Good On Us From Australia!

35acf1bd00000578-3660423-over_100_anti_racism_protesters_pictured_rallied_outside_state_p-a-17_1466915984474It’s not obligatory for anti-fascists to thank us for having their backs when they run into trouble, but it’s always nice to hear that our efforts + the efforts of everyone supporting them are appreciated!  So we were well-pleased to wake up to this message from our friend in the Campaign Against Racism and Fascism, whose absurd court fine we helped pay off last week:

“As many other activists know, it is not easy to confront the far right and fascists on the streets.

The threat of violence from them, their supporters, and often from the police as well, is always present.

You keep going because you know from history that you need to directly stop these fascist groups from organising when they are small.

If they manage to grow, their ability to use violence will also increase, with devastating effects on all of us.

You keep going because of the solidarity and comradeship with your fellow sisters and brothers who attend the meetings, go out in public to advocate and publicise, and who stand shoulder to shoulder with you on the streets confronting the fascists.

You keep going because you know that if you get hurt, if you get targeted, if you get arrested, if you get fined, there are people out there who recognise and respect your efforts and sacrifices. They will pick you up, support and stand in solidarity when you need it.

This is why I keep going.

I deeply appreciate and thank all the people who showed support for the fight and donated money.

In solidarity and struggle to all anti fascists around the world.”

Well put, mate; we could not agree more!

If you’ve made a donation to The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund then you helped pay off our friend’s fine and undo the injustice done to them, so pat yourself on the back!  If you haven’t made a donation to The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund, isn’t it time you did?


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