In both 2015, as well as 2016, “Crazy/Stupid Republican of the Day” published profiles of Mike Ritze, who we highlighted for his sponsorship of Oklahoma’s HB 1330 law, which allowed the presentation of religious monuments on state grounds. Now, while...
by republicinsanity
0 Recs
Greetings Village peeps! It's Day 118 of the Resistance and another Get Over the Hump post and discussion thread for your reading, viewing and commenting enjoyment.
WTFJH Yesterday... Undercut.
by MomentaryGrace
0 Recs
C’mon, blabbermouth! Where's the early morning tweetstorm? Cat got yer finger?
Nothing to say about Comey’s “note to self” outlining your request to shut down a federal investigation help out a friend? C’mon, tough guy! Where are the tweets?
by Bob Johnson
3 Recs
Leading Off
● MN-03 : On Tuesday, wealthy and prominent businessman Dean Phillips became the first noteworthy Democrat to launch a campaign against GOP Rep. Erik Paulsen in the suburban-...
by Daily Kos Elections
0 Recs
So does this mean that the Russians “tapp” recorded their WH conversation with Agent Orange. And why did the WH bar media from that meeting.
by annieli
3 Recs
Everybody seems to forget the definition of abortion. To abort something is to stop an action after it has already commenced and before that action reaches its natural or intended conclusion. It would be great if our politicians remembered that.
by nonbeck
0 Recs
Oops Trum's kingdom is falling a apart. I wonder why ?? May be Trump must have done something very very bad to millions in his past life. That's what I call bad Karma. What goes around what comes around. Everyone is responsible for his own actions....
by Happyhollow
1 Recs
In WAYR? , I note what I’m reading and comment...you note what you are reading and comment. Occasionally, I may add a section or a link related to books.
So now that so many of my evenings seem ...
by Chitown Kev
9 Recs
Mental health is a challenging issue; what are the warning signs when someone is in need of an intervention lest they do harm to themselves and others? Kevin Drum has news we all can use.
Do you have a friend or relative who's having a lot more...
by xaxnar
3 Recs
Mitch McTurtle may have gotten a little too cute this time. Yesterday, the odious Majority Leader praised American Hero Merrick Garland and recommended him to be the next FBI Director. We should ...
by bktzoo
0 Recs
If it is indisputably discovered that the Trump Campaign colluded or collaborated (or whatever the case may be) with the Russian Government to interfere with our normal democratic practices to ...
by Far Left and PhD Bound
2 Recs
Back when the Celtic Lassie was in elementary school, she attended the Morrison School in Bristol, Virginia . Every day, the drive to school was an adventure. It took us past the Bristol Motor ...
by Otteray Scribe
12 Recs
Hillary Clinton on Monday launched her new political group known as Onward Together. It is a nonprofit group that is “dedicated to advancing the progressive vision that earned nearly 66 million votes in the last election”.
The members of the group...
by Lancelot Tucker
4 Recs
Hope is to the Resistance as Oxygen is to a Fire
Wow! We are living through historic times here. We have been waiting for months for the things we all knew to be true about 45 to start to come out in the main stream media and they finally are!...
by GoodNewsRoundup
8 Recs
Soulless capitalists or the Wolves of Willy Loman … Josh Marshall at TPM describes the capitalist codependency of Trumpery. A bureaucratic department of socio-pathology. Nixonian echos abound...
This is one way to destroy the administrative state...
by annieli
10 Recs
Mojo Friday’s Weekly Open Thread
This is a diary for those who continue to participate in the Mojo Friday diary throughout the week.
You are welcome to join us.
by bsegel
2 Recs
They should be. No joke. Why? Last year we learned:
Democrats are trading on social progress to advance moderate GOP policy while Republicans trade on social regression to advance more extreme economic policy.
There are two parties and three...
by potatohead
3 Recs
Recently a report was circulated stating that in 2015 and 2016, the vaping industry has seen a rise in its users over those of cannabis supporters. The report went on to state that the increase took place by 400%. This is a 6% increase since December...
by Lancelot Tucker
1 Recs
How often do we see both the Courts and citizens urging the Legislature to change the law?
In 2010, after the SBX 211 was held to be an interim measure to address the unconstitutionality of the “local judicial benefits” paid by counties and...
by Richard Fine
0 Recs
Submitted without comment
by voracious
10 Recs