International Women´s Day 2017


The IFJ uses projects to implement actions and campaigns that improve the capacity of its affiliates to defend their members' rights. The projects division is responsible for raising the funds and resources to implement the IFJ Working Programme established at Congress and meet the priorities of member unions.

A successful project will strengthen the role, profile, influence and capacity of the IFJ, its offices and its member unions to improve the rights and interests of journalists. The projects division is based in Brussels and the programmes are implemented through the IFJ regional offices and solidarity centres.

Projects involve a wide range of themes and activities. In 2004 the Athens Congress approved a strategy that organised work around four focus areas: 

  • safety, 
  • globalisation, 
  • union building, 
  • relations with government and the defence of professional rights

Project work has become increasingly important over the past decade with an average annual budget of just over 1.5 million Euro in the 2004-2007 congress period. A full review of the programme activities and sources of funding is provided in the Projects report to Congress. 

Click on the links below to find out more about IFJ campaigns:





Note: This website is still under development, more campaigns will be added shortly…..