Big Unknowns: is free will an illusion? – Science Weekly podcast

Free will has been debated by philosophers and theologians for centuries. Neuroscientists and psychologists have now entered the fray - but what new light can they shed? And just how free are we when it comes to “free” will?

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Arguably one of the oldest conundrums in the book, the paradox of free will has haunted scientists and philosophers alike for centuries. It would appear that we, as conscious agents, are able to make choices that change the world around us, despite many of the known laws of nature being deterministic. But is this freedom of choice all an illusion created by the conscious mind? And ultimately, is it even possible to act outside the bounds of our environment, our upbringing, and our genetic makeup?

To delve into this and more, Ian Sample speaks to neurophilosopher and pragmatist Professor Patricia Churchland – who believes the key to studying free will lies in self-control and intention. We also hear from the University of Ghent’s Dr Marcel Brass how science is attempting to reveal more about the nature of free will through experimentation. Finally, Yale University’s Adam Bear explains how the conscious mind might play a role in the illusory nature of decision-making.

Please note: Dan Wegner is wrongly attributed in the podcast as being affiliated with Pennsylvania State University. The correct affiliation is Harvard University, where he was a professor of psychology before his untimely death in 2013.