10 things you can do to save our ocean

Our ocean is life. It gives us food to eat, fresh water to drink, and jobs to make a living. It protects us from the worst effects of climate change. But humanity hasn’t been too kind to our ocean.

Why we need to save our ocean now—not later | José Troya

Government commitments are crucial now. They range from sustainably managing marine and coastal ecosystems to effectively regulating harvesting and end overfishing or unregulated fishing.

Tobacco: a threat to our oceans | Roy Small

Each year, 4.5 trillion cigarette butts are littered worldwide, by far the most littered item, with a significant percentage finding their way into our oceans and onto our shores.

Ecuador: Building back better

Reducing Risk and Rebuilding Lives After the Ecuador Earthquake

Latin America and the Caribbean
Decision time? First take a look at what makes you crazy | Jacinda Fairholm

In Latin American and the Caribbean, several countries are asking such questions. Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador are working to adapt a risk assessment tool, known as the ‘Index for Risk Management (INFORM),’ to the national context.

Protecting the rights of people affected by disasters | María del Carmen Sacasa

In addition to saving lives, the response to the flooding in Peru must seek to promote the active participation of people affected by the disaster.

UNDP Executive Board welcomes appointment of Achim Steiner as new Administrator

Mr Steiner’s nomination for UNDP Administrator was forwarded by Secretary-General António Guterres to the General Assembly, which today confirmed him as the Administrator of UNDP for a term of four years.

Latinamerica and the Caribbean
Social and economic costs of Zika can reach up to US$ 18 billion in Latin America and the Caribbean

The epidemic will have a long-term impact, disproportionately affecting the poorest and most vulnerable communities, and could contribute to widening inequalities in the region.