- published: 10 Oct 2017
- views: 4053
Richard Georg Strauss (11 June 1864 – 8 September 1949) was a leading German composer of the late Romantic and early modern eras. He is known for his operas, which include Der Rosenkavalier, Elektra, Die Frau ohne Schatten and Salome; his Lieder, especially his Four Last Songs; his tone poems, including Don Juan, Death and Transfiguration, Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks, Also sprach Zarathustra, Ein Heldenleben, Symphonia Domestica, and An Alpine Symphony; and other instrumental works such as Metamorphosen and his Oboe Concerto. Strauss was also a prominent conductor throughout Germany and Austria.
Strauss, along with Gustav Mahler, represents the late flowering of German Romanticism after Richard Wagner, in which pioneering subtleties of orchestration are combined with an advanced harmonic style.
Strauss was born on 11 June 1864 in Munich, the son of Josephine (née Pschorr) and Franz Strauss, who was the principal horn player at the Court Opera in Munich. In his youth, he received a thorough musical education from his father. He wrote his first composition at the age of six and continued to write music almost until his death.
The Germanic first or given name Richard derives from German, French, and English "ric" (ruler, leader, king) and "hard" (strong, brave), and it therefore means "powerful leader". Nicknames include "Dick", "Dickie", "Rich", "Richie", "Rick", "Ricky", "Rickey", and others.
"Richard" is a common name in many Germanic languages, including English, German, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Icelandic, and Dutch. It can also be used as a French, Hungarian, Finnish, and Estonian name.
Radio is the use of radio waves is to carry information, such as sound, by systematically modulating some property of electromagnetic energy waves transmitted through space, such as their amplitude, frequency, phase, or pulse width. When radio waves strike an electrical conductor, the oscillating fields induce an alternating current in the conductor. The information in the waves can be extracted and transformed back into its original form.
Radio systems need a transmitter to modulate (change) some property of the energy produced to impress a signal on it, for example using amplitude modulation or angle modulation (which can be frequency modulation or phase modulation). Radio systems also need an antenna to convert electric currents into radio waves, and vice versa. An antenna can be used for both transmitting and receiving. The electrical resonance of tuned circuits in radios allow individual stations to be selected. The electromagnetic wave is intercepted by a tuned receiving antenna. A radio receiver receives its input from an antenna and converts it into a form usable for the consumer, such as sound, pictures, digital data, measurement values, navigational positions, etc. Radio frequencies occupy the range from a 3 kHz to 300 GHz, although commercially important uses of radio use only a small part of this spectrum.
Latvijas Radio (Radio Latvia; shortened as LR) is a public service broadcasting network of Latvia. The organisation was founded 1 November 1925, and is situated in the Latvian capital of Riga. Since 2002, Latvijas Radio broadcasts five different stations on the FM band and the internet: Latvijas Radio 1 (news, talk, current affairs programmes), Latvijas Radio 2 (Latvian music), Latvijas Radio 3 - Klasika (classical, jazz), Latvijas Radio 4 - Doma Laukums (minority programmes, mostly in Russian), and from March 31, 2014 - Latvijas Radio 5 - Pieci.lv (station aimed at youth, similar to BBC Radio 1).
Latvijas Radio is a cultural institution of Latvia — with radio drama, a radio choir and children's vocal groups. The phonographic archives contains approximately 200,000 recordings. Beginning 1 January 1993, Latvijas Radio is a member of the European Broadcasting Union.
Latvijas Radio (Radio Riga) broadcast programs in Swedish from 1960 to 1995.
It collaborates with Latvian Television as part of the Public broadcasting of Latvia brand.
Laurence Equilbey (born 6 March 1962) is a French conductor, particularly known for her work in the choral repertoire.
Equilbey studied piano and flute in her early life. She undertook formal music education in Paris, Vienna, London and Scandinavia. Her teachers included Eric Ericson, Denise Ham, Colin Metters and Jorma Panula.
