Ioannina (Greece): Antiviosi squat evicted


Yet another antiauthoritarian space has been sealed off by the Greek State.

On Thursday, August 29th, at 7am, heavy police forces and fire brigade officers evicted the Antiviosi squat in the city of Ioannina, in the presence of a prosecutor. There was no one inside the squat. Cops, however, were confronted by nearly 60 solidarians on the street; no arrests were reported.

This afternoon, at 7pm, a PA’s gathering will be held in front of the former Prefecture building in Ioannina. Details about the eviction will be released later on.

Strength to the comrades from Antiviosi squat! [Read More]

Girona (CAT): Resistance Camp against MAT in defense of the land


cabezerablogboWHAT IS THE M.A.T.?
The very high tension line (M.A.T.) is an electric motorway which
transports at least 400,000 volts. It is being constructed in order to
connect European States to each other and also Europe with Africa. It is
necessary in order to sell and distribute excess energy produced by
nuclear power plants and the so-called alternative sources of energy.

[Read More]

Cardiff (Wales): Canton police station evicted


Photos and videos of Canton police station and the eviction resistance.

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Hackney, London, UK: 195 Mare Street squatted


Only a few days here at 195 and its clear that we seem to be attracting attention from people passing by.  I guess its a mix of seeing us grinding hard in the front garden, reading our signs on the gates and quite simply not be able to walk past such a big and beautiful building without noticing it. 195 Mare street really does stand out on the main road. It has been extremely refreshing to speak with people all from different journeys. So far we have received only a positive response from the local community. Sharing ideas feels wonderful and exciting and its always fun showing people the awesome space that we now have for use.  We are beginning to visualize what this place is going to evolve into.

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Oakland (USA): Stay Away Squat evicted


The StayAway squat in Oakland was evicted by a paramilitary camo-clad SWAT team with assault rifles. A long-time rent paying resident was also evicted and left homeless, all for the profit of REO Homes.

At around 10am, four heavily armored black SWAT trucks turned heads as they rolled down Vallecito Place in Highland. Deterred by the barricades that had been built in front of the StayAway over the previous month of eviction defense, the camo-clad SWAT team packing AR-15s went up 28th street and entered an adjoining property. This maneuver appears to have been pre-planned, as the neighbor said that while the Sheriff did not gain her consent to pass through her yard, she was addressed by name upon stepping outside. Entering through the backyard with no warning, StayAway residents confronted by this paramilitary squad were forced at gunpoint to abandon their possessions and leave their home with nothing but the clothes on their bodies. Two comrades were arrested and at the time of this writing their charges are unknown, although we know they were taken to Santa Rita County Jail. [Read More]

Accra (Ghana): Proud of being a squatter


“What we all want is to live with dignity. This means for me to be able to be proud of who I am – a slum dweller.”

Those are the words of Bright Dzila, a resident of Old Fadama, the largest shantytown in Accra.

Think Africa Press offers a sympathetic account of the decade-long fight this neighborhood of 80,000 people alongside the Odaw River and the Korle Lagoon has been waging to stave off eviction and be allowed to live in freedom and dignity.

[Source: Squattercity.]

Cardiff (Wales): Solidarity with squats under attack in Greece and raids in Berlin from ACAB


On August 5th cops in Greece continued their campaign of repression against squats by raiding three squatted spaces in Patras: Parartima, Maragopouleio and the Self-managed Hangout inside the Technological Educational Institute (TEI). 16 comrades were detained in total; 5 squatters and 11 supporters.

While those showing solidarity were later released, the 5 occupants faced charges in court on the 13th. Therefore the next day we painted a banner to express our solidarity with squatters facing charges and evicted from their homes.

Additionally today we hung another banner to show solidarity with the squat Rigaer 94 and all those arrested during raids in Berlin on the 14th. The raids were supposedly related to arson attacks of various job centres and a Molotov attack against police, in solidarity with the revolts in Turkey after the eviction of Gezi Park in Istanbul. [Read More]

Bielefeld (Germany): Banner drop in solidarity with the evicted squats in Patras, Greece



We heard about the eviction of the squats in Patras/Greece. So we put up a banner on the local autonomous centre to show our solidarity and inform the people here.

The banner reads: “Squats Parartima, Maragopouleio, Steki at TEI evicted in Patras. Fight back the state attacks! Freedom for all!”.

Keep on fighting!

Rage and lots of regards from Bielefeld/Germany

Source – Contra Info

Berlin: Police raid Rigaer 94 this morning and other flats, demo tonight at 8pm in solidarity


According to first reports, there were huge police raids on eight house projects and apartments in Berlin, including the Rigaer 94, this morning (14/8). The cops are supposedly looking for people responsible for attacks on various job centers (‘welfare offices’) as well as a recent molotov attack against police, who were conducting a drug raid in Köttbusser Tor during a solidarity demonstration for the revolt in Turkey. More news as it comes…

Below is a call for spontaneous demonstration in response to the raids:

This morning, August 14th, 2013, cops raided several apartments in the Mitte, Kreuzberg and Neukölln neighbourhoods of Berlin.

In Friedrichshain the police deployed a riot squad, along with special task force troops to invade the house project Rigaer Straße 94 [whose front building was already stormed by cops on August 2nd]. [Read More]

Ukraine: Sevastopol military forces evicted squat

squat Sewastopol Russia evicted

In Sevastopol, the Russian military “cleansed” squated cultural center. It seemed to them that the building in which it is found belongs to them.

“Зачистка” Социально Культурного центра

On Saturday, Aug. 10., At 14:00, in Sevastopol held picket. At the date and time of action in Kyiv and other cities, yet lack of information.

[Read More]

Cardiff (Wales): Prison squat resists eviction from High Court bailiffs


On Thursday 8th August, at approximately 10am, High Court bailiffs showed up to join United Welsh representatives, police and contractors booked to secure buildings, in an attempt to evict Rumpoles, Moira Terrace, Cardiff, CF24 0NE (aka: prison squat / 0ne squat). By 12pm, without even attempting to enter, they left the occupiers in possession of the building.

At 9:30am the first few supporters started arriving outside, while some squatters took to the peak of the roof. The outside had been barricaded with furniture, gas bottles, compressed air canisters and a piano, while the inside was  well secured. A ‘Fire 2 the prisons’ banner had also been dropped from the windows the night before, during significant disturbances within Cardiff prison over the road. [Read More]

Greece: Crackdown against three squatted spaces in the port city of Patras


On August 5th, 2013, at about 6.30am, uniformed and plainclothes cops raided and evicted three squatted spaces in Patras, namely Parartima squat on the corner of Corinthou and Aratou streets, Maragopouleio squat on Gounari street, and the Self-managed Hangout inside the Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Patras. All three squatted spaces were evicted and sealed off by police.

The repressive forces, aided by municipal authorities, confiscated various materials from the squats, and even sealed up the entrance of Parartima squat with bricks. [Update: The Patras free radio station Radio-Katalipsi 93.7FM announced that their equipment was NOT confiscated.]
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