
Lavoro: un'introduzione

La breve introduzione di al lavoro, quello che pensiamo sia sbagliato e ciò che noi, come lavoratori, possiamo fare a questo proposito.

A organização anarqusita

Luigi Fabbri agitando por organização anarquista no primeiro Congresso Anarquista Italiano em Roma 1907.

Michael Bakunin - E. H. Carr

Though hostile, E. H. Carr's text on Bakunin (1937, republished with minor revisions in 1975) remains the standard biography of the man in the English language.

Statism and anarchy - Mikhail Bakunin

Containing his most fully-developed critique of Marx and his methods, Statism and Anarchy was Bakunin's only book-length publication in his lifetime.

On the abolition of all political parties - Simone Weil

Dissecting the dynamic of power and propaganda caused by party spirit, the increasing disregard for truth in favor of opinion, and the consequent corruption of education, journalism, and art, in “On the Abolition of All Political Parties,” Simone Weil forcefully makes the case that a true politics can only begin where party spirit ends.