Is this the narrowest doorway in London? 60, Union Street, SE1

Is the narrowest doorway in London? 60, Union Street, SE1

I haven’t been able to find anything on the web about this (hopefully some of you lot will be able to help out) but this surely has to be one of the narrowest doorways in London?

Is the narrowest doorway in London? 60, Union Street, SE1

The front door for 60 Union Street, SE1, really is tiny – if you lived there and went out for an evening of pie-eating you’d probably not get back in later.

Is the narrowest doorway in London? 60, Union Street, SE1

The ‘RASTA FARI’ graffiti next to the tiny door looks like it’s been there for a fair while.

Is the narrowest doorway in London? 60, Union Street, SE1

The door looks pretty battered too, but the lock suggests it’s still in use.

The door is even narrower than Brydges Place in central London, which can claim to be London’s narrowest alley.

Is the narrowest doorway in London? 60, Union Street, SE1

The building.

Is the narrowest doorway in London? 60, Union Street, SE1

You can see how it’s much narrower than the green door to the right.

Is the narrowest doorway in London? 60, Union Street, SE1

The building next door looks like it’s being demolished. You can just make out ‘DEVONSHIRE HOUSE’ under the netting.

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