workers control

Libertarian socialism: a practical outline - Gaston Leval

In this pamphlet first published in Switzerland in 1959, Gaston Leval depicts a transitional society—largely modeled on the Spanish collectives of 1936-39—characterized by: a confederal structure of vertically and horizontally integrated enterprise committees and industrial federations; economic planning; the use of “symbolic money” wages “to facilitate and regulate distribution”; the crucial importance of agriculture and thus the persistence of a certain amount of private property in the agricultural sector; the vital role of cooperatives; and the primacy of consumption over production.

100 Years Ago: The Philadelphia dockers strike and Local 8 of the IWW - Mouvement Communiste and Kolektivně proti Kapitălu

cartoon from IWW leaflet - "hold fast, buddie, we got 'em"

A text published to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of an important strike launched by the IWW on the Philadelphia docks, analysing both the strengths and weaknesses of the IWW at the time.

Also made available as PDF and MOBI (Kindle) files.

The Seattle general strike, 1919 - Jeremy Brecher

Jeremy Brecher's historical account of the general strike and takeover of the city by workers in Seattle in 1919.

Collectivizations: The constructive achievements of the Spanish Revolution. Essays, documents and reports - Augustin Souchy and Paul Folgare

Now available in English for the first time, this survey of industrial and agricultural, urban and rural collectives in libertarian Spain, written by the Foreign Affairs Secretary of the CNT, Augustin (Agustin in Spanish) Souchy, and Paul Folgare (or Polgare, a/k/a Pal Partos), first published in Spanish in 1937 by Tierra y Libertad, complements the more well known works of Gaston Leval and Sam Dolgoff, and despite its blatantly propagandistic purposes, nonetheless frankly acknowledges some of the shortcomings of the collectivization process, which the authors generally characterize at one point as “collective capitalism” and in another instance as “the socialization of poverty”.

Vio.Me: Self-organisation in Greece (video)

The workers at the Vio.Me. Factory in Thessaloniki, Greece have quickly grown into a symbol of self-management internationally. After going on strike and occupying their factory, on February 12, 2013 they re-opened the factory and started production under worker's control.

Ditching class: the praxis of anarchist communist economics

A chapter on the economic of libertarian communism that argues that distribution is one of the key aspects defining communist economics, and exploring the different approaches to communist distribution across the broad libertarian communist current.

Nationalisation and the new boss class - Tom Brown

A pamphlet by Tom Brown discussing nationalisation, its theoretical roots and whether it is a working-class gain (1958).

Anarchy #040: The unions and workers' control

Issue 40 of Anarchy magazine from June 1964 on the unions and workers control.

Self-management of misery or the miseries of self-management - Terra Cremada

A critical look at co-ops, worker-owned and collective businesses, ethical banking, the entrepreneurial spirit, competition, and “independent” contract work and the limitations of the concept and practice of self-management in the context of the totalitarian logic of capitalist society.

Sparks #21

Issue of anarcho-syndicalist public transport workers' bulletin Sparks from January 1990. Importantly this was a special issue produced during the Melbourne tram lockout, where anarcho-syndicalist-influenced workers took over the tram system before bosses cut the power.