NDP policy manual removed from party's website because it "is not the platform": NDP advisor

NDP Leader Tom Mulcair smiles while campaigning in Stratford, Ont., on Wednesday, August 26, 2015. Frank Gunn / The Canadian Press

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The NDP has removed a detailed policy book from its main website that spells out the party’s beliefs on a wide range of issues and it now says voters should look to another document — a yet-to-be released campaign platform — for an idea of what Tom Mulcair would do as prime minister.

The party’s 29-page policy document reflects resolutions passed by the grassroots members at past conventions.

It includes dozens of proposals for policies, legislation and spending on issues such as climate change, foreign investment, energy, employment insurance, privatization of the public sector,  post-secondary education, gun control, abortion, protection of gays and lesbians, the Middle East and the role of the military.

However, a party spokesman said that just as the Conservative and Liberal leaders aren’t bound by the policy resolutions of their own members, Mulcair is not obliged to campaign on everything his grassroots put in their policy booklet.

“The policy document is not the platform,” senior NDP campaign advisor Brad Lavigne said in an interview.

“The policy document is an expression of the will of the delegates at our convention.”

The party’s policy book was on the NDP’s main website until mid-July, when Lavigne said it was removed because a campaign was in the offing and the party wanted to put the focus on the election.

“The policy document gives the average Canadian a sense of what our value systems are, what our belief systems are. But they’re not a prescription, per se, of what the next government would necessarily do. That’s in the platform.”

Lavigne said the platform has been created with “input” from the party, caucus and leader, and added that affordability is one factor behind promises being made.

He said that “in the modern era,” the platform is based on “financial considerations” that will face the next government.

“The obligation of the campaign is to rank the priorities of all that it wishes to achieve. You have to boil down what it is that is achievable and what it is that you can do in a mandate.

“Platforms have to be embedded in the realities of the current state of finances as well as the current needs of the country. Whereas policy booklets from a convention are an overall expression of overall objectives and values.”

Elements of the NDP platform are gradually being rolled out and the full plan won’t be released until later in the campaign, said Lavigne.

“We’ll have plenty to say about much of what we want to place as our top priorities if elected government. The guiding document that does that is the platform.”

For the first time in the party’s history, the NDP is in contention in this campaign to emerge as the victor. As part of its strategy to attract new voters, the party is adopting a cautious approach to counter criticisms that the NDP would spend recklessly.

So far, the party is keeping its campaign promises to a handful of themes. Six of those themes — jobs, childcare, environment, communities, retirement security and health care — are now highlighted on the website.

Moreover, this week Mulcair pledged that the NDP would not run a deficit — a commitment that has drawn criticism from the Liberals who accuse the New Democrats of planning to govern with austerity.

On Wednesday in London, Ont., Mulcair rejected the criticism.

“We’re going to have a fully-costed program that will be released during the course of the campaign,” Mulcair told reporters.

“We’re always going to show where the money is going to come from.”

Among the major promises made so far are a national child care program, a $15-minimum wage for workers in federally regulated sectors, and an increase to the Guaranteed Income Supplement paid to seniors.




From the Policy Book

The NDP’s policy book, reflective of resolutions passed at party conventions, is exhaustive. Among the policies the book says “New Democrats believe in”:


“Improving rail travel for both passengers and goods, and developing proposals for high-speed systems.”


“Creating jobs by investing in the real economy and regulating speculators.”


Promoting trade agreements that include enforceable standards for human, workers’ and women’s rights and environmental sustainability, and that protect public services.”

Budgetary policy

“Balancing budgets and confining short-term deficits to severe economic downturns and national security emergencies.”


“Restoring the Canadian Wheat Board as the single desk marketer for wheat and barley.”

The public sector

“Opposing all forms of privatization and in supporting the delivery of all public services by public sector workers.”

Workers’ rights

“Enforcing a fair minimum wage for all employees under federal jurisdiction and banning scab labour in all disputes under federal jurisdiction.”

Climate change

“Creating a revenue-generating carbon market to ensure industry reduces greenhouse gas emissions to targets set by government.”


“Rescinding tax breaks and subsidies for fossil fuel industries, while protecting workers, communities, and the surrounding environment.”

Nuclear energy

“Halting nuclear expansion and upgrading the safety and security of current nuclear energy and waste management facilities.”

Nature and ecosystems

“Protecting the environment as a common good by creating a legal framework to ensure that people have the right to live in a healthy environment with access to natural spaces.”

Health care

“Fighting the privatization of public health care services, including through the use of existing mechanisms within the Canada Health Act.

Post secondary education and training

“The establishment of a Post-Secondary Education Act to guarantee stable funding, and protect principles of accessibility, quality, academic freedom, public administration and not-for-profit delivery.”

Employment Insurance

“Bring the eligibility threshold back 
to a minimum of 360 working hours, regardless of the unemployment rate in the applicant’s area.”

Justice and crime prevention

“Emphasizing rehabilitation and reintegration wherever possible, particularly for treating addictions.”


“Stopping the smuggling of illegal firearms and enable all municipalities, provinces, and territories to implement a ban on handguns.”

Victims’ rights

Establishing a fund for victims’ support, to be financed in part by the proceeds of crime.”


“Renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) to protect Canadian sovereignty, especially in investment and energy security.”

Middle East

“Working with partners for peace in Israel and Palestine, respecting UN resolutions and international law, supporting peaceful co-existence in viable, independent states with agreed-upon borders, an end to Israeli occupation of Palestinian land, and an end to violence targeting civilians.”


“Affirming that the primary purpose of the Canadian Forces is peace keeping, defence and support during emergencies.”


“Guaranteeing that abortion is a fully funded, universally accessible medical procedure, and protecting the personal safety of physicians, personnel and patients at abortion clinics. “

Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered rights

“Investing in programs to promote equity for LGBT persons, offering more help and support to young LGBT people who face discrimination, violence or hate.”


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