T. Sends His Thanks!


You’ll recall that a little while ago we heard about T., an antifascist in Toronto that had bizarrely been charged by the cops after he was assaulted by an Islamophobe.  Of course, we sent him some money to help with his legal defence and mitigate the losses he’s incurred as a result of being charged.

T. was nice enough to send us a thank-you note.  If you’ve made a donation to The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund, this is for you:

“On March 4th, I was falsely accused of assaulting a hateful bigot who stood shoulder to shoulder with members nearly every white supremacist, Islamophobic, and xenophobic organization in Southern Ontario in an attempt to garner support for their bilious politics. As a lifelong Toronto boy, I have a deep love for all the people of this wonderful city, no matter where they come from, and it makes me sad and upset that bigots exist who seek to demonize and exclude people based on their culture or beliefs.

The racists were heavily outnumbered by the good people of this proudly diverse city, but that didn’t stop them from behaving aggressively. I did not hit, punch, or otherwise assault the man who was able to press charges against me, but due to the byzantine workings of our city’s backlogged criminal justice system I have been slotted into what will likely be a year-long process of hearings, meetings with lawyers, and potentially a trial. The missed days of work for attending court and legal fees have put me in an even more precarious position than is the norm for a young working class person, and I cannot express enough how relieved I was to learn of the International Antifascist Defense Fund and receive financial assistance for my case. 
It is imperative that racists and their ilk be prevented from growing as a force in society. But, as we confront them it is equally imperative that we build up networks of solidarity and mutual aid that will help us measure up to the challenges of the day.   The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund has been tremendously supportive to me, and I sincerely thank all the comrades worldwide who help sustain the Defense Fund. Solidarity is our best weapon, and our best defense. No pasaran!

Contributing to The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund enables us to help T. and the dozens and dozens of other anti-fascists and anti-racists we’ve supported over the last two years.  We can only continue to do this with your support.  Please make a donation today.


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