- published: 20 Jul 2014
- views: 324099
command module may refer to:
Apollo 11 was the first spaceflight that landed humans on the Moon. Americans Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on July 20, 1969, at 20:18 UTC (46 years ago). Armstrong became the first to step onto the lunar surface six hours later on July 21 at 02:56 UTC. Armstrong spent about two and a half hours outside the spacecraft, and together with Aldrin collected 47.5 pounds (21.5 kg) of lunar material for return to Earth. The third member of the mission, Michael Collins, piloted the command spacecraft alone in lunar orbit until Armstrong and Aldrin returned to it just under a day later for the trip back to Earth.
Launched by a Saturn V rocket from Kennedy Space Center in Merritt Island, Florida, on July 16, Apollo 11 was the fifth manned mission of NASA's Apollo program. The Apollo spacecraft had three parts: a Command Module (CM) with a cabin for the three astronauts, and the only part that landed back on Earth; a Service Module (SM), which supported the Command Module with propulsion, electrical power, oxygen, and water; and a Lunar Module (LM) for landing on the Moon (which itself was composed of two parts). After being sent toward the Moon by the Saturn V's upper stage, the astronauts separated the spacecraft from it and traveled for three days until they entered into lunar orbit. Armstrong and Aldrin then moved into the Lunar Module and landed in the Sea of Tranquility. They stayed a total of about 21½ hours on the lunar surface. After lifting off in the upper part of the Lunar Module and rejoining Collins in the Command Module, they returned to Earth and landed in the Pacific Ocean on July 24.
Apollo (Attic, Ionic, and Homeric Greek: Ἀπόλλων, Apollōn (GEN Ἀπόλλωνος); Doric: Ἀπέλλων, Apellōn; Arcadocypriot: Ἀπείλων, Apeilōn; Aeolic: Ἄπλουν, Aploun; Latin: Apollō) is one of the most important and complex of the Olympian deities in classical Greek and Roman religion and Greek and Roman mythology. The ideal of the kouros (a beardless, athletic youth), Apollo has been variously recognized as a god of music, truth and prophecy, healing, the sun and light, plague, poetry, and more. Apollo is the son of Zeus and Leto, and has a twin sister, the chaste huntress Artemis. Apollo is known in Greek-influenced Etruscan mythology as Apulu.
As the patron of Delphi (Pythian Apollo), Apollo was an oracular god—the prophetic deity of the Delphic Oracle. Medicine and healing are associated with Apollo, whether through the god himself or mediated through his son Asclepius, yet Apollo was also seen as a god who could bring ill-health and deadly plague. Amongst the god's custodial charges, Apollo became associated with dominion over colonists, and as the patron defender of herds and flocks. As the leader of the Muses (Apollon Musegetes) and director of their choir, Apollo functioned as the patron god of music and poetry. Hermes created the lyre for him, and the instrument became a common attribute of Apollo. Hymns sung to Apollo were called paeans.
The Command can refer to:
Modularity is the degree to which a system's components may be separated and recombined. The meaning of the word, however, can vary somewhat by context:
Command Module Documentary
James Burke takes us Inside an engineering replica the Apollo Command Module
Apollo 11 Command Module | 3D Documentation
Apollo 11 40th Anniversary - The Command Module "Columbia"
How Did the Apollo Command and Lunar Modules Become One?
Apollo Spacecraft: "The Command Module" ~ 1967 NASA; Apollo Digest CM Systems Overview
Apollo Command Module - Scale Model
Apollo 11: Command Module
How Did the Apollo Command and Service Modules Separate?
James Burke takes us inside a replica of the apollo command module
3-D model: http://3d.si.edu/apollo11cm/index.php Smithsonian Releases High-Resolution 3-D Model of Apollo 11 Command Module To Explore and Print To mark the 47th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon-landing mission, the Smithsonian has made available a high-resolution 3-D scan of the command module “Columbia,” the spacecraft that carried astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin and Michael Collins to the moon. This highly detailed model, available at 3d.si.edu, allows anyone with an internet connection to explore the entire craft including its intricate interior, which is not possible when viewing the artifact in the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum. The Smithsonian is also making the data file of the model available for download so it can be 3-D printed or viewed with virtu...
