Copenhagen: Riots around Christiania after an eviction on 28th October 2008

The Eviction

The main authority on Christiania (slots & ejendomsstyrelse) decided to evict the second floor of a house on Christiania. They were backed by an unprecedented large police force. At 7:30am a major police force arrived at Christiania. Neighbours of the soon to be evicted house were rushed out of their beds and homes without being allowed time to get their heart medicine. By 9am construction workers started tearing down the second floor. They wore ski mask’s to avoid identification, making them look like terrorists and the police cleared the surrounding area from onlookers.

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London: Police entered the Rampart on 28th October

28th October 2008, London, Whitechapel:

the police unexpectedly intruded the rampART social centre in their lunchtime. they must have been starving, because they felt like breaking the doors. we wonder if it was appetite, that made them force their way in, or curiosity, to see the progress of our efforts to barricade the rampART. still, we art not amused of officers on the scrounge…

… although we are generally open for people to come by to wine and dine with us, but we’d like to invite people to knock on the doors, rather than knocking them down. and we don’t support gluttony of greedy developpers, groping houses to convert them to luxury flats, because they want to bite more than they can chew…

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Bristol: When you threaten One you threaten All

28th October 2008

Ownership of the house is claimed by Places for People, Britain’s largest housing association. Its chief executive, David Cowans, topped the list of richest “social” housing providers with a salary of £257,928 in 2007 (Every single penny on the backs of the poor). Instead of providing adequate social housing they work for corporate gain and through speculation with our money are feeling the pinch of the property market crash. This is a social housing provider playing with public money.

Number 87 is actually owned by Places for People’s charitable arm (Places for People Individual Support), which is supposed to provide housing for homeless and the elderly. They plan to turn the majority of the house into private owned apartments. It currently is housing 20+ people.

It has been empty for over 3 years and squatted by a large number of otherwise homeless people since April 2008.

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Oslo: Press release of the new squatted space Olaf

A new space has been occupied on the 18th October in Oslo (,you can follow the development of the project with information published on the collective’s website:

Here is the third press release:

Oslo housing action have been asked, through the media, that the occupation of Olaf Ryes Plass should be withdrawn . We who possess the house are not willing to comply in doing so. Without us the house empty indefinitely.

Neighbor campaign has expressed concern about noise and disturbance in the neighborhood around the occupation on Olaf Ryes space. But as the action neighboring spokesperson Ingebrigt Berg said on the working meeting of the Grünerløkka district on Thursday it has been quiet in the streets since Sunday, the day after the occupation. Without action from the police side, this situation will persist. As we in the Oslo Housing Action expressed in the AU meeting a confrontation with the police in the last thing we want. We do not wish to disturb the neighborhood.

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New squat has been opened in Oslo

On Saturday the 18th October 2008 there was a demonstration and action for better social housing, squatting and autonomous places in Oslo.

This action led to the opening of a new space, a big house (over 35 rooms), in the center of Oslo. (olaf ryes no 2)

The place has been empty for several years, and is owned by Oslo municipality. Our plan is to make it a place for people to live in.

The people who have the “legal rights” to this building have come to visit and aren’t interested in us staying (surprise surprise)

We have sent press releases to several newspapers and radios.

This news flash has been broadcast to you straight from the second floor of Olaf. D.I.Y


Helsinki: Squatting actions…

On friday 17th of october two houses were squatted in Helsinki during the tenth Night of the Homeless.

A group of university students and people from the squatting- and social center scene participated in the action with their own input.

The meaning of these squattings is to directly improve lousy situation of apartments in Helsinki and protest against high rents and homelessness.

Students squatted the main campus of Helsinki university for the night, and put a banderoll stating “more apartments, rents down” in front of the main door. The campus remained squatted for the night, people were partying, discussing the theme and watching documents inside.

