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Good Weekend needs to talk... - last post by EBKatie

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Starting a new due in group - last post by Sandra
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"We are discussing"... - last post by Therese

The Testing Area

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How To Make Your Own Signature - last post by kelwantsababy

Sponsored discussions

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Does your son show signs of... - last post by F.E.B.E

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Blog: Kylie Orr

  • 183 topics
  • 6437 replies
Is there truth to "Litt... - last post by Anon100

Blog: Amity Dry

  • 89 topics
  • 4267 replies
Routine vs relaxed style - last post by Kistra9

Archived blogs

  1. Blog: Justine Davies,
  2. Sonia Williams,
  3. Ghania Dib,
  4. Johanna Baker-Dowdell

  • 121 topics
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Did the feminists get it al... - last post by Ange remplie

Blog: PrueCorlette

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IVF and Depression - last post by AJulemont

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Feature Member

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My baby had a stroke in utero - last post by positiveEnergy888

Newbies' Comfy Couch

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FTM here - last post by Princess VFR

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Parenting After Loss Suppor... - last post by ranjitha21

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Hair ribbons civic - last post by Mollycoddle

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September 2016 Parents Grou... - last post by kristyemilia

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Pregnancy: Tips, Questions and Information

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MIL you still told her! UPD... - last post by Three Of Hearts

What Month are You Due?

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Due in Feb 2018 - last post by DanielleSupa

Hospital and Birthing Centres

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Opinions please: Having a b... - last post by Mrs Q

Doulas & Midwives

Bringing birth practitioners and EB members together

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Midwifery Students Seeking... - last post by gloria3

Baby Names

Share opinions about one of the most important decisions a parent will make

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Boys name to go with Tom, H... - last post by LuckyMummy ♥♥

Pregnancy/Parenting After Problems Conceiving

Meet others who understand the ups and downs

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Ready Set Go: Graduates! Ch... - last post by PrincessL1

Pregnancy/Parenting After Loss

Moving on after a difficult time

  • 261 topics
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Having a Baby Shower? - last post by FretfulMum

Specialised Pregnancy Support Groups

Buddy groups for those experiencing pregnancy after overcoming obstacles

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TTC or Pregnant Hyperemesis... - last post by Willis023

Toggle Birth Birth

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Labour & Birth

What to expect on the big day

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what do i ask my OB? - last post by zonnewigham


Preparing for a delivery by caesarean section

  • 3147 topics
  • 34714 replies
Elective C and out of pocke... - last post by Veritas Vinum Arte

Vaginal Birth Preparation

Plus vaginal birth after a caesarean section (VBAC)

  • 1947 topics
  • 16679 replies
VBAC with Dr Greg Jenkins - last post by Therese

Home Birthing

Talk about your plans and experiences of babies born at home

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2017 HB suppport thread - last post by Hedgoth

Your birth stories

Share your precious memories

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21hrs and our precious girl... - last post by Natte1946

Traumatic & Disappointing Birth Experiences

When things don't turn out how you expected

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Update Normal tiredness fro... - last post by Wonderstruck

Your body after baby

All about your recovery and the changes that take place

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First time postpartum - last post by Willis023

Toggle Babies Babies

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Birth-6 Months

The early days

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Trouble getting 8wo to fall... - last post by Lunafreya

6-12 Months

Your older baby

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Clothing - last post by EmmDasher

Babies Born Early (and beyond)

The issues facing parents of premmies

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Introducing solids - adjust... - last post by Furfeathersfleece

Twins, Triplets, Quads and More

For parents and friends of multiples

  • 4973 topics
  • 57733 replies
Currently pregnant with twi... - last post by Adelinel


From birth to beyond

  • 10680 topics
  • 81647 replies
Help! Sleepy Four day old i... - last post by lucky 2