Equilbey founded the chamber choir Accentus in 1991, and continues as its music director. With Accentus, she has conducted commercial recordings for such labels as Naïve. In 1995, she founded the Jeune Chœur de Paris, which in 2002 was incorporated as a department of the Conservatoire à rayonnement régional de Paris. She co-directs the programme with Geoffroy Jourdain. Since the 2009-2010 season, Equilbey has been an associate artist, with Accentus, of the Ensemble Orchestral de Paris.
Equilbey invented the "e-tuner", an electronic means of tuning quarter tones and 1/3 tones. Outside of conventional classical music, she is a collaborator in the Private Domain project, which has included work with Émilie Simon, Murcof, Para One, and Marc Collin of Nouvelle Vague.
The Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Jakub Hrůša, perform Richard Strauss' legendary Also sprach Zarathustra in this re-upload of a 2013 broadcast from Vredenburg, Utrecht. Musicians: Radio Philharmonic Orchestra Jakub Hrůša (conductor) More AVROTROS Klassiek: ♬ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AVROTROS.Klassiek/ ♬ Twitter: https://twitter.com/klassiekonline ♬ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/avrotrosklassiek/
Richard Strauss: Festliches Präludium, Op. 61 (Strauss Festival Prelude) László Fassang - organ Gergely Madaras - conductor Hungarian Radio Symphony Orchestra Copyright: MuPa Palace of Arts, Budapest 2015 All rights reserved
Richard Strauss EINE ALPENSINFONIE, op. 64 sinfonische Dichtung Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks MARISS JANSONS Nacht Sonnenaufgang Der Anstieg Eintritt in den Wald Wanderung neben dem Bache Am Wasserfall Erscheinung Auf blumigen Wiesen Auf der Alm Durch Dickicht und Gestrüpp auf Irrwegen Auf dem Gletscher Gefahrvolle Augenblicke Auf dem Gipfel Vision Nebel steigen auf Die Sonne verdüstert sich allmählich Elegie Stille vor dem Sturm Gewitter und Sturm, Abstieg Sonnenuntergang Ausklang Nacht
Fritz Wunderlich sings "Ständchen", op 17 No 2 by Richard Strauss Symphony Orchestra of the Bavarian Radio Jan Koetsier, conductor
Richard Strauss Traumlicht, op. 123 nr. 2 Latvian Radio Choir Accentus Laurence Equilbey, conductor
Orchestra Nationala Radio dirijor: Cristian Mandeal Richard Strauss - Eine Alpensinfonie
Nacht – Sonnenaufgang – Der Anstieg – Eintritt in den Wald – Wanderung neben dem Bache – Am Wasserfall – Erscheinung – Auf blumigen Wiesen – Auf der Alm – Durch Dickicht und Gestrüpp auf Irrwegen – Auf dem Gletscher – Gefahrvolle Augenblicke – Auf dem Gipfel – Vision – Nebel steigen auf – Die Sonne verdüstert sich allmählich – Elegie – Stille vor dem Sturm – Gewitter und Sturm, Abstieg – Sonnenuntergang – Ausklang – Nacht ∙ hr-Sinfonieorchester – Frankfurt Radio Symphony ∙ Andrés Orozco-Estrada, Dirigent ∙ Alte Oper Frankfurt, 14. Oktober 2016 ∙ Website: http://www.hr-sinfonieorchester.de ∙ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hrsinfonieorchester
