Mary. Jane
  • Female
  • United States

Mary. Jane's Friends

  • Charles E. Nelson
  • Marsha H

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Mary. Jane commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
" I came across this song, only heard bits of it b4...but I hope y'all will find it inspiring."
4 hours ago
Mary. Jane commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"I am finding these stories so comforting..and I hope they are as cathartic for you to write, as they are for us to read. Thank you for sharing them."
4 hours ago
Mary. Jane commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Quick appology for the miss spelled words etc. I type on my I pad, and the area to write in is the size of a large postage stamp. Lol"
Mary. Jane commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"STeve...wonderful..looking forward to the next part. MARSHA?.i can,t use that knickname..too many people would know that. It would have to be something NO ONE ELSSE would know."
Mary. Jane commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"AaaHHHH! Very smart, Marsha! I have often wondered what information I would tell Bob to share if I ever got the chance to see a psychic. I wish I could afford a meeting with Thera Capputo..maybe someday. I just wanna know he is OK. I think…"
Mary. Jane commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Ummmm, Marsha? I noticed you didn't share Ernies knickname for you with us...wanna zspill it here? LOL? Yup I am short. I used to b almost 5 feet, but I am shrinking daily. At the market, I have to ask random shoppers to reach things on high…"
Mary. Jane commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"To Marsha and I was going to say I.d be Glinda, the good witch, but that is far too much responsibility, so since I am only 4'9" tall, I will please, be TOTO or a MUNCHKIN..(Which was one of Bobs knicknames for me) lol."
Mary. Jane commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"To Beard..that is awesome! I was just thinking about referring this site to two distant friens who lost their husbands last year. One's husband suffered almost 2 years with cancer, the other lost her husband on a weekend trip to the ocean,…"
Mary. Jane commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Honestly, this place, and everyone here has probably saved my life..I don,t mean literally...but emotionally. Ood, that I DIDN,t find this group, untill a higher power knew I was ready to find it. I am NOT the same person who I was last year, and…"
Mary. Jane commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Wow, Beard..that is SO true. thank you for sharing it"
Mary. Jane commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"STeve, I just Googled STASIS, and, yep. Good word, that is how I feel. Thanks"
Mary. Jane commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Thank you all for your wonderful replies. Today has been a very ODD day. I am not depressed, but I am realizing that the last year right after Bob died, wans a "day at the beach." Compared to what is happening now. I think people should…"
Mary. Jane commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Hey, kids! The most amazing thing just happened to me. I was sort of watching this sitcom that I never watch, it was just on in the background, and for some reason I started paying attention...and suddenly there was a completely unexpected…"
Jun 5
Mary. Jane commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Lol..I forgot to thank u for wishing me better Has been a better day than all of last week..thankfully."
Jun 4
Mary. Jane commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"Well, nuts! I just tried to edit my post and accidentally deleted here's the condensed version...I am terrified of spiders. And the live in the hundreds of cardboard boxes I have to go through to start a new life..and it is crippling. I…"
Jun 4
Mary. Jane commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
"That is the COOLEST picture, Steve!! I would be over the moon if I could get a little chipmunk to eat out of my hand!!! Tho I live in a residential area, we have lots of birds, bunnies, and now, a pair of ducks that I feed and water. I started…"
Jun 4

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At 4:15am on April 13, 2017, Marsha H said…

Mary.Jane ...  You're a goof, but a good one!  LOL  I am so very sorry you're not feeling well and it amazes me you always joke around or make light of things with all the things you are going through.  You hang in there girl!

At 4:56am on April 12, 2017, Marsha H said…

Mary.Jane ...  Hope you meant me and if not we're friends anyway.  LOL


At 3:20pm on March 24, 2017, Charles E. Nelson said…

PS - I forgot the email! it's :

be well, Chuck

At 3:17pm on March 24, 2017, Charles E. Nelson said…
Hi Mary Jane,
Thank you for the friend request - sometimes this is easier to use, with the added advantage of being free to say things more candidly without offending or confusing the other family members in Bereaved Spouses. I get it completely about how frustrating it is to post sometimes - the same thing happens to me all the time, and on top of that I have Windows XP and a less than top drawer access through my phone co., mostly because of severe budget constraints. That's why I can't always get on and just write quickly when I want to, so believe me I won't think you rude for taking time to reply, and know you will excuse me too!
I won't keep blathering now, except to say I haven't read yours or any other posts for a few days, but your comment about waking up crying is so familiar to me - sometimes tears start gathering and running down my face without my hardly noticing it anymore...sadly it is such a familiar feeling that I just hope I'm not in a store or talking to a neighbor. With friends, or of course Steve, I don't worry about it because they aren't upset or uncomfortable, they just reach for my hand or pass the tissues calmly. Friends- TRUE friends - are the most precious thing to me after my beloved Larry, and now Steve.
If you are inclined, I am giving you my email address off this site, so we can exchange notes and/or photos without worrying about words being censored. No, I don't have a potty mouth, but you will find that some words and expressions that seem tame are blocked to avoid offending anyone. I think that's a good thing, but have to re-type things trying to figure out what was objectionable in my original post, and that gets tedious after awhile.
I hope this gets through, and am so glad you are joining the conversations now, because these folks here really are very kind and honest, and have pulled me back from the brink of madness more than once I assure you! Have a pleasant weekend, find some peace for yourself, and write whenever you feel like it - I'm listening, and don't be afraid of asking me stuff, because I'm pretty mello as a person.

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elyse posted a status
"New Members,if you post here on "Latest Conversations",it will cut off in 140 letters /symbols."
22 minutes ago
elyse posted a status
"New Members,Sorry for your loss that brought you here.When you are ready to share,go onto your own profile to post."
27 minutes ago
Sara Murphy commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
4 hours ago
Mary. Jane commented on Steve Cain's group Bereaved Spouses
4 hours ago

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