

Another week at The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund = another round of tough decisions for our 380+ member Decisions Crew to make.  You’ve already read about us pitching in to help out our friends in Berkeley; now we’re reporting on the two other requests for help we reached decisions about this week.

No – while we whole-heartedly support Black Lives Matter activist Muhiyidin’s amazing leap & snatch maneuver when confronted by two racist trolls and their oversized confederate flag,  we decided to not contribute to his legal defence fund for the sole reason that his crowdfunding page had maxed out while we were discussing the request.  In the end, we felt like it was more important to save the money that’s been donated to the Defence Fund to help other anti-fascists that don’t have the kind of support that Muhiyidin clearly has.  Which segues nicely into…

Yes –  Taras is a well-known anarchist and anti-fascist in Kiev, Ukraine.  In a situation eerily-reminiscent of what happened to Jock Palfreeman in Bulgaria, Taras encountered a mob of racist Right Sector/Azov Battalion goons harassing and threatening a group of foreign tourists.  After intervening to protect the foreigners, Taras was attacked and badly injured, nearly losing one of his fingers.  Literally adding insult to injury, the Kiev cops wound up charging only Taras, for allegedly stabbing one of the 20-30 boneheads that attacked him.

While there are both American and European crowdfunding pages up for Taras, neither had come anywhere near to reaching their goals when we stepped in to contribute to helping him.  Forza, Taras – we stand with you!

If you’re keeping track, you’ll note that in just the last six weeks the Defence Fund has donated more than $7000USD to anti-fascists and anti-racists in four different countries because they needed our help.  If our support continues to be needed at the same rate, we’ll be broke and unable to help anyone before June.  Please, if you’re considering making a donation to the Defence Fund, your help is needed now more than ever!  Show that international anti-fascist solidarity means something – donate today!


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