"Der Abend" op 34 No 1 by Richard Strauss Latvian Radio Choir "Accentus" Laurence Equilbey, conductor Senke, strahlender Gott, die Fluren dürsten Nach erquickendem Tau, der Mensch verschmachtet, Matter ziehen die Rosse, Senke den Wagen hinab! Siehe, wer aus des Meeres krystallner Woge Lieblich lächelnd dir winkt! Erkennt dein Herz sie? Rascher fliegen die Rosse. Thetys, die göttliche, winkt. Schnell vom Wagen herab in ihre Arme Springt der Führer, den Zaum ergreift Kupido, Stille halten die Rosse, Trinken die kühlende Flut. An dem Himmel herauf mit leisen Schritten Kommt die duftende Nacht; ihr folgt die süße Liebe. Ruhet und liebet! Phöbus, der Liebende, ruht. by Friedrich von Schiller (1759 - 1805) , "Der Abend", subtitle: "Nach einem Gemählde"
Intermezzo & Finale from Feuersnot by Richard Strauss John Shirley-Quirk (Kunrad) Gundula Janowitz (Diemut) Radio Symphony Orchestra Berlin Erich Leinsdorf, conductor Berln V.1978
Presentazione del CD "Richard Strauss and The Piano - Costantino Catena & Quartetto Savinio" su Radio Rai 3, trasmissione Primo Movimento (conduce Arturo Stalteri) - 5 novembre 2014 コスタンティーノ・カテーナ
Till Eulenspiegels lustige Streiche, op. 28 (1895) - Richard Strauss - Danmarks Radio SymfoniOrkestret - Thomas Dausgaard © Danmarks Radio
Richard Strauss - Alpesymfoni 1915 - Danmarks Radio SymfoniOrkestret - Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos http://www.dr.dk/Om_DR/Nyt+fra+DR/artikler/2014/06/11112451.htm © Danmarks Radio
Richard Strauss Zwei Gesänge, op. 34: Hymne Latvian Radio Choir Accentus Laurence Equilbey, conductor
Richard Strauss Zwei Gesänge, op. 34: Der Abend Latvian Radio Choir Accentus Laurence Equilbey, conductor
"Hymne" op 34 No 2 by Richard Strauss Latvian Radio Choir "Accentus" Laurence Equilbey, conductor Jakob! dein verlorner Sohn Kehret wieder, O gräme dich nicht. Die Erhörung von Gottes Thron Steigt hernieder, O gräme dich nicht! Dieses traurige Herz wird einst Ruh' genießen, O sei nicht betrübt. Jede Thräne, welche du weinst, Wird zerfließen, O gräme dich nicht! Wann zur harrenden Erdenbraut Mit Liebkosen Der Frühling kehrt, Wird der Nachtigall Nest gebaut Unter Rosen, O gräme dich nicht! Wenn des Himmels kreisendes Rad Dir zu Zeiten nicht geht nach Lust, Denk, nothwendig ein Kreislauf hat Ungleichheiten, o gräme dich nicht. Daß du der Sterne heimliches Thun Siehst nicht freier, O hadre nicht: Weltgeheimnisse wollen ruhn Unterm Schleier, O gräme dich nicht! Wenn der Strom des V...
Richard Strauss 1864-1946 Don Juan op.20 Mariss Jansons Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks
Según el análisis de Luis Ángel de Benito en "Música y Significado" de Radio Clásica.
