WA News


WA's 'Spud King' admits contempt of court over potato regulations

Perth's "Spud King" Tony Galati has pleaded guilty to a contempt of court charge after growing more potatoes than he was allowed to under a 2015 Supreme Court injunction.

The maverick Spud Shed franchise owner has fought fiercely for potato market deregulation for the past two decades.

The Potato Marketing Corporation, which regulated a 1946 act determining who could grow potatoes, what varieties could be grown and how many could be planted, was abolished last year but the then-Liberal state government continued civil action against Mr Galati.

The action was dropped by WA's new Labor government, with Premier Mark McGowan telling parliament in May "the old system was flawed and stupid".

But Mr Galati still faces a hefty legal costs bill and a penalty that is yet to be determined by Supreme Court of WA Justice Paul Tottle, who is expected to reveal the sum in 10 to 14 days.