The Apollo 11 Command Module "Columbia" is displayed at the National Air and Space Museum, Washington, D.C.. It is placed in the central exhibition hall in front of the Jefferson Drive entrance, sharing the main hall with other pioneering flight vehicles such as the Spirit of St. Louis, the Bell X-1, the North American X-15, Mercury spacecraft Friendship 7, and Gemini 4. The quarantine trailer, the flotation collar, and the righting spheres are displayed at the Smithsonian's Udvar-Hazy Center annex near Washington Dulles International Airport in Virginia. In 2009 the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter imaged the various Apollo landing sites on the surface of the moon with sufficient resolution to see the descent stages of the lunar modules, scientific instruments, and foot trails made by the a...
Each Apollo lunar missions was essentially a series of manoeuvres that had to be executed nearly perfectly for a successful, nominal mission; Apollo 13, of course, is the notable exception. Among those vital manoeuvres was transposition and docking, the crew’s only chance to recover the lunar module and get it ready for the actual lunar landing manoeuvre. No mission could hope to land if the crew couldn’t pick up their lunar module, and on Apollo 14, they almost didn’t. For more on the Apollo transposition and docking manoeuvre, and the Apollo 14 docking anomaly, check out my latest blog post over on Popular Science: http://www.popsci.com/two-become-one-how-apollo-spacecraft-stuck-together And are you an Apollo 14 fan? Or just an Apollo fan in general? Do you kind of love Twitter and...
Project Apollo playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7D6A4FBE35C88581 more at http://scitech.quickfound.net/astro/project_apollo.html Overview of the Apollo spacecraft Command Module. From the NASA film series "Apollo Digest". Public domain film from NASA, slightly cropped to remove uneven edges, with the aspect ratio corrected, and one-pass brightness-contrast-color correction & mild video noise reduction applied. The soundtrack was also processed with volume normalization, noise reduction, clipping reduction, and/or equalization (the resulting sound, though not perfect, is far less noisy than the original). http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_Command/Service_Module The Command/Service Module (CSM) was one of two spacecraft...
Bill Buckingham, program manager at NASA/Goddard Visitor Center, provides a behind-the-scenes tour of the scale model of the Apollo Command Module that took the first humans to the Moon in the 60s.
A View of the Apollo 11 Command Service Module from the Lunar Module after separation.
How did the command and lunar modules dock and re-dock? Check out that video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ac47IgC39m8 There's more on the command-service module over on my blog, Vintage Space at Popular Science, so check that out if you have more questions! http://www.popsci.com/how-did-apollo-command-and-service-modules-separate There's loads of other olde timey space to dig into on Vintage Space, too! http://www.popsci.com/blog-network/vi... Breaking the Chains of Gravity, is available now in the UK, US, Canada, Australia, and India! You can order your copy on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Breaking-Chains... I'm also selling signed hardcover editions of my book on my website! Get your copy here: http://amyshirateitel.com/shop/ Connect on Facebook, Google+, Instagram, a...
James Burke takes us inside a replica of the apollo command module
3-D model: http://3d.si.edu/apollo11cm/index.php Smithsonian Releases High-Resolution 3-D Model of Apollo 11 Command Module To Explore and Print To mark the 47th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon-landing mission, the Smithsonian has made available a high-resolution 3-D scan of the command module “Columbia,” the spacecraft that carried astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin and Michael Collins to the moon. This highly detailed model, available at 3d.si.edu, allows anyone with an internet connection to explore the entire craft including its intricate interior, which is not possible when viewing the artifact in the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum. The Smithsonian is also making the data file of the model available for download so it can be 3-D printed or viewed with virtu...
