
Cede No Ground To Fascists

  • Posted on: 11 May 2017
  • By: thecollective

By Magpie, via Birds Before the Storm

When the nazis came to town, a friend of mine got in her pickup truck and drove around the entire night. Not just to keep track of the fascists, but to give rides and offer safety to anyone and everyone who felt threatened by them. I know without a doubt she would have climbed out of her truck and intervened more bodily if it had been required of her.

She’s also white and has a rather large and prominent tattoo of Mjolnir, “Thor’s hammer.” She listens to black metal, writes in runes, tends towards misanthropy, and draws strength from the old gods. These are all things a lot of nazis do too. Which is to say, my friend spends a lot of her time in contested cultural terrain. I love her for it.

I Apologize In Advance: Anarchism, the Occult, and Identity Politics

  • Posted on: 17 August 2016
  • By: thecollective

From Gods and Radicals

I apologize in advance.

I know there are two ways to read this article and two very different types of people who will respond to it. One’s going to get it and the other is going to hang me from the rafters. Still, you’re better than them, so it’s at least worth saying to you. You’ll see what I mean by the end of this. Maybe. Something’s been on my mind lately, I figure I’d talk to you about it.