Trump Ally Roger Stone On Media Figures: "Muff-Diver," "Elitist C*nt," "Professional Negro," "DIE BITCH"

Trump Ally Roger Stone On Media Figures: "Muff-Diver," "Elitist C*nt," "Professional Negro," "DIE BITCH"

Blog ››› ››› ERIC HANANOKI

Donald Trump ally Roger Stone, who was recently banned from CNN for crude attacks on its staff, has tweeted sexist and racist attacks against other members of the media, according to a Media Matters review.

Stone is a notorious "dirty trickster" who recently co-authored The Clintons' War on Women. The 2015 book is dedicated to -- and cites research from -- a Holocaust denier who blames a "Jewish plot" for the 9/11 attacks. Stone's history includes forming an anti-Hillary Clinton group named "C.U.N.T." during the 2008 election.

Stone worked for Trump's presidential campaign last year and is now organizing against Clinton's campaign again. He is a frequent presence in the media because of his long ties to Trump; their friendship and professional relationship goes back decades.  

As Media Matters previously documented, Stone has written disgusting tweets against people who work for CNN and Fox News. He's called employees at those networks an "arrogant know-it-all negro," a "stupid negro," a "fat negro," a "Mandingo," and "quota hires." He told Fox News contributor Charles Krauthammer -- who was paralyzed in a diving accident when he was in medical school -- to "stand the fuck up," and said Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly has a "nice set of cans." 

CNN banned Stone from appearing on its airwaves as a result of his tweets. Stone is also a regular guest on Fox News and Fox Business; Fox has not commented on whether it plans to continue hosting him despite his anti-Fox diatribes.

Stone defended his behavior in a statement to Politico, claiming that he is "politically incorrect." FishbowlDC explains Stone is apparently using that phrase as shorthand for "the ability to use hateful words and phrases without having to deal [with] any attendant consequences."

Media Matters president Bradley Beychok has called on networks to follow CNN's lead and "keep this notoriously controversial figure off of their airwaves moving forward."

In addition to targeting employees at Fox and CNN, Stone has fired off sexist and racist tweets against numerous media figures. Stone wrote that New York Times columnist Gail Collins is an "elitist c*nt," MSNBC host Al Sharpton is a "professional negro" who ate fried chicken, NBC's Tom Brokaw is "senile," and MSNBC host Rachel Maddow is "Rachel the muff-diver." He also tweeted "DIE BITCH" at former New York Times executive editor Jill Abramson, wondered "Which female Politico Reporter goes commando regularly," and twice offered a cash reward to anyone who "punches out" MSNBC host Chris Matthews.

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Gender, Race & Ethnicity
Donald Trump, Roger Stone
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