Formula and supplement feeding

Advice and support

  • 253 topics
  • 2810 replies
Starting formula - last post by LuckyMummy ♥♥

Baby and toddler food

Seek advice on weaning and solids and share your favourite recipes

  • 13682 topics
  • 72060 replies
5 mo solids monster! - last post by Ozquoll


Disposable or modern cloth? The choices don't end there

  • 16050 topics
  • 165375 replies
Huggies Drynites worth the... - last post by Babetty

Buying & Dressing for Baby

Plan your spending first

  • 3086 topics
  • 24381 replies
Baby swings for bigger babies - last post by José

Prams & Strollers

Getting mobile with your baby or toddler

  • 3823 topics
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Show me how you fit your Bu... - last post by itsallnew


How to help everyone get enough

  • 3237 topics
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Reflux, wind, gas, or noisy... - last post by Roarsome

Toggle Toddler & Kids Toddler & Kids

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Babies and Kids With Disabilities & Special Needs

Advice and support from others who understand

  • 12834 topics
  • 127904 replies
What happens when DS turns 16? - last post by LisbethSalander

12-24 Months

The first birthday and beyond

  • 12912 topics
  • 99641 replies
Sleep isssues - head bangin... - last post by Mose

24-36 months

The transition stage from toddler to pre-schooler

  • 1753 topics
  • 19609 replies
Board games a 2 yo can play? - last post by Kaz83

3-5 Years

The pre-school years

  • 11879 topics
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4yr old health issues - last post by Therese

5-8 Years (Younger Kids)

Discuss issues around the early primary years - behaviour, development and discipline.

  • 1034 topics
  • 12325 replies
I have to travel OS, leavin... - last post by JinksNewton

8-12 years ( The pre-teen years)

Discuss behaviour, development and discipline for tweens.

  • 2465 topics
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I'm worried about my 8... - last post by Grape Jelly

13-18 years (Teenagers)

Discuss behaviour, development and discipline for teens.

  • 307 topics
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chicken pox vaccination in... - last post by monet

Challenging Behaviour & Discipline Techniques

Coping with tears, tantrums and trying times

  • 1982 topics
  • 12660 replies
Positive parenting solution... - last post by Riotproof

Toilet Training

Is your child ready? Looking for the signs and getting started

  • 2444 topics
  • 14767 replies
Cloth nappy for 6yo - last post by Fresh Start

Car Restraints

Make the right choices when it comes to safety

  • 7655 topics
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Car Seat Installation - last post by EmmDasher


Support and advice for tough times at school

  • 27 topics
  • 374 replies
WHY does it still happen ? - last post by Dark unicorn

Play and activities

  • 166 topics
  • 1968 replies
Games like "rush hour... - last post by ElevenYears

Toggle Daycare, Pre-School and School Daycare, Pre-School and School

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Daycare, Babysitters & Nannies

For finding child care or being a carer

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Nannies! Tell me about yours - last post by LuckyMummy ♥♥


Discuss your Playgroup experiences or find a Playgroup near you.

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Polish mums/ playgroup in M... - last post by CammyM

Preschool (EC, Kinder)

Discuss your child's early childhood education here.

  • 314 topics
  • 2615 replies
Child care subsidy for pres... - last post by Fresh Start

Your Child's Education - First year of school

Choosing a school, school readiness and the challenges of the first year of formal schooling.

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It's a mess- advise us - last post by Gudrun

Your Child's Education - Year one and beyond

The learning experience for children and parents

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Inform me - school options... - last post by jojonbeanie

Toggle Parties & Special Occasions Parties & Special Occasions

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Parties for Under 5s

Organising a special day for the little ones

  • 1721 topics
  • 11202 replies
Sydney birthday party venues - last post by Dark unicorn

Parties for 5 and Over

Planning and hosting gatherings for older children

  • 1024 topics
  • 7376 replies
Party venue suggestions for... - last post by wallofdodo

Weddings, Christenings & Showers

Celebrating the landmarks of life

  • 1371 topics
  • 17143 replies
what sort of flowers ? - last post by Avocado tree

Christmas, Adult birthdays, Special Occasions & other

Seasonal events and party ideas for grown-ups

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  • 38478 replies
Girl's night out for 40th - last post by lilwonder