BBC Radio 3 New Generation Artist soprano Fatma Said performs 'Epheu' by Richard Strauss, with Joseph Middleton at the piano For more information about the NGA scheme: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b007tb68 Wiki page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BBC_Radio_3_New_Generation_Artists_scheme For more video performances and interviews: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFAFAA76F4AC256F1
The Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Jakub Hrůša, perform Richard Strauss' legendary Also sprach Zarathustra in this re-upload of a 2013 broadcast from Vredenburg, Utrecht. Musicians: Radio Philharmonic Orchestra Jakub Hrůša (conductor) More AVROTROS Klassiek: ♬ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AVROTROS.Klassiek/ ♬ Twitter: https://twitter.com/klassiekonline ♬ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/avrotrosklassiek/
Richard Strauss EINE ALPENSINFONIE, op. 64 sinfonische Dichtung Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks MARISS JANSONS Nacht Sonnenaufgang Der Anstieg Eintritt in den Wald Wanderung neben dem Bache Am Wasserfall Erscheinung Auf blumigen Wiesen Auf der Alm Durch Dickicht und Gestrüpp auf Irrwegen Auf dem Gletscher Gefahrvolle Augenblicke Auf dem Gipfel Vision Nebel steigen auf Die Sonne verdüstert sich allmählich Elegie Stille vor dem Sturm Gewitter und Sturm, Abstieg Sonnenuntergang Ausklang Nacht
Orchestra Nationala Radio dirijor: Cristian Mandeal Richard Strauss - Eine Alpensinfonie
Nacht – Sonnenaufgang – Der Anstieg – Eintritt in den Wald – Wanderung neben dem Bache – Am Wasserfall – Erscheinung – Auf blumigen Wiesen – Auf der Alm – Durch Dickicht und Gestrüpp auf Irrwegen – Auf dem Gletscher – Gefahrvolle Augenblicke – Auf dem Gipfel – Vision – Nebel steigen auf – Die Sonne verdüstert sich allmählich – Elegie – Stille vor dem Sturm – Gewitter und Sturm, Abstieg – Sonnenuntergang – Ausklang – Nacht ∙ hr-Sinfonieorchester – Frankfurt Radio Symphony ∙ Andrés Orozco-Estrada, Dirigent ∙ Alte Oper Frankfurt, 14. Oktober 2016 ∙ Website: http://www.hr-sinfonieorchester.de ∙ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hrsinfonieorchester
"Tod und Verklärung" tone poem, op.24 by Richard Strauss Wiener Philharmoniker Richard Strauss, conductor Wien 1944
Richard Strauss - Alpesymfoni 1915 - Danmarks Radio SymfoniOrkestret - Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos http://www.dr.dk/Om_DR/Nyt+fra+DR/artikler/2014/06/11112451.htm © Danmarks Radio
Orchestra Sinfonica di Torino della Rai Conductor : Sergiu Celibidache (1970)
Según el análisis de Luis Ángel de Benito en "Música y Significado" de Radio Clásica.
RICHARD STRAUSS, A PERSONAL VIEW R. STRAUSS Cäcilie Violin Sonata in E-flat major: Mvt. I Ophelia Lieder Nos. 1-3 Le bourgeois gentilhomme: Mvts. I, IV, & IX Vier Letzte Lieder: Beim Schlafengehen THE ANATOMY OF THE FUGUE LASSO Who Follow with Me MARENZIO Spring Returns J. S. BACH The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2: Fugue VII & Fugue XXII W. A. MOZART Adagio and Fugue in C minor BEETHOVEN Piano Sonata No. 31 in A-flat major: Mvt. III BEETHOVEN Piano Sonata No. 3 in B-flat major: Mvt. I GOULD So You Want to Write a Fugue?
- Composer: Richard Georg Strauss (11 June 1864 -- 8 September 1949) - Orchestra: Tonhalle Orchestra Zürich - Conductor: David Zinman - Year of recording: 2001 Tod und Verklärung {Death and Transfiguration}, tone poem for orchestra, Op. 24 (TrV 158), written in 1888-1889. There are four movements (with Ritter's poetic thoughts condensed): 00:00 - I. Largo (The sick man, near death) 05:19 - II. Allegro molto agitato (The battle between life and death offers no respite to the man) 08:55 - III. Meno mosso (The dying man's life passes before him) 16:53 - IV. Moderato (The sought-after transfiguration) Among Strauss' tone poems, Tod und Verklärung (Death and Transfiguration) stands out for its concise program of an unnamed artist's demise and the subsequent transformation of his spirit. Unli...
