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Genetic testing leaves some excluded from life insurance

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Melissa Taylor has a family history of breast cancer and was first diagnosed with the disease in one breast at age 31.

The 47-year-old social worker from Sydney was diagnosed a second time with a new primary cancer in her other breast last year.

And, on the advice of her doctor, she undertook genetic testing that found a mutation in the BRCA1 gene for breast cancer.

She took all of the preventive measures, including surgery, recommended by her doctors.

Even though, given her medical history, she thinks it unlikely she would be able to get life insurance cover, she says no one should be discriminated against on the basis of the results of genetic testing.

"I have the BRCA1 gene, which is really high risk of breast cancer and of ovarian cancer.


"I've had all of my preventative surgery and I'm in remission. And because of the preventative measures, I am actually at a lower risk of breast and ovarian cancer than the general population," she says.

In Australia, unlike in many other countries, life insurers are allowed to ask applicants for results of genetic tests and allowed to discriminate on the basis of the results.

"I would like to think that I should have the same access to cover as anyone else," Taylor says.

"I would rather make the decision of whether to get life insurance than the life insurer making the decision," she says.


Other countries have introduced laws for their life insurance industries, or the life insurers acted themselves, to end discrimination on the basis of genetic testing.

In Britain, for example, the life insurance industry agreed to a moratorium on asking applicants to disclose results of genetic tests.

Some patients are not having genetic testing because of concerns they may be refused insurance cover.

They did so, in part, because of legal uncertainties over how much the results of genetic testing could be used in assessing whether to provide cover.

In Australia, when applying for personal life insurance, including total and permanent disability, income protection and trauma insurance, it is a condition of cover that genetic test results are provided.

A joint parliamentary committee is looking into the issue of genetic testing and life insurance as part of a broader inquiry into the life insurance industry. The committee is due to issue its report by October 31, 2017.

Leading academics are calling on the insurance industry to follow the overseas lead and cease asking applicants whether they have had genetic testing.

They say some patients are not having genetic testing because of concerns they may be refused insurance cover when the results of genetic testing could be life-saving.

Early warnings that someone has  a susceptibility to cancer, for example, usually leads to diagnostic testing such as screening.

"I've published research that points to the fact that it does put people off from getting genetic testing," says Louise Keogh, an associate professor at the University of Melbourne.

"It's not everybody, but there is a sub-group for whom it is a deal-breaker and they are not interested in getting genetic testing while they know that it will impact on their life insurance," she says.

Genetic tests

Only a small portion of the population is tested, but that is expected to rise as technology advances and costs fall. As this stage, laboratories from overseas that are promoting their services online are testing for ancestry and ethnicity rather than for health.

But that is changing. It is now possible to sequence our entire genome, fairly cheaply, as a means of identifying and managing health risks.

Kristine Barlow-Stewart, an associate professor at the University of Sydney, warns that not all tests are of the same quality.

If the testing is done through a doctor, specialist or hospital in Australia, the laboratories will have the appropriate accreditation.

She says that tests ordered online and without a doctor or genetic counsellor are done in overseas laboratories and cannot be regulated by Australian authorities. Barlow-Stewart says that genetic discrimination is not only stopping people from having testing, but also from participating in the research that has to be done to make sense of the results of genome testing.

"I want any results from research to be excluded from the requirement of disclosure in life insurance and that includes trauma and income protection," Barlow-Stewart says.

Online push

Australian life insurers have an exemption under the Disability Discrimination Act, which prohibits discrimination, including discrimination on the basis of genetic testing.

Under a standard of the Financial Services Council, which represents life insurers, a life insurer cannot request an applicant to undergo genetic testing.

And those who have personal insurance have guaranteed renewal each year, as long as they continue to pay the premiums.

Heath insurance is different again, as it is community rated where there should be no discrimination based on genetic testing.

Brad Fox, the former chief executive of the Association of Financial Advisers, says the testing that is available online, where a saliva sample is sent overseas for analysis, appears to the harmless enough.

It appears to be used for testing for "ancestry", such as Scottish, Greek or some other heritage.

But he can see problems down the track if the testing includes health. Consumers could even receive raw genetic data, which includes health data.

And the life insurer could even conceivably seek to interpret the raw genetic data itself, Fox says.

Super funds

Super funds will usually have a certain level of life insurance cover that is provided to the member on joining the fund.

Bessie Hassan, the money expert at comparison site Finder, says though many super funds have automatic acceptance, regardless of pre-existing conditions or positive genetic tests, the amount of cover is likely to be lower than personal insurance.

For example, many funds provide some cover for death and total and permanent disablement, and sometimes also income protection with automatic acceptance.

The level of death and total and permanent disablement cover may increase until age 35 to $200,000 or so, and then decrease with age.

For extra cover above the automatic acceptance level, super funds will usually ask the fund member half a dozen basic questions, such as whether the member smokes, is in a white- or blue-collar occupation or has been hospitalised in the past two, three or five years.

However, even though a fund member will not be asked about genetic testing, there is usually an open-ended question such as "is there anything that you should be disclosing", Fox says.

He points out that some super funds will have much more detailed questions and require a full medical history before agreeing to provide extra cover.

Where personal life insurance is bought direct from the insurer, the "underwriting" or the assessment of the risks that the applicant presents to the insurer, is usually done at the time of the claim, Fox says.

That makes it very important to understand the policy conditions and to answer medical questions carefully to help ensure that a claim is paid.


If the insurance is bought through an adviser, the underwriting is done upfront, which gives certainty that the claim will be honoured, Fox says.

"It gives certainty that the fine print of the contract will not catch you out at claim time."

Paul Del Grande, the managing director of In Sync Financial Services and a financial adviser, says that genetic results may not be that important for life insurance.

With improving management of diseases such as cancer, it is not so much a question for insurers of mortality but more the morbidity – the risk of onset of disease.

It is likely to be just part of the information, along with the medical and family history that is disclosed to the insurer, Del Grande says. It may not lead to higher premiums or even denial of cover.

He says if something shows up from genetic testing, it may be more of an issue in trauma insurance, which pays out upon diagnosis of disease.