Toggle The Parents' Room The Parents' Room

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Everyday Mums Chat

The everyday things that other parents understand

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Greying gracefully... - last post by Illiterati

Young Mums and Mums-To-Be

Meet other members who are starting families early

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Young mums in north Melbourne? - last post by BKim

'Older' Mums and Mums-To-Be

For those having or thinking about a late baby

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  • 11213 replies
Need some positive over 40... - last post by Aquamarine3

Same-Sex Parents & Parents-To-Be

Families that begin with two mums or two dads

  • 1184 topics
  • 14686 replies
Soon to be TTC Mammas Melbo... - last post by BKim
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Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses

Dealing with the ups and downs

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Recovery from broken leg - last post by meljbau

Your Family

Discuss the day-to-day dynamics

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Managing a toxic grandparen... - last post by Apageintime

Large Families

Share tips for budgeting, time management and daily life with many kids

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Vehicles for 10+ people - last post by Mrs Q


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Adoptees requesting files - last post by Coffeegirl
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Share the journey with other foster parents, current or prospective

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Advice needed for parent ne... - last post by Tiger Lilly
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  • By Tiger Lilly


A members-only forum to seek support and discuss sensitive subjects

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feeling strange about my wife! - last post by AnythingGoes
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  • By AnythingGoes

Plus Size Living

Share your experiences with other members

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Loose skin/fat and a baby bump - last post by Kallie88

Find the 'awesome' in your family

Join a 4 week challenge brought to you by Essential Baby and Parent Wellbeing that will help you maximize the ‘awesome’ moments in your family right now.

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  • 226 replies
Funny things your kids have... - last post by Wallymaduka

Toggle Hobbies & Crafts Hobbies & Crafts

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Hobbies & Crafts

Discover your creativity

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Knitting help? - last post by Wahwah

Quilting & Sewing

Many threads about needle crafts

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Sewing Bar #2 - last post by Lunafreya

Scrap Chat & Share

All about scrapbooking

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How many pages in a scrapbook - last post by blue sky


Tips and inspiration for beginners to experts

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Recommend me a family photo... - last post by MwahMum

Cardmaking & Stamping

Put your stamp on creative pursuits

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What to purchase please? - last post by jakehudson

Toggle Lifestyle & Entertainment Lifestyle & Entertainment

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Environmental Tips, Info, News & Questions

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Wildlife Victoria - last post by Ozquoll

Recipes & Cooking Tips

Share your favourites and find new inspiration

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Potato leek soup? - last post by dwdwdw

Managing Money

Helping you take charge of your finances

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Support Thread on Taking ba... - last post by raechel82

TV, Movies & Celebrity News

What we're watching on the big and small screens

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War On Waste - ABC - anyone... - last post by Riotproof

Books, Poetry & Music

What we're reading, playing and listening to

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Timeline for your books (ge... - last post by gemgirl

Have a Laugh

The place for jokes and sharing life's lighter moments

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Woolies online (very fluffy) - last post by yabbadabbadoo


Get hooked on some of our online community games

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First word- Last word - last post by Ange remplie

Family Travel

Check in for tips before you take off

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Terrorism- Are you worried... - last post by Illiterati

Beauty and Fashion

How to look good and feel great

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Keratin Hair straightening... - last post by JustBeige

Your Pets

Meet other members whose pets are part of the family

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Bunny is missing - last post by JustMyGirl

Home, Garden & Renovating

  1. Decluttering and home organisation

Practical advice, inspiration and motivation

  • 11392 topics
  • 100845 replies
Repainting walls - which pa... - last post by Fresh Start


  1. London 2012: Olympic and Paralympic Games

Show your team's colours and fly the flag here

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stinger suit question - last post by Babetty

Internet & Technology

For talk about internet, mobiles and gadgets

  • 1983 topics
  • 9699 replies
Best way to remotely turn o... - last post by podg


  1. New Age Beliefs & Spirituality,
  2. Faith & Religion,
  3. Paranormal & Supernatural,
  4. The Crystal Ball

Encompassing religion, faith and other beliefs

  • 6080 topics
  • 69501 replies
Your stories of spiritual s... - last post by Ange remplie

Celebrity Parents and Kids

Births, babies and the kids who have everything!

