Yvette Says Thanks!


You’ll recall last week The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund sent some material aid to Yvette Felarca – one of the heroes of the confrontation with racist terrorists in Sacramento this past June who is now fighting to keep her job as a school teacher after her employer capitulated to a witch hunt run by those same bigots.

Yvette was nice enough to send us a thank-you note, which we are happy to share here with the hundreds of anti-fascists who have donated to the Defence Fund, making it possible for us to help Yvette directly:

I have a hard time finding the words to express the gratitude that I feel toward the sisters and brothers in the International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund. As soon as word got out about my discipline by BUSD in retaliation for my participation in the anti-Nazi/KKK protest in Sacramento, they contacted me virtually the next day and offered support. They generously donated their hard-earned money toward helping me recoup my lost wages and pay for my legal expenses. Now, they’ve started this crowdfunding page to help me reach my goal of $10,000 to pay for my state and federal lawsuit against BUSD. Let’s make sure that I and other teachers and students get justice. No one should face attack by their employer for standing up to nazis and the KKK. Thank you, again, from the bottom of my heart. Si se puede!

Yvette is still fighting for her reinstatement at work – if you’d like to help her in her struggle, we are running a limited-time crowdfunding campaign with her consent that you can contribute to & share.  As always, if you’d like to help other anti-fascists and anti-racists when they run into trouble, you can’t go wrong donating to the Defence Fund!


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