Renzo Novatore: The Revolt of the Unique

To comrade Carlo Molaschi with strength of mind and serenity of thought.


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The Russian Revolution Unfinished

“Whether one chooses to examine the opening phases of the French Revolution of 1789, the revolutions of 1848, the Paris Commune, the 1905 revolution in Russia, the overthrow of the Tsar in 1917, the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, the French general strike of 1968, the opening stages are generally the same: a period of ferment that explodes spontaneously into a mass upsurge.”

—Murray Bookchin, “Myth of the Party: Bolshevik Mystification and Counter-Revolution,” Fifth Estate #272, May 1976 and in our anti-Marx issue, #393, Spring 2015.


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Clement Duval: Defense Speech

We republish Defense Speech by Clement Duval. This essay is also known as “I am The Enemy of Individual Property.” Taken from “Illegalist Trial Statements” available via Little Black Cart.


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#Squat #Euskadi: Let’s Defend #Errekaleor!

On the 18th of May, employees of the electricity company Iberdrola came to cut of electricity to the squatted Errekaleor neighbourhood in Gasteiz (In Spanish; Vitoria), Euskadi. The employees were accompanied by dozens of riot cops. This could well be the start of a campaign to evict the squats in Errekaleor. After the action a wave of solidarity started. On the third of June there will be a demo in Gasteiz.


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The Deportation Machine Case: Trial Date Set for 4 Comrades

After seven and a half years of pre-trial hearings and thousands of pages of disclosure, after fifteen people had their homes searched, were arrested, followed, eavesdropped on, filmed, interrogated, incarcerated, placed on house arrest, and kept under various bail conditions for seven years, the state and the justice system will finally take only four people to trial on June 23 2017 in Paris. The most serious charges served only to justify the intensity of the repression, since they were dropped, leaving only the more limited charges (graffiti, light property destruction, refusing to give DNA and personal information, etc). Let’s take this occasion to all show our solidarity against borders and against all forms of imprisonment, while refusing the categories of “guilty” and “innocent” imposed by the powerful and while rejecting the Justice system.


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#Berlin: Defend #Friedel54 – Eviction Alert June 29

After months of threats, the eviction date for the Friedel 54 community space in Neukoelln has officially been set. On the 29th of June a Bailiff will violently enforce the new property-rights claim of the Pinehill S.à.r.l. . We expect heavy police presence on the day of the eviction. 


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#Antifa: Community Defence to Stop the EDL in #Liverpool June 3rd

No doubt inspired by the amazingly warm welcome fascists have always received from Scousers, The EDL are planning to have  a march in Liverpool on Saturday June 3rd. AFN groups and anti-fascists from around the country will be mobilising to support locals to tell the EDL where to go.


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#Nürnberg: Cops Attacked Students Who Tried To Stop a Deportation

In Nürnberg, Germany cops attacked school kids who tried to prevent a deportation after cops dragged a 20 year old Afghan student out of their school.


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Report on Projection at #Oakland Coliseum

Don the Con has admitted to obstructing justice, and he should be impeached. We tried to project just that on a billboard next to Oracle Coliseum, after a Warriors game (victory!). IMPEACH didn’t fit the sign as well as Fuck Trump. As fireworks went up so did the chant, “Fuck Trump! Fuck Trump!”


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#NoG20 Info Nights in #Appelscha, #Amsterdam, The Hague & #Utrecht

The G20 summit is coming closer and closer. From the 4th until the 7th  of June there will be several info meetings in the Netherlands.


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