Bradley Foundation Floated Wisconsin Watchdog While Franklin Center Floundered

The decline of the Franklin Center is a blow to efforts by right-wing funders to develop state capitol media sites to compliment right-wing news sites covering politics in Washington, D.C., such as Breitbart News.

The Other Special Prosecutor We Need

Trump and his inner circle cashing in on the White House is its own growing scandal.

Cable Industry Lobbyists Write Republican Talking Points on Net Neutrality

Following the vote last week by the FCC to unwind the net neutrality rules enacted during the Obama administration, House Republican lawmakers received an email from GOP leadership on how to defend the decision.

The Bradley Foundation's Secret War on Gay Marriage and Liberal Sex

Policing American bedrooms is another part of the Bradley agenda.

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There is a "sucker punch" aspect of this entire episode, that has been used in the past, that makes it doubly despicable. The now dead open records issue was so completely outrageous and unexpected that it served its intended purpose – to draw attention away from the many other very contentious and controversial aspects of this budget. And that was exactly what Walker and the majority Republicans wanted to happen.

--Jay Heck, Common Cause in Wisconsin

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