have been booked to perform at The Big Ears festival 2017 in Knoxville, TN.

See the entire festival line up HERE

Finally, Henry ThreadgillÂ’s Pulitzer Prize winning “In for a Penny, In for a Pound” is available on 2LP vinyl. It is in stock and ready to ship! It can be ordered HERE

Jen Shyu and Steve Coleman at the Stone

For our listeners in New York City, Jen Shyu is finishing up her run at The Stone with a different group of musicians each night. She will be performing every night through August 14th with sets at 8 and 10pm.

Also, starting on August 30th Steve Coleman will be celebrating his 60th birthday with a month of performances at the Stone. He will be playing in multiple groups, with a high potential for new music.

Early Press for Selebeyone

Steve Lehman’s invigorating new recording Sélébéyone is receiving some fantastic pre-release press.

“If this is the direction jazz is heading, Lehman, as usual, is miles ahead.”-Downbeat

“Jazz purists, and even some more exploratory listeners, may have to open their ears a bit wider with SĂ©lĂ©bĂ©yone, but it will prove well worth it.”- All About Jazz’s Karl Ackerman

“Like all titanic hip-hop and jazz records theirs contains much to consider, lessons to be learned, poetry to contemplate, and new cultures to absorb.”- All About Jazz’s Mark Corroto

Sélébéyone is available for pre-order on bandcamp

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