  • 38 topics
  • 829 replies
Celebrities and twins - last post by tres

Toggle General General

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News, Social Issues & Politics

  1. Election2016

What's making news close to home and abroad

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  • 228759 replies
US political discussion #4 - last post by MarigoldMadge

What Do You Think?

For discussions about the issues that make us think

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Are there new ways to pay y... - last post by Frantoby


For topics that just don't quite fit in anywhere else

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Video conferences - last post by jojonbeanie

Good News

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Colour-blind glasses - last post by Lees75

Venting Board

Sometimes it feels better to get it off your chest

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First world fluffy vents -... - last post by Mimikyu
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Enter our members-only competitions here

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WIN dad a gift pack for Fat... - last post by EB-Marion

Toggle Essential Work Essential Work

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Studying and Parenting

Striking a balance between family and further education

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What do you do with all you... - last post by kpingitquiet

Party Plan

For sellers and buyers to share ideas, info and strategies. Please read the forum guidelines before posting!

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Record Breaker Week - last post by my2earthangels

Employment Opportunities

Offer a job to an EB member here! Please read the forum guidelines before posting.

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Work from Home? - last post by melanieb530

Seeking Employment

For EB members looking for work - and those who want to employ them. Please read the forum rules before posting.

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Woolworths etc jobs - last post by Sandra

Working Parents

When you're juggling work and family commitments

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Ridiculous workload - time... - last post by petal71
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My Business

For business owners to share advice and support. Please read the forum guidelines before posting.

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Relaxation Massage Plus ? - last post by Tomahawk

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General Health and Safety Tips

  1. Contraception

General Health and Safety Tips

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Meningitis Vaccine - last post by lizzybirdsworth

Your Diet & Fitness

Your Diet & Fitness

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Runners - Support Thread #1 - last post by mayahlb

Natural Therapies

Natural Therapies

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Foot detox - last post by Silver Girl

Cancer Support Forum

  • 1033 topics
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Highlighting hair - Post chemo - last post by Tinkerbell74

Allergy and Food Intolerance Support

Food Intolerances and Allergies

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Tell me it isn't so... - last post by rileys-mum

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Hot Specials

Hot Specials

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50% off kids clothes - Myer - last post by Displayanome

Product Reviews

Product Reviews

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Recommend a shampoo/product... - last post by mrshappymum

Product Recalls

Product Recalls

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Lunar Oval Cots - extra lin... - last post by Chaotic Pogo

Children's toys

Toy shopping for younger kids (1-8)

  • 254 topics
  • 1435 replies
1st birthday presents - last post by RynandStompy

Toys for Older Kids

Toy shopping for older kids (8 and up)

  • 38 topics
  • 237 replies
LEGO Creator Expert - last post by deedee15

Toggle The Trading Area The Trading Area

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How To Apply & Rules

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Changes to requirements for TR - last post by Sandra

Household Items

  1. Household Items (incl toys) Wanted

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  • 123 replies
WTB - Sylvanian Families - last post by Moneypenny2014
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  • By Moneypenny2014

Clothing (Baby & Other)

  1. Clothing (Baby & Other) Wanted

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  • 50 replies
WTB boys size 12 & abov... - last post by rjflc69
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Baby Items

  1. Baby Items - Wanted

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  • 12 replies
WTB Jujube bag - last post by Veritas Vinum Arte
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Nappies & Nappy Accessories

  1. Nappies & Nappy Accessories - Wanted

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WTB medium or large Fluffy... - last post by twinklemoon
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Toggle Dad's Zone Dad's Zone

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Blog: Dad's Diary

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Nintendo "DS": Device of Sa... - last post by stephanu

Dad chat

Forum for men to chat to other dads and dads-to-be.

