
Hawthorn is a plant extract believed to offer great health benefits to sufferers of angina and heart disease.

Hawthorn is a medicinal herb known to be one of the greatest natural agents for improving cardiovascular function. Several species of the plant extract have been used in traditional medicine for centuries. Active ingredients found in hawthorn include the all-important health-boosters, tannins and flavonoids.

Where it's found

Native to the temperate regions of Europe, Asia, and North America, hawthorne is a tree plant of the rose family. The leaves, berries, and flowers are used in medicine for improving cardiovascular function and treating other ailments.

Few realise the leaves are edible and if picked at the right time of year (early spring) can make a great addition to salads.

How it can benefit you

Hawthorne is used mostly to boost the circulatory system, treat angina, high blood pressure, congestive heart failure and cardiac arrhythmia. It’s also occasionally used in the treatment of tapeworm and intestinal infections.

Extracts of the plant can also be applied to the skin as a remedy for boils and ulcers and used as a wash for sores, itching and frostbite.

Benefits include:

  • Helps congestive heart failure problems
  • Prevents atherosclerosis
  • Helps combat chest pain
  • May assist in the removal of LDL cholesterol from the bloodstream
  • Helps high blood pressure
Naturopath Mim Beim says:

“This herb is a very old European heart tonic. It’s good for the cardio vascular system from arrhythmia to high blood pressure.”