Post-baby body: How to lose weight after pregnancy

Post-baby body: How to lose weight after pregnancy

Feel your absolute best post-baby with these tips

Erika Heynatz's 7-day pregnancy fitness, yoga and wellbeing plan

Erika Heynatz's 7-day pregnancy fitness, yoga and wellbeing plan

Erika Heynatz talks fitness and wellbeing during pregnancy

Exercising during pregnancy: How much is OK?

Exercising during pregnancy: How much is OK?

Jenny Ringland asks the experts how to protect your body for pregnancy, birth and beyond

Barre Body prenatal fitness - Sun salutations for pregnancy

Barre Body prenatal fitness - Sun salutations for pregnancy

Feel rejuvenated with this sun salutation series

Barre Body prenatal fitness - Core exercises for pregnancy

Barre Body prenatal fitness - Core exercises for pregnancy

Strengthen your core with this series of exercises

Barre Body prenatal fitness - Glute workout

Barre Body prenatal fitness - Glute workout

Tone your glutes with this simple but effective barre sequence

Modified sun salutations suitable for pregnancy

Barre Body prenatal fitness - Thigh workout

Tone and tighten your legs with this simple workout

Barre Body prenatal fitness - Yoga sequence

Barre Body prenatal fitness - Yoga sequence

Relax and rejuvenate with this gentle prenatal yoga sequence

11 exercises you can do in front of the TV

11 exercises you can do in front of the TV

Exercising with a bub in tow is hard enough without bad weather thrown in. Here are some great indoor workout tips. By Rhian Allen

Pregnancy stretches

Pregnancy stretches

Cool down and build strong, supple muscles with these specially developed, pregnancy stretches.

Pregnancy warm up

Pregnancy warm up

Try this warm up as good start to your pregnancy workout. This warm up also shows you how to strengthen your pelvic muscles and abdomen in preparation for ...

Aqua exercises for pregnant women

Aqua exercises for pregnant women

As your stomach expands, it becomes more and more of a challenge to keep up a regular exercise routine. Aqua workouts reduce the load on the joints and pro...

Third trimester fitball squats

Third trimester fitball squats

Fire up your glutes with these pregnancy friendly exercises.

Second trimester seated obliques

Second trimester seated obliques

Keep your core strong during your second trimester with these moves.

Quick workouts - Stretch

Quick workouts - Stretch

Stretching and relaxation is as important as training hard when you are wanting to stay healthy and keep high energy levels as a mum.

Quick workouts - Circuit

Quick workouts - Circuit

This is a quick circuit to get the best weight loss results in a short time.

Quick workouts - Core

Quick workouts - Core

This quick core workout aims to give you killer abs and a strong core again after having a bub!

Lose the baby weight: Advanced

Lose the baby weight: Advanced

This advanced workout for losing the baby weight is for those fit mums who need to push themselves a little harder to get the weight loss results they need...

Lose the baby weight: Intermediate

Lose the baby weight: Intermediate

Here is the intermediate level workout for losing the baby weight.

Lose the baby weight: Beginners

Lose the baby weight: Beginners

Here is a fun workout for mums you can do anywhere!

Interval train for a better body in 20 minutes

Interval train for a better body in 20 minutes

Interval training is a great way to get in shape.

5 top ways to shed post-baby weight

5 top ways to shed post-baby weight

Reclaim your pre-pregnancy figure with these tips from Fitmum director Edwina Griffin

How to boost your post-baby body

How to boost your post-baby body

Nurturing yourself is as important as caring for the new arrival to your family

The fast track to fitness

The fast track to fitness

Head outdoors for a circuit challenge that will deliver results

Get fit while watching TV

Get fit while watching TV

Make the most of your time spent in front of the TV

Tone up in two minutes workout

Tone up in two minutes workout

Damien Kelly reveals five simple toning exercises designed for the time deprived

Get fit faster workout

Get fit faster workout

For great results, combine strength and cardio moves in this cool format.

The beginner's workout

The beginner's workout

Keen to get the benefits of exercise but don't know where to start? This is the routine for you.

Dog walking workout

Dog walking workout

You and your dog can get fit together. Just incorporate these exercises into your daily walk.

Six fitness tips for new mums

Six fitness tips for new mums

Personal trainer and mum Michelle Wright shares her top tips for postnatal mums.

Best mums and bubs fitness classes in NSW

Best mums and bubs fitness classes in NSW

Postnatal classes are a great way to get fit, bond with your child and make new friends.

Exercises you can do anywhere

Exercises you can do anywhere

Travelling or stuck at home? You can still get a good workout in.

Exercising during pregnancy

Exercising during pregnancy

Sigourney Cantelo explains how to exercise safely when you're pregnant.

How to tone your stomach

How to tone your stomach

Sculpt your stomach with these fab abs exercises.

Top 10 fitness tips

Top 10 fitness tips

Damien Kelly shows how to master the exercise basics and get your fitness on track for the year ahead.

Fitness for busy mums

Fitness for busy mums

So you think running after the kids all day leaves no time for exercise? Add some of these moves for a complete workout

From tired mums to triathletes

From tired mums to triathletes

Lisa Mayoh uncovers the secrets to these two mums' success

Pregnancy and prenatal classes

Pregnancy and prenatal classes

Prenatal classes are a great tool for expectant mums. We talk to three practitioners who help women on their journey to motherhood.

Six of the best pregnancy apps

Six of the best pregnancy apps

We look at the latest and greatest smartphone apps for mums, bubs and doting dads.

How do I lose my muffin top?

How do I lose my muffin top?

Shift the weight by calorie counting.

Strengthen your pelvic floor with Pilates

Strengthen your pelvic floor with Pilates

This Pilates exercise is ideal for expecting mothers.

Spotlight on Liz Ellis

Spotlight on Liz Ellis

The commentator and former national netball captain is pregnant with her first child at 38.

How mums can avoid the extra kilojoules

How mums can avoid the extra kilojoules

Lisa Guy on how to avoid common snack traps.

How we lost our baby weight

How we lost our baby weight

These four mums reveal the secrets that got them back into shape.

Lose baby weight with Pilates

Lose baby weight with Pilates

Get your former bod back with some strength and core targeted exercises.

Tone your tum with yoga

Tone your tum with yoga

Strengthen your core with this hard-hitting sequence.

Try 15 minute fitness

Try 15 minute fitness

Pressed for time? Try this short, sharp workout.

Get your pre-baby body back

Get your pre-baby body back

Getting your pre-baby body back doesn't need to be hard - and it can help stave off post-natal depression, too.

Quick fix body toners

Quick fix body toners

Target specific areas for toning up with these quick and easy Swiss ball exercises.

10 minute workout

10 minute workout

No time to train? Pull the other one. Here's a workout you can do in 10 minutes.

Get fit after childbirth

Get fit after childbirth

It is possible to get your body back after pregnancy.

5 ways to lose your baby belly

5 ways to lose your baby belly

Tone up and slim down with this post-baby program.

No more baby weight

No more baby weight

Four mums reveal the weight-loss secrets that worked for them.

Five fast fat burners

Five fast fat burners

Five moves to get you moving and sweating.

Budge your post-baby bulge

Budge your post-baby bulge

Congratulations on your new baby! Now, is it time to get that body back?

Home workout - part 2

Home workout - part 2

You don't need fancy equipment to get an all over workout at home.

Home workout - part 1

Home workout - part 1

Who says you need to set foot outside your home to get a good workout?