The Apollo 11 Command Module "Columbia" is displayed at the National Air and Space Museum, Washington, D.C.. It is placed in the central exhibition hall in front of the Jefferson Drive entrance, sharing the main hall with other pioneering flight vehicles such as the Spirit of St. Louis, the Bell X-1, the North American X-15, Mercury spacecraft Friendship 7, and Gemini 4. The quarantine trailer, the flotation collar, and the righting spheres are displayed at the Smithsonian's Udvar-Hazy Center annex near Washington Dulles International Airport in Virginia. In 2009 the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter imaged the various Apollo landing sites on the surface of the moon with sufficient resolution to see the descent stages of the lunar modules, scientific instruments, and foot trails made by the a...
Each Apollo lunar missions was essentially a series of manoeuvres that had to be executed nearly perfectly for a successful, nominal mission; Apollo 13, of course, is the notable exception. Among those vital manoeuvres was transposition and docking, the crew’s only chance to recover the lunar module and get it ready for the actual lunar landing manoeuvre. No mission could hope to land if the crew couldn’t pick up their lunar module, and on Apollo 14, they almost didn’t. For more on the Apollo transposition and docking manoeuvre, and the Apollo 14 docking anomaly, check out my latest blog post over on Popular Science: http://www.popsci.com/two-become-one-how-apollo-spacecraft-stuck-together And are you an Apollo 14 fan? Or just an Apollo fan in general? Do you kind of love Twitter and...
Project Apollo playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7D6A4FBE35C88581 more at http://scitech.quickfound.net/astro/project_apollo.html Overview of the Apollo spacecraft Command Module. From the NASA film series "Apollo Digest". Public domain film from NASA, slightly cropped to remove uneven edges, with the aspect ratio corrected, and one-pass brightness-contrast-color correction & mild video noise reduction applied. The soundtrack was also processed with volume normalization, noise reduction, clipping reduction, and/or equalization (the resulting sound, though not perfect, is far less noisy than the original). http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_Command/Service_Module The Command/Service Module (CSM) was one of two spacecraft...
Bill Buckingham, program manager at NASA/Goddard Visitor Center, provides a behind-the-scenes tour of the scale model of the Apollo Command Module that took the first humans to the Moon in the 60s.
A View of the Apollo 11 Command Service Module from the Lunar Module after separation.
How did the command and lunar modules dock and re-dock? Check out that video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ac47IgC39m8 There's more on the command-service module over on my blog, Vintage Space at Popular Science, so check that out if you have more questions! http://www.popsci.com/how-did-apollo-command-and-service-modules-separate There's loads of other olde timey space to dig into on Vintage Space, too! http://www.popsci.com/blog-network/vi... Breaking the Chains of Gravity, is available now in the UK, US, Canada, Australia, and India! You can order your copy on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Breaking-Chains... I'm also selling signed hardcover editions of my book on my website! Get your copy here: http://amyshirateitel.com/shop/ Connect on Facebook, Google+, Instagram, a...
The second episode is centered on the construction of the Apollo Command Module and the setback of the Apollo 1 fire.
The second episode is centered on the construction of the Apollo Command Module and the setback of the Apollo 1 fire.
Moon Machines हिंदी Ep 2 Command Module Subscribe For More Hindi Docomentry's Like Our Videos Leave A comment Like us on Google + Explore Our Chanel And Chek More Videos
This was too good not to repost and share. Documentary mostly about the development of the command module for the Apollo space program albeit chock full of info.
This is part of what I found on old vhs tapes my dad had. it includes: Apollo 17 Rocket Launch; Images from the moon; Moonwalk and moon drive; Taking soil samples the Command Module; Images of earth as seen from the moon; Taking soil samples; Crater-research; Message to the world; Command Module lift-off; Images of the moon from the Command Module; Images on the mothership; Images of the moon from 400 miles away; Images of the Soviet Command Module on the moon; Spacewalk outside the Command Module; Splashdown in the Great Ocean;
We recount the story of the engineers who built the Apollo Command Module, a fully pressurised living space that would need to provide three men with food,
We recount the story of the engineers who built the Apollo Command Module, a fully pressurised living space that would need to provide three men with food,