  • 75 topics
  • 911 replies
Single dad and 18 - last post by Mason98

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'I dearly wish my mother was here to meet the children'

The Duke of Cambridge has spoken of how he wishes he could ask his late mother for advice, disclosing his sadness that his own young family will never meet her.

'You don't look like a mother': one mum's response to ridiculous stereotypes

Motherhood "isn't an exclusive club", says blogger Gylisa Jayne.

5 things I’ve learnt about giving birth

Having had three babies in three very different ways, I feel reasonably qualified to make this statement.

Gender reveal proves it really is a dog's life

One couple has found a new way to make gender reveals even more over the top.

'I chose not to breastfeed. That doesn't make me a bad mum'

Mothers make hundreds of choices every day on behalf of their babies.

'Mummy, put your phone away': one mum's wake-up call

One of the weirdest things about your little kids getting older, I find, is when they start to be able to hold full conversations with you.

The uncomfortable truth of varicose veins 'down there'

We all know about varicose veins, but did you know you can get them on your lady parts?

Hey mama, you're doing just fine

We're in this together mamas! I salute you! Sometimes we just need to take a deep breath and realise this parenting gig is a tough one.

Babies can stand up on their own at four months

A new study is demonstrating that babies can do more than we think they can.

Postnatal depletion: what is it and how can we recover?

Some mums are left physically and emotionally depleted, with nothing left to give, long after giving birth.

Yes, I'm pregnant. No, I'm not 'about to pop.'

Somewhere in the middle of my second trimester, my body changed seemingly overnight from maybe-pregnant to obvious, undeniable baby-on-board. At the same moment, my bump moved from its cushy bubble of is-she-or-isn't-she polite discretion to a free-for-all open season of body commentary.

After 17 years of infertility, couple welcomes sextuplets

It was a long journey to parenthood and now they are an instant family of eight.

How to stop a toddler tantrum in its tracks ... with a potato

How one dad is nailing the parenting thing.

Bonds announces new personalised Zippy onesies

Now you can have your baby or toddler's name printed on their Bonds Zippys.

How 'Fakebooking' takes away from the joy of real life with kids

Let's be real. All of those pictures on social media showing perfectly coiffed and smiling children are cute, but their connection to real life with kids is tenuous at best.


Top 5 Articles


From our network

Mum tips to keep your pre-baby budget in check

Money might be funny in a rich man's world (or so ABBA told us), but for the rest of us it's a major consideration – particularly before having a baby.

5 easy ways to make your maternity leave last longer

Maternity leave is a special time for you, your partner and your new little bundle. The last thing you want is for financial worries to stand in the way of that joy.

10 ways to keep your 'buying for baby' costs down

Becoming a parent is full of surprises – not least of all finding out that, for such small beings, babies cause a lot of chaos and expense.

5 ways to prepare to go from two incomes to one

Here are some ideas for getting that budget in shape, ready for being a one income family.


Baby Names

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See what names are trending this year.

Essential Baby and Essential Kids is the place to find parenting information and parenting support relating to conception, pregnancy, birth, babies, toddlers, kids, maternity, family budgeting, family travel, nutrition and wellbeing, family entertainment, kids entertainment, tips for the family home, child-friendly recipes and parenting. Try our pregnancy due date calculator to determine your due date, or our ovulation calculator to predict ovulation and your fertile period. Our pregnancy week by week guide shows your baby's stages of development. Access our very active mum's discussion groups in the Essential Baby forums or the Essential Kids forums to talk to mums about conception, pregnancy, birth, babies, toddlers, kids and parenting lifestyle. Essential Baby also offers a baby names database of more than 22,000 baby names, popular baby names, boys' names, girls' names and baby names advice in our baby names forum. Essential Kids features a range of free printable worksheets for kids from preschool years through to primary school years. For the latest baby clothes, maternity clothes, maternity accessories, toddler products, kids toys and kids clothing, breastfeeding and other parenting resources, check out Essential Baby and Essential Kids.