NASAחשבון מאומת


Explore the universe and discover our home planet with . We usually post in EDT (UTC-4).

כאן מאז דצמבר 2007


חסמת את @NASA

האם אתה בטוח שאתה רוצה להציג את הציוצים האלה? הצגת הציוצים לא תגרום לשחרור של @NASA

  1. לפני 3 שעות

    Burn, baby, burn! We'll be studying how fire behaves in space onboard 's craft prior to reentry:

  2. לפני 4 שעות

    Gravity interferes w/ getting a good look through a microscope. A new microscope on will change that:

  3. לפני 4 שעות

    We’re announcing Wednesday…which means we’ll need more crew to support their work from the ground:

  4. לפני 6 שעות

    Ice loss from Thwaites Glacier may not be as rapid as we previously thought, says a new study. Learn more:

  5. צייץ מחדש
    לפני 13 שעות

    Follow us for updates as our III experiment ignites inside 's cargo spacecraft today!

  6. צייץ מחדש
    לפני 8 שעות

    III has fired up the test sample! This study helps us learn how fire affects spacecraft materials so we can protect astronauts

  7. צייץ מחדש
    לפני 8 שעות

    The 7th ring dive of our mission is in the books. More:

  8. לפני 7 שעות

    Ever wanted to be a fly on the wall? Our "Webb-cam" lets you! Keep an eye on as it all comes together:

  9. צייץ מחדש
    לפני 8 שעות

    Three more spins until we find out who will be part of the 2017 Astronaut Class!

  10. לפני 8 שעות

    Our optical experts are creating mirrors sensitive to the infrared, optical, and far-ultraviolet wavelength bands:

  11. לפני 9 שעות

    Bright areas in craters on the moon's south pole have been identified as cold enough to have frost:

  12. לפני 10 שעות

    Students captured this image of the Grand Canyon using the EarthKAM camera aboard . Details:

  13. לפני 11 שעות

    Scientists continue to study data from the mission. New findings help address vision issues in space:

  14. לפני 12 שעות

    . peels back layers of an ancient lake w/ varied environmental conditions from one part to another:

  15. צייץ מחדש
    לפני 15 שעות

    Godspeed & fair winds S.S. John Glenn. Huge thanks to & teams for critical science & supplies.

  16. לפני 13 שעות

    Jagged spikes & clashing colors…what does this image show? A distant galaxy about to pass behind a star:

  17. לפני 14 שעות

    The Space Network, which includes TDRS, is a communications system for all types of Earth-to-astronaut communication

  18. לפני 16 שעות

    .'s cargo spacecraft is released & has departed from the at 9:10am ET:

    Cygnus Departs Space Station
    Clip from NASA TV
  19. צייץ מחדש
    לפני 16 שעות

    We are GO for release of from at 9:10 a.m. EDT

  20. צייץ מחדש
    לפני 17 שעות

    On TV now, watch depart station for week of research before atmosphere entry June 11.

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    ייתכן שגם ימצא חן בעיניך
