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Help transform your
State Library

Support State Library Victoria – because it’s never been so important.

In today’s fast-changing world, it’s more important than ever to have a world-class Library where you can find trustworthy information and explore the ideas that will help to shape your best possible future.

We’ve always been free and we’ll stay that way, but right now we need your support.

Help us raise $250,000 by 30 June to make Vision 2020 a reality.

If you, and every other person who loves the Library, donated today, we could reach our goal.


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Five compelling reasons to donate.

  • Creating 40% more space
  • Breathing new life into the Ian Potter Queen’s Hall
  • Opening three new reading rooms for all Victorians
  • Fostering creativity and imagination in the new Children's Quarter
  • Exhibiting the best of the Library’s collection in a new world class gallery

Why our library was, is and always will be important.

Every year, around two million people come through our doors to think, learn, debate, create, discover and dream. Millions more visit us online.

With a collection of nearly five million treasures, you can be transported to faraway worlds through books, music, manuscripts, lectures, art and more. You can lose yourself in the past or shape a new future.

The generations who went before us believed in the importance of free and equal access to this knowledge. They believed that learning, discovery and truth build smart, progressive societies and economies.

They built this library for us and now it’s our turn to build a library for future generations.

Let's shape Australia’s oldest public library for the future. Help transform your library.

We have big things to do. Your donation will help us:

  • create more space for our growing number of visitors
  • refurbish and reopen the Library’s original reading room, Ian Potter Queen’s Hall
  • open a new Children’s Quarter to nurture literacy and inspire creative play
  • open a start-up space to support local and emerging entrepreneurs
  • provide access to creative technologies like digitisation studios, recording equipment, video editing suites and 3D printers
  • connect with people and libraries across the state with e-Town Hall live-streaming technologies
  • open a new world-class Victoria Gallery to showcase the best of the Library’s collection
  • create new reading rooms for arts, newspaper and family history collections in beautiful heritage galleries
  • open an additional universal access entry on La Trobe Street
  • open the Russell Street entrance, adding a new retail and lounge space
  • build a magnificent heritage reception hall for special events

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With your support we can transform this Library for the future.