Antonio Gramsci

Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) was an Italian socialist, political theorist, and activist. For a brief overview of Gramsci's life and thought see An Introduction to Gramsci's Life and Thought by Frank Rosengarten.

Gramsci's Writings (On-Line)

Gramsci Internet Archive (

Les classiques de sciences sociales, Université du Québec

Non-English Writings
Gramsci Internet Archive (non-English)

Scritti giornalistici, from

Articles on Gramsci & His Ideas

Andreas Bieler & Adam David Morton (2003) Theoretical and Methodological Challenges of neo-Gramscian Perspectives in International Political Economy

Barry Burke (1999) Antonio Gramsci and Informal Education

Diana Coben (1998) Common Sense or Good Sense? Ethnomathematics and the Prospects for a Gramscian Politics of Adults' Mathematics Education

Carl Cuneo, Notes on Gramsci's Concepts

Maurice A. Finocchiaro (2000) Rethinking Gramsci's Political Philosophy

Gustavo E. Fischman & Peter McLaren (2005) Rethinking Critical Pedagogy and the Gramscian and Freirean Legacies: From Organic to Committed Intellectuals or Critical Pedagogy, Commitment, and Praxis

P. Kerim Friedman, Habitus, Hegemony, and Historical Blocks: Locating Language Policy in Gramsci's Theory of the State (pdf)

Stephen Gill (1997) Gramsci, Modernity and Globalization, International Gramsci Society.

Stephen Gill (2000) The constitution of global capitalism, International Studies Association

Peter Gran (1999) Subaltern Studies, Racism, and Class Struggle: Examples From India and the United States, International Gramsci Society.

Bob Jessop (1997) L'Economia Integrale, Fordism, and Post-Fordism

Peter Mayo (2005) In and against the State: Gramsci, War of Position, and Adult Education

Sofia Perrino, Antonio Gramsci's "Prison Notebooks"

Frank Rosengarten (2002) Antonio Gramsci and C.L.R. James: Some Parallels and Similarities, International Gramsci Society.

Mark Rupert (2005) Reading Gramsci in an Era of Globalising Capitalism (pdf)

E. San Juan, Jr. (2005) Antonio Gramsci on Surrealism and the Avantgarde, International Gramsci Society.

Monica Stillo, Overview and Analysis of some of Gramsci's Key Concepts

Analyses of Rightwing Uses & Interpretations of Gramsci

Charlie Bertsch (1994) Gramsci Rush: Limbaugh on the "Culture War", Bad Subjects, no. 12.

Rob van Kranenburg (1999) Whose Gramsci? Right-wing Gramscism, IGS Newsletter, no. 9.

Marcus Green (2000) Intellectuals and Bizarre Interpretations of Gramsci IGS Newsletter, no. 10.

Rightwing & Religious Interpretations of Gramsci

Note: I do not endorse nor agree with the interpretations in the following articles. I only hope that they expand the discussion of Gramscian ideas. For a brief interpretation of some of the articles, see the above article by Marcus Green.

John Fonte (2000) Why There Is A Culture War: Gramsci and Tocqueville in America.

Free Republic (2000) Who is Antonio Gramsci? You Better Learn! Currently unavailable.

William Norman Grigg (1999) Toward the Total State, The New American.

Jennifer King (1998) Who are the Real Radicals?

Hebert London (2009) Obama's Ideological Father,

Lance Morrow (Feb 2001) The Roots of America's Culture War,

Kenneth Sublett (2004) PostModern Cults: Promise Keepers, Antonio Gramsci

Fr. James Thornton (1999) Gramsci's Grand Plan

John Vennari (1995) Russia Hearkens to Gramsci's Ghost, The Fatima Crusader, no. 48

Publishers of Gramsci's Writings



Einaudi - Italian publisher of Gramsci's work

United Kingdom
Cambridge University Press
Electronic Book Classics - Gramsci's writings on CD-ROM
Lawrence and Wishart

United States
Cambridge University Press - Pre-Prison Writings
Columbia University Press - Prison Notebooks - A Series in Social Thought and Cultural Criticism
Columbia University Press - Letters from Prison.
Haymarket Books - Selections from the Cultural Writings
International Publishers - Selections from the Prison Notebooks

Book Reviews

Time Watson (1993) Comrade Gramsci's Progeny, Postmodern Culture, v.3 n.3.
Review of: Antonio Gramsci, Prison Notebooks vol. 1, Ed. Joseph Buttigieg; David Harris, From Class Struggle to the Politics of Pleasure; and Renate Holub, Antonio Gramsci: Beyond Marxism and Postmodernism

Adam David Morton (2002) Gramsci, realism and revolution
Review of: Jonathan Joseph, Hegemony: A Realist Analysis, London: Routledge, 2002; and Paul Le Blanc (ed.) From Marx to Gramsci: A Reader in Revolutionary Marxist Politics, New York: Humanity Books, 2002.

Links to Gramsci Sites

International Gramsci Society - Bulletins, articles, & searchable Newsletter
Gramsci Society (Asia-Pacific)
Gramsci Institute (Dhaka, Bangladesh)
Resources on Antonio Gramsci - details on Gramsci's publications by the late John M. Cammett
A War of Position - A blog on Gramscian issues by E. Colin Ruggero.

Italian - biografia, photos, Gramsci Square in Ales
International Gramsci Society - Italia
Fondazione Istituto Gramsci - Official Gramsci Institute in Rome, Italy

Gramsci e o Brasil - Gramscian view of Brazilian culture & politics

Óptica Gramsciana: Teoría Política, Crítica, Sociedad, Cultura. Blog mantenido por Manuel S. Almeida Rodríguez, profesor de teoría política y ciencias sociales.

Neo-Gramscian Portal

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This page is designed & maintained by Marcus Green
Please report dead links and new sites.

Created March 1999
Last update: 27 February, 2014