5 technology strategies to future-proof your company

Formula One's mix of biology, advanced materials, data science and speed is a window into corporate competition in the ...
Formula One's mix of biology, advanced materials, data science and speed is a window into corporate competition in the fourth industrial revolution. Getty Images
by Adrian Turner

On March 26, Australia hosted the first race in the Formula One season. Like no other, Formula One is a sport of milliseconds. The cars are carbon-fibre technological marvels, travelling from 0-100km/h in about two seconds with a top speed of more than 350km/h. The fastest qualifying time in Melbourne was 1 minute 22.88 seconds, just 2.32 seconds faster than the ninth fastest car. The fastest pit stop time during the race where all four tyres were replaced was 2.34 seconds. Fractions of a second can mean the difference between leading and following.

Teams are in a constant mode of improvement, whether it’s aerodynamics, suspension, electronic engine mapping, driver physiology or real-time scenario modelling. Each small improvement may be indistinguishable by itself, but in aggregate they may amount to the fractions of a second per lap that is the difference between winning and losing, billions of dollars of economic value or nothing.

This mix of biology, advanced materials, data science and speed is a window into corporate competition in the fourth industrial revolution. The stakes are high – $15 trillion of GDP opportunity over the next decade alone.

In emerging sectors, the economic benefits for leaders versus followers is dramatic. Underpinned by platform economics, roughly 70 per cent of the market value is captured by the leader. Think about Tesla, which realised that unlocking the electric car industry was an engineering problem all about battery performance.

With a market leadership position, Tesla secured $US465 million of government debt and formed a joint venture to produce batteries with Panasonic. By driving scale in battery production, Tesla forced down prices to open up new applications.

It also acquired SolarCity and a new market for batteries – the home – and recently announced they will be developing batteries for cities. Renewable energy competition is being reframed, with software and data management at the core.

Competing with the likes of Tesla and winning in the fourth industrial revolution requires global context and market access, entrepreneurial leadership, a culture of experimentation, organising without industrial-era hierarchical structures, pioneering adoption of new technologies and access to growth capital at pivotal times. Above all, it requires moving faster and thinking bigger.

In Australian companies it starts at the top, recognising the real breakthroughs will be driven organically and bottom-up. Boards will need to be on the front foot with a growth mindset, specialised digital domain expertise and independent directors who are operators.

Successful corporate structures are changing, too, with an emphasis on speed. GE’s CEO was in Australia in April – they’ve got an internal program called “Fastworks” to institutionalise moving faster.

It was recently reported that ANZ Bank is restructuring into teams of about 10, known as “squads” that group into “tribes”, replacing managers with coaches and product owners who will be picked based on their adaptability and capacity to work collaboratively in multidisciplinary teams, rather than their work experience. The human dimension to all of this is crucial.

Technology will play an instrumental role, too. A small number of technologies have potential to drive operational efficiencies and structural business advantages to unlock latent customer value, speed and growth. They’re the ones savvy companies around the world are paying closest attention to right now. They include cyber security, blockchain, AI, additive manufacturing and synthetic biology.

1. Cyber security

Trust in software, systems and data will be the currency of the fourth industrial revolution. Cyber security is essential, like the brakes on an F1 car. It helps provide confidence to move faster in business and tackle higher value, data-driven operations.

Cyber security technology breakthroughs are happening at all levels in the software and services stack, from firmware (with initiatives such as CSIRO Data61’s seL4, which has created software to help protect embedded systems) through to anomaly detection at the network and application level to protect against automated attacks. It’s important to get right – in May we witnessed the largest outbreak of ransomware, globally affecting 150 countries and, more specifically, hospitals.

According to Australian cybersecurity firm MailGuard, 60 per cent of small businesses that suffer cyber-security breaches don’t survive six months after the breach. Breaches are inevitable – having an incident response plan can help a lot.

2. Blockchain

The way we transact will also change fast. Blockchain is the open, tamper-proof ledger that records Bitcoin transactions. That’s disruptive, because in the past we’ve had to rely on third-party organisations such as lawyers, accountants and banks to play this trusted intermediary role.

Blockchain also creates new capabilities. “Smart contracts” make it possible to automate business logic inside transactions, rather than them being fixed records about the past. Blockchain promises to improve supply-chain efficiency and traceability, energy trading mechanisms in distributed markets, and to fuel new financial services products through programmable money and smart assets.

3. Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is another area that will drive speed and growth for market leaders. AI refers to technologies that can sense, interpret and act upon their environment to perform useful and meaningful functions without human intervention.

Today AI, or more accurately Artificial Narrow Intelligence, is focused on specific, narrow tasks. These systems are improving fast. Microsoft researchers recently announced a 5.9 per cent error rate in voice recognition – better than an average human transcriptionist. This type of technology is being applied to call centres already, with one cognitive agent handling more than 50 per cent of calls within two months of being deployed.

AI will be pervasive in robotics as well. Already, today’s robots are able to pick fruit, prune vines, fly planes, drive trucks, vacuum floors and respond to customer queries.

4. Additive manufacturing

These technologies will contribute to the rise of additive manufacturing, which is the process of joining materials to make objects from 3D-model data, usually layer upon layer, as opposed to subtractive manufacturing methodologies (such as creating engine parts). This technology will have a profound impact on the Australian supply chain.

The ability to move towards fast, local, customised manufacturing is accelerating design change and emphasising integrated data management. New ideas can be rapidly prototyped and “mass customisation” is becoming a reality. The technique is already being used in Australia in everything from pre-surgical models to sleep apnoea devices and spare parts. The manufacturing industry is moving towards technologies and services that are far more valuable than the materials themselves.

5. Synthetic biology

Spanning the boundary between engineering and biology, synthetic biology is an emerging and fast-moving interdisciplinary field. It involves modelling, writing and printing DNA code for the design and fabrication of new biological parts, devices, systems and machines, as well as the redesign of existing, natural biological systems.

Engineered genetic circuits within cells can operate independently of, or as an integrated part of, the cell’s natural biological function, with potential applications in manufacturing, human health, agriculture and protecting ecosystems.

For example, Harvard University researchers have devised a paper-based system where they can embed a cell-free synthetic genetic network and then use the paper strips to detect Ebola viruses in the field. They constructed 24 Ebola sensors at a cost of $US21 per sensor in less than 12 hours, compared to commercial lab test that takes two to six months at a cost of $US4000 to $US30,000.

All of these technologies provide fast-movers with sustained competitive advantages. We’re in the first stint of the first race of a championship that will last at least 15 years and impact generations.

While it may seem like we have time to accelerate and catch the pack, it’s a very small window, with the winning competition getting exponentially better all the time. It’s really going to come down to the way companies move in the next quarters, rather than years, that will make the difference.

The Australian business community as a whole has been slow to get off the line to capitalise on the next industrial era. For business leaders, now is the time to do a critical review of science and technology strategy and figure out quickly if the board, team, partnerships and investment levels in place today are capable of driving the company to a leadership position.

Buckle up, this is going to be an exhilarating ride!

Adrian Turner is chief executive of Data61 at the CSIRO.

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