Pasta all'arrabbiata

A recipe from the Good Food collection.


4 double-smoked bacon slices, rind removed

2 teaspoons olive oil

4 red chillies, seeded and chopped

2 large onions, finely chopped

3 garlic cloves, crushed

800 g (1 lb 12 oz) very ripe tomatoes, finely chopped

500 g (1 lb 2 oz) lasagnette pasta

2 tablespoons chopped parsley

grated parmesan cheese, to serve


1. Chop the bacon. Heat the olive oil in a heavy-based saucepan and add the bacon, chilli, onion and garlic. Cook over medium heat for about 8 minutes, stirring occasionally.

2. Add the tomato and 3 tablespoons water to the pan and season to taste with salt and pepper. Cover and simmer for about 40 minutes, or until the sauce is thick and rich.

3. Cook the pasta in a large saucepan of rapidly boiling water until al dente. Drain and rinse thoroughly in a colander, then return the pasta to the pan and keep warm.

4. Add the parsley to the sauce and season again if necessary. Pour the sauce over the pasta, tossing to coat the pasta thoroughly. Serve sprinkled with a little grated parmesan.