Tondichtung für großes Orchester ∙ I. Der Held ∙ II. Des Helden Widersacher ∙ III. Des Helden Gefährtin ∙ IV. Des Helden Walstatt ∙ V. Des Helden Friedenswerke ∙ VI. Des Helden Weltflucht und Vollendung ∙ hr-Sinfonieorchester – Frankfurt Radio Symphony ∙ Andrés Orozco-Estrada, Dirigent ∙ Alte Oper Frankfurt, 11. Dezember 2015 ∙ Website: http://www.hr-sinfonieorchester.de ∙ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hrsinfonieorchester
Faces of Classical Music http://facesofclassicalmusic.blogspot.com • Richard Strauss (1864-1949) ♪ Le bourgeois gentilhomme (Der Bürger als Edelmann), suite, Op.60 i. Ouverture ii. Menuett (Minuet) iii. Der Fechtmeister (The Fencing Master) iv. Auftritt und Tanz der Schneider (Entry and Dance of the Tailors) v. Das Menuett des Lully (Lully's Minuet) vi. Courante vii. Auftritt des Cléonte (Entry of Cléonte) (after Lully) viii. Vorspiel (Intermezzo) ix. Das Diner (The Dinner) Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra Lorin Maazel Amsterdam, Concertgebouw October 14, 2000 Radio Orpheus (HD 1080p - Audio video) Thanks to the blog PANOVNIK (panovnik.blogspot.com) • Faces of Classical Music http://facesofclassicalmusic.blogspot.com
指揮:ロリン・マゼール バイエルン放送交響楽団 1995年2月6、7日 ミュンヘン ヘルクレスザール
Soile Isokoski--Soprano Marek Janowski--Conductor Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester, Berlin 2002
Richard Strauss. FOUR LAST SONGS. Spring. September. Going to Sleep (Poems by Hermann Hesse). In the Glow of Evening (Poem by Joseph von Eichendorff). Elisabeth Schwarzkopf soprano. Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra. George Szell. From Angel LP first published 1966.
Anton Barachovsky, Solo-Violin Richard Strauss "Ein Heldenleben" through-composed tone poem First performed: March 3, 1898 Symphonie-Orchestrer des Bayerischen Rundfunks Conductor: Mariss Jansons from the Philharmonie Gasteig, Munich
Radio Filharmonisch Orkest, Groot Omroepkoor en Nationaal Kinderkoor Vladimir Jurowski [dirigent] Gijs Leenaars [koordirigent] Der Kaiser - Torsten Kerl [tenor] Die Kaiserin - Anne Schwanewilms [sopraan] Die Amme - Jane Henschel [mezzosopraan] Barak - Johan Reuter [bas-bariton] Baraks Frau - Christine Goerke [sopraan] Der Einäugige- Andrew Slater [bas-bariton] Der Einarmige / Wächter der Stadt - Maxim Mikhailov [bas] Der Bucklige - Alasdair Elliott [tenor] Der Geisterbote - Matthew Rose [bas] Die Stimme des Falken / Hüter der Schwelle / 1e Dienerin - Katrien Baerts [sopraan] Erscheinung eines Jünglings - Benjamin Hulett [tenor] Eine Stimme von oben / 3e Dienerin - Kismara Pessatti [alt] Wächter der Stadt - Quirijn de Lang [bariton] Wächter der Stadt - Hugo Oliveira [bariton] Richard Stra...
Richard Strauss (1864 - 1949) Orchesterlieder * Songs with Orchestra 1. Cäclie, op. 72, nr 2 (Hart) 2. Morgen, op. 27, nr. 4 (Mackay) 3. Wiegenlied, op. 41, nr. 1 (Dehmel) 4. Ruhe, meine Seele, op. 27, nr. 1 (Henckell) 5. Meinem Kinde, op. 37, nr. 3 (Falke) 6. Zueignung, op. 10, nr. 1 (Von Gilm)* Jessye Norman, soprano Gewandhausorchester Leipzig Dir.: Kurt Masur * orchestrated by Robert Hegel Recorded in the Gerhardt Kirche, Leipzig, Germany, August 1982
Richard Strauss (1864-1949) Also sprach Zarathustra op.30 Mariss Jansons Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks Herkulessaal, München, 27 4/2007 ------------------------------------- Please take note that the recording is NOT mine. All rights belong to their respective owners.