
7,000 Kansas Farmers vs. Syngenta Over GMO Corn Dispute

Thousands of Kansas farmers claimed in district court in Kansas City on Monday that Swiss agribusiness giant Syngenta rushed its genetically modified (GMO) corn seed to the U.S. market in 2010 before getting China's approval for imports, which rejected shipments of the corn over GMO contamination and caused turmoil in commodity markets.

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Why Nevada's Governor Must Sign Renewable Energy Bill

By Dylan Sullivan

Nevada's renewable portfolio standard requires electricity providers like NV Energy to buy a minimum amount of electricity from renewable sources like solar, geothermal and wind. Assembly Bill 206, sponsored by Assemblyman Chris Brooks, would increase the renewable standard so that it requires electricity providers to get 40 percent of their electricity from renewable sources by 2030.

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Trump Blasted at UN Ocean Conference: U.S. 'Main Threat to Mother Earth'

Bolivian President Evo Morales blasted President Donald Trump's announcement that the U.S. is withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement.

He called the U.S. one of the world's "main polluters" and said Trump's decision is akin to "denying science, turning your backs on multilateralism and attempting to deny a future to upcoming generations."

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IEA: World Can Reach 'Net Zero' Emissions by 2060 to Meet Paris Climate Goals

By Simon Evans

Global emissions can be pushed down to "net zero" by 2060 to meet the climate goals of the Paris agreement, said the International Energy Agency (IEA).

For the first time, the 29-member intergovernmental group's annual Energy Technology Perspectives report, the 2017 edition published Tuesday, maps a "below 2°C" scenario. This shows how to limit warming to around 1.75°C above pre-industrial temperatures this century, roughly in line with Paris, which aims for "well below 2°C" and preferably 1.5°C.

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Senior Diplomat Quits in Protest of Trump's Climate Decision

A senior U.S. diplomat in China has reportedly resigned in protest of Trump's move to exit the Paris agreement.

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Watch John Oliver Blast Trump for Quitting Paris Climate Agreement

John Oliver blasted President Donald Trump's decision on the Paris climate agreement last night on his widely-funny HBO show, Last Week Tonight.

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'We Are Still In': U.S. Leaders Reaffirm Commitment to Paris Agreement

More than 1,000 U.S. governors, mayors, businesses, investors, and colleges and universities assembled Monday to reaffirm their commitment to climate action and declare they will continue to pursue ambitious emissions reductions despite the Trump administration's decision to pull out of an unprecedented and essential international agreement to curb climate change. This is broadest cross section of the American economy yet assembled in pursuit of climate action.

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Gage Skidmore

Trump Dismissed as 'Climate Buffoon' After Paris Pullout

By Andy Rowell

It was meant to be Donald Trump's greatest triumph. Yet it will prove his greatest failure. It was meant to send a strong powerful message to his supporters at home. But it backfired at home and abroad and left the president more isolated than ever before.

All presidents are defined by events, by their speeches, by their actions, and we already have much to judge Trump on; but the president's withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement last week will be a stain that shames this presidency to its end.

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Grand Canyon North Rim. Jerry and Pat Donaho / CC

Regional Officials to Ask Trump Administration to End Uranium Mining Ban Near Grand Canyon

A draft letter backed by officials in Arizona and Utah is urging the Trump administration to review the uranium mining ban near the Grand Canyon. The letter, which is expected to be sent to Interior Sec. Ryan Zinke on Monday, asks the department to completely overturn the Obama-era environmental protections.

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Methane flaring at an oil and gas well in Colorado. Wild Earth Guardians

Groups Sue Trump's EPA for Rolling Back Climate Standards

By Joanne Spalding and Andres Restrepo

The Sierra Club and its allies sued the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administrator Scott Pruitt today for delaying crucial safeguards that reduce climate pollution, smog-forming compounds and air toxins from oil and gas facilities. This action represents the first lawsuit against the Trump administration for rolling back EPA climate standards.

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