Cory Booker is pictured. | AP Photo

Booker had the support of 52 percent of those Democrats surveyed in the poll. | REUTERS

Poll: Booker way ahead in N.J.

Newark Mayor Cory Booker is blowing away the rest of the field in the Democratic primary for New Jersey’s Senate seat, according to a new poll on Tuesday.

Booker had the support of 52 percent of those Democrats surveyed in the Quinnipiac poll, compared with 10 percent for Rep. Frank Pallone, who on Monday got the endorsement of the late Sen. Frank Lautenberg’s family.

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The other candidates in the race were in single digits: Rep. Rush Holt was supported by 8 percent and Assembly Speaker Sheila Oliver got 3 percent.

( QUIZ: Do you know Cory Booker?)

Booker also topped potential Republican challengers. Asked about the general election, voters chose Booker over former Bogota, N.J., Mayor Steve Lonegan 50 percent to 30 percent. Pallone topped Lonegan 38 percent to 34 percent, according to Quinnipiac.

Holt led Lonegan by 1 percentage point, and Oliver fell behind Lonegan by 2 percentage points.

Quinnipiac surveyed 1,068 New Jersey voters by phone from July 2-7 for the poll, which has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points. For the Democratic primary, 400 registered Democrats were polled with a margin of error of plus or minus 4.9 percentage points.

Tal Kopan