squat pekarnia update 301003

Squat Pekarnia – alert of eviction!

28. of October 2003 police officers of Kirovskiy district raided the squat Pekarnia. The reason for cops to check the house was, that a day before one of the homeless people, who live at 2nd floor (the squat Pekarnia is located at the 3rd floor), fall out from the window and was taken to hospital because of severe head injury.

One day after the accident, when the cops came to the house, there where 2 people inside in Pekarnia. One of them was taken to police station as a captive, the other one was asked to find the people, who live permanently at the squat. Cops take sound system from Pekarnia to secure that the squatters show up at the police station until the evening.

In the evening some squatters went to the police station to free the squatter, who was catched, and also to get back the sound system. The squatters where first accused in “creating criminal surroundings”, and soon demanded to leave the house, because “the house is empty, and nobody should live there”. Cops gave the squatters one week (until 4th of November) to move away from the house or to show official documents from KUGI (City Comittee for Dealing with the State Property). About the right to use the house.

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House occupied in St. Petersburg, Russia!

Squat Pekarnja – House occupied in St. Petersburg, Russia! One floor of a three floors house at industrial region of St. Petersburg is occupied by anarchist and punk/HC scene activists. This floor was occupied already in the beginning of June by Petersburg anarcho-punk group Punk Revival and PLA, and from the beginning of October other anarchist and anti-authoritian activists join them and the squat project. Last week at the squat there were maid electricity and DIY heating systems, which is very important, as far as central heating and gas systems doesn’t work in that house.

The occipied house is called Pekarnja (Bakery), because there used to be bakery in that house. Now there is 4 people more or less permanently living at Pekarnja. Also it’s a free space for other anti-authoritarian people and groups to meet and hang around.

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Possible new anti-squat law in the Netherlands

Next tuesday the Dutch parliament will vote on a proposal to make squatting in the Netherlands more difficult. The proposal was made by Christian Democrat Ten Hoopen and is aimed against ‘criminal organisations who squat buildings to have parties’. Ten Hoopen proposed this to the parliament with a right wing majority after ten years of silence on the subject of squatting on national political level.

According to Ten Hoopen the squatters profit from free electricity and they make life more difficult for real estate owners. In an interview he said he wanted all squatting to be illegal. The next few days he got loads of counter arguments in the main stream media and it became clear he didn’t know what he was talking about. Even his colleage from the Christian Democrat party ‘CDA’ responsible for housing issues said he didn’t want to talk about making squatting in general illegal and preferred making plans against the housing shortage.

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Brussels: first squat opening of a week of pro-squat actions

Yesterday saw the first opening. About 150 people gathered and walked around, giving away newspapers in town towards the place and got in. Stuck themselves in with barricades and started the whole shit.

The building is an old chocolate factory with six floors right in the center of town. The kitchen started running, some people came and played music, the place was brushed and cleaned. Colours cover the walls. Banners were hung from the windows. A few habitations are being set up on the top floor.

The neighbors look quite happy, the police looks quite frustrated, passing by down the street and unable to do anything. A few lawyers are supporting us and working quite hard, as the last places were evicted illegally.

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Bologna, Italy : Queerizing Party at TPO social squat.

>> 08 november 2003 @ TPO – Bologna – Italy

QUEERIZING PARTY :::: Sexy_Shock_Antagonist_Shop Anniversary!!!

Pornflakes Queer Crew plus special guest* sleaze beat dj set: Dafne_Malatina_MarKorso_Pugsley, videomake-up, performance, exposition, off-fanzine…

SMfetishCyborgBiotechImagining&otherSide is good!

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Barcelona : Demonstr-action against speculation and against evictions.

Demonstr-action against speculation and against evictions

Nou Barris, Barcelona, 30th september 2003

Some 30 persons, from Can Masdeu and from the Miles de Viviendas collective, gathered on tueday 30th of september at 6pm, in the barrio Nou Barris in Barcelona, to denounce housing speculation and evictions. This demonstr-action was part of the Forthnights of action in support to the local okupas, threatened of eviction (Kasa de la Muntanya, l’Hamsa…). The program of the actions days invited everyone to go out for a tour of the empty houses in each district.

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Grenoble, France : A new anarchafeminist squat called “La Flibustière”


Since the octobre 2nd 2003, a new squat opened in Grenoble (France). This place is occuped by anarkafeminist women and lesbian. It’s a living and feminist activities house opening to all women (angry, shy, fast, straight, black, bi, ugly, white, trans, lesbian, pretty…).

We’ve got a lot of ideas: library, infoshop (brochures, keeper, freelax…), discussion and feminist action group, party, debate, workshop…

We really need your support!!!!! Come to visit us!!!!

For the beginning of the squat, we need people and help.

Our adress: La Flibustière, 17, rue des Charmettes, 38600 Fontaine, france

Phone: 0033-06 62 82 74 02

Or contact us by e-mail laflibustiere@@@no-log.org.