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Last Updated: Tuesday, 24 July 2007, 05:41 GMT 06:41 UK
In pictures: The work of Naji al-Ali

Naji al-Ali cartoon

It is 20 years since the fatal shooting of the Arab world's foremost political cartoonist, Naji Ali, creator of the character Handhala, child of the Palestinian refugee camps.

Naji al-Ali cartoon - Christ with a thought bubble saying 'Bethlehem'

Born in Palestine in 1938, he became a refugee at the age of 10 when Israel came into being. Images of Palestinian struggle and suffering dominated his work.

Handhala cartoon

Ali said his character would always stay a shoeless urchin. "Only when Handhala returns to Palestine will he grow up and exceed the age of 10," he said.

Handhala mural, Jerusalem (photo courtesy of Maureen Jameson)

But his creator predicted Handhala would live on after his death. Here 20 years later he is irreverently portrayed on part of Israel's West Bank barrier.

Naji al-Ali cartoon

Ali died on 29 August 1987, more than a month after being gunned down on a London street by an unknown assassin.

Naji al-Ali cartoon: Israeli leader Menachem Begin with pyramids for biceps

Ali used newspaper cartoons to lampoon both Arabs and Israelis, here showing the mesmerising effect of the Israeli-Egypt Camp David deal on Arab leaders.

Naji al-Ali cartoon

He has been remembered for the haunting images of his own community, the exiled and despairing Palestinians...

Naji al-Ali cartoon

... and his sarcastic wit. This character says (read from right to left): "My brother Arab! My brother in Islam! My brother's in Denmark"

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