
An apology for communism: The invisible committee’s Now

  • Posted on: 30 June 2017
  • By: thecollective

From Autonomies

What follows is a fourth and final exercise in the sharing of ideas, of visions (for the first, click here, the second, here, and the third, here). The most recent essay by the invisible committee, Now, continues a reflection-intervention that began with The Coming Insurrection and To Our Friends, and offers a powerful critique of contemporary politics, along with a defense of “autonomy”. What is proposed here then is again a partial translation, summary and critical commentary on their reading of communism.

Reading our times with Now: The invisible committee

  • Posted on: 29 May 2017
  • By: thecollective

From Autonomies

What follows is an exercise in the sharing of ideas, of visions. The most recent essay by the invisible committee, Now, continues a reflection-intervention that began with The Coming Insurrection and To Our Friends, and offers a powerful critique of contemporary politics, along with a defense of “autonomy”. What is proposed here then is a partial summary, and occasionally a commentary and exemplification, or simply a montage, of some of the ideas that animate their vision of our times.

Now: The Invisible Committee (1)

  • Posted on: 13 May 2017
  • By: thecollective

From Autonomies

With this post, we begin the translation into english of the Invisible Committee’s most recent essay, Maintenant/Now (following on The Coming Insurrection and To Our Friends) . And we do so because of the importance that we attribute, and have attributed, to their ongoing reflections on/interventions in our world.