House was also squatted in Ullanlinna,in the address Neitsytpolku 1, during the night. The house is working as an emergency housing for the homeless during this weekend.

straight from the inside _ do it yourself


More news about Milada

Milada squatter’s announcement about the events of 16.10.08 To clarify all disinformation that emerged in the media and within our “sympathysants”, we decided to summarize the event ourselves.

So: around 9am arrives several clerks from the city hall office and ÚIV (office for information and education – owner of the land the officially non-existent Milada is standing on), accompanied by three police cars. After a while a waste-container truck arrives and hired workers start to clean the area around the Building: we are told that city hall called upon the land owner to clean out “his” parcel because of complaints of neighbours. We point out that we, inhabitants of the House, were not contacted about this matter by anybody. It would be enough to send us an e-mail (our address is displayed at our web-pages, and arrange the date of clean up. There are enough of us to fill the waste container in no time, which, by the way, we have done several times in the past, at our own expense.

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Milada is calling for help!

Milada squat in Prague’s Holesovice quarter has been visited today morning (16. 10.) by a clean-up company workers assisted by police. Official statement says the reason was just to clean up some garbage on the lot. Because this statement can’t be fully trusted, we appeal to all friends of Milada Squat to stay ready for emergency. There is a chance that we will have to defend the last thriving squat in Prague. Please come to help if you can, if you can’t, spread the word to as many friends willing to help as possible. Keep in mind, that solidarity is our best weapon!



Amsterdam: Eviction wave

On Tue 14 October, several spaces were destroyed, e.g. Joe’s Garage/PS28, Steenbreek or Barcelona

Here are some fragments of information in English, found on Indymedia, though very incomplete:

Eviction waves take place 3 times a year in Amsterdam. Today (14 Oct) about 6 buildings will be evicted, among which the well known autonomous centre PS28/Joe’s Garage.


On Monday evening, Joe’s Garage served a nice last meal, and then everybody was asked to help an move furniture, drinks and whatever across to road to Pretorius Straat 43, where Joe’s will continue.

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Amsterdam (NL): Joe’s Garage/PS28

It is most likely that on Tuesday October 14th there will be an eviction wave. Pretoriusstraat 28, where Joe’s Garage is located, will then be evicted.

The building that offers housing to 7 people, 3 cats and the neighborhood Social Center Joe’s Garage, will then be turned over to a group of speculators that don’t have any link with the neighborhood and and are only after financial gain.

The inhabitants of the building and the Social Centers volunteers however, have a very strong link with the Transvaal neighborhood and are not willing to let that go. Joe’s Garage is determined to assume its role towards the neighbors until the very last moment.

Thats why on Saturday October 11th the free shop will be open as usual from 14.00-18.00 and the restaurant will serve food on Monday October 13th as of 19.00

Come all!

Poznan (Poland): Alarm at Rozbrat again!

September 2008


The lawyer of Rozbrat squat has obtained an information that the bailiff/debt collector has just sent the records and complete documentation to the court in order to set the date of the auction. This date may appear soon. The ground where Rozbrat is situated may be sold. The campaign “Rozbrat stays!” was not very loud in the last months but it does not mean that the situation of Rozbrat has stabilized. We ask you to keep your eyes open and support us when necessary. Our stand is unchanged: we won’t give up without fight!


Rozbrat – a free space in an unfree world
(Article written for the ESF in Malmo – September 2008)

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London (UK): Some news from squatted spaces:


At the weekend we were tipped off that the Rampart might be getting a surprise eviction this week. Today we have been checking it out but we’re not much more wiser for it. We’ve heard nothing officially, through the county court or the bailiffs, but there are other ways we could still be on the receiving end of a surprise eviction, potentially high court bailiffs. Our much loved Bowl Court space was evicted through the high courts in August this year so ‘once bitten, twice shy’. Potentially the fires in the houses next door have worried the council and prompted them to get onto the owner, but the school that the Social Centre occupies is still in sound condition. As we have not been able to confirm anything to the contrary, we are treating the information as real and so we are calling out to you as our eviction supporters on standby!

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