Daily Life


Woman's Day paid $2000 for information about Rebel Wilson, court told

An anonymous source, who claimed Rebel Wilson added a touch of "fantasy" to stories about her life in order to "make it in Hollywood", was paid $2000 for the information, a court has heard.

Wilson sobbed in the Supreme Court of Victoria on Tuesday as former Woman's Day writer Shari Nementzik denied doing a "hatchet job" on her reputation.

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Journalist testifies in Rebel Wilson trial

The author of a Woman's Day article stood in the dock today, giving evidence at Rebel Wilson's defamation trial. Vision courtesy Seven News Melbourne

Ms Nementzik rejected accusations from Wilson's lawyer, Matthew Collins QC, that she breached the journalistic code of ethics in writing the May 2015 article by leaving out relevant facts and not giving the Pitch Perfect star an opportunity to reply.

The court heard Ms Nementzik's source was paid $2000 for the information.

In her evidence on Monday Ms Nementzik told the court everyone knows tabloid magazines work on "cheque book journalism" in order to secure stories, and that her anonymous source was negotiating for payment between $2000 and $8000.

Wilson is suing Bauer, which also publishes Australian Women's Weekly, NW and OK magazine, for defamation for a series of articles she says damaged her career by portraying her as a serial liar about her real name, age and childhood.


Wilson says she has never lied to journalists, and claims fallout from the articles led to her being sacked from two DreamWorks animations and missing out on future lead roles.

Dr Collins accused Ms Nementzik of publishing information she knew was false from her source, which she denied, stating she didn't think her source was "completely unreliable".

Ms Nementzik denied the article - "Just who is the REAL Rebel" - was a mean story from a source "with an axe to grind" against the star.

"I was just doing my job," she told the court.

The court heard Woman's Day originally backed down on publishing the article some two years earlier because they they "just can't risk being sued".

However, they resurrected the idea in May 2015 during the release of Pitch Perfect 2 and after much further research, according to Ms Nementzik.

Dr Collins said she took erroneous information from her source and compiled pieces of information from other magazine articles in order to "do a hatchet job on Miss Wilson's reputation".

The case will continue on Wednesday with closing arguments.