Alessandra Melville

Six ways to keep your kids safe on the road

Handy hints to ensure your kids don't become another driving statistic.

Young drivers represent a disproportionately high percentage of fatalities on our roads. Photo: Gary Sissons

It's a sobering statistic, but one in five fatal car crashes in NSW between 2014-2016 involved drivers under the age of 25. 

That's a scary number for any parent, let alone one with a teenager about to hit the road on their own for the first time. Driving is a privilege that a lot of young drivers take for granted and, instead of taking their safety seriously, they end up taking risks.

So, what can you do to ensure your teenager is safe once they pop that shiny red P plate on their (probably your) car?

More than anything, educate them about the facts. Whether your teen is normally level headed or is skilled in the art of mischief, making it clear what happens when they don't obey the road rules will hopefully drill home the seriousness of driving and the consequences of any, even small, mistakes.

Some important and also very worrying statistics to come out of the Young Driver Trauma Trends 2017 report from Transport NSW are:

1. Between 2008-2010 fatal crashes involving young drivers with an illegal blood alcohol content reading was nearly double that of drivers aged between 26-39

2. Young drivers are most likely to be involved in fatal crashes caused by excessive speeding

3. The majority of young drivers are involved in either pedestrian, head-on or curve style crashes

4. In 2016, 40 young drivers in NSW were involved in fatal accidents

5. Men aged between 17 and 39 are much more likely to be involved in accidents. Between 2014-2016 they equated to 33 per cent of all fatal crashes

You might think that once you've taught your teen how to drive that your job is done and now it's up to them to make sure they don't break the rules but that isn't necessarily the case. You want them to always feel as though you are right there in the passenger seat, every time they drive, right?

So why not do exactly that every now and then. Go for a drive with them and see how they are coping with driving and see if they've picked up any bad habits since you last got in the car with them. Try not to be patronising and make them feel as though they are taking their P's test all over again. For most teens you'll find that a quick drive will bring them back to reality.

Just like with anything in life, as parents you lead by example. You might not notice but your child has probably picked up one or two of your driving habits. Whether that's eating and driving, unnecessarily honking or, on the other end of the scale, speeding. If you do it consistently, of course they are going to think it's okay. Make a real effort to clean up your driving before their 16th birthday when they beg and plead with you to take them for a drive. The sooner they see you driving responsibly the more likely they are to do the same.

Parenting a teenager is difficult, there is no doubt about it. Being a parent to a teenager with a love for speed and a knack for danger is blood pressure raising. It can be difficult to discipline him or her when they can so easily jump in their car and disappear so don't rush into buying them a car. Even though it might seem like the perfect birthday present, having some type of control of when they can drive is very important. Unless your child has saved up their hard earned cash from working at the local fish and chip shop to buy a car, don't help them out with a car financially until you are certain they can handle the responsibility of their own safety.

When they are ready to buy a car, help them understand the benefits of modern safety technology such as anti-skid brakes, stability control and airbags, and look for a car within their budget that is as safe as possible.

Hold them accountable. This is important not just when it comes to driving but anything. It's easy to succumb to your teen's tears over their very first parking or speeding ticket but don't give in and take the points for them. Don't pay the fine either. Don't let them off the hook and definitely don't let them borrow the car to pop over to their friend's house if they end up with a suspended license. The same applies for when they do end up buying their own car and finally realise all the costs involved such as insurance and registration, as well as fuel and maintainence.

It's hard to ignore the facts when they are so blatantly obvious. Young drivers are far more likely to be involved in accidents than any other demographic and while government initiatives and harsher penalties for young drivers clearly have their part to play, putting safer drivers on the road starts at home.

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