Yemen Emergency Crisis Response Project Fast Fact Sheet

The Yemen Emergency Crisis Response Project (YECRP) is funded by the World Bank and implemented across the 22 governorates of Yemen by UNDP in partnership with the Social Fund for Development and the Public Works Project. YECRP aims to mitigate the impact of the current crisis on local households and communities and assist their recovery through increasing short-term employment and livelihoods opportunities, restoring key service delivery through small-scale infrastructure, and reviving the local private sector.

Press Release on the High-Level Pledging Event for the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen: Donors pledge $1.1 Billion to Help People in Urgent Need in Yemen [EN/FR/AR]

(Geneva, 25 April 2017) International donors today pledged nearly US$1.1 billion to help scale up lifesaving aid to millions of people in need in Yemen during a pledging event in Geneva, co-chaired by the United Nations, Sweden and Switzerland.

UNDP calls for increased support for resilience in Yemen

Supporting urgent humanitarian relief with development action pivotal for lasting peace Geneva – As the international community convenes for a pledging conference on Yemen tomorrow, the United Nations Development Programme urges strong support from international partners to ease the suffering of the people of...

Improving livelihood through Cash for Work and Small Business Development targeted at youth in Hodeidah

Under the Enhanced Rural Resilience in Yemen (ERRY) Programme Cash for Work and Small Business Development opportunities are provided to 900 youth in Hajjah and Hodeidah Governorate. Each youth participated in Cash for Work receive US$10 per day and at minimum US$6.5 are saved in their bank account for future investment in small businesses or sustainable livelihood measures.

Honoured for her passion and continuous efforts, Fatemah, the Insider Mediator

In March 2017, Fatima was awarded the Women’s International Day Prize, bestowed by the Youth Leadership Development Foundation and sponsored by UN Women, in recognition of her efforts on dispute resolution and contribution to maintain social peace in Lawdar District, Abyan Governorate.

Mines ACtion Day
Yemen is facing an uphill battle to remove explosive hazards
Message by Jamie McGoldrick On the occasion of International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action

The ongoing conflict in Yemen has resulted in a growing contamination of explosive hazards such as landmines, improvised explosive devices, cluster munitions and other remnants of war. It has dramatically spread the overall geographic extent of contamination and the increased the technical complexities of removing it as more modern weapon systems have been employed.

In Abyan, Village Cooperative Council brings education to boys and girls

Arshan, a village with 171 households located at the Khanfir District in Abyan, faces chronic poverty and severe lack of proper education facilities due to its inaccessibility. Since there is no proper education facility established in the village, school-aged children in Arshan need to go to Al-Hisn area (approximately...

Auke in Aden
UNDP Country Director Mr Auke Lootsma visits debris management projects in Aden and meet key decision makers

Aden, 23 March 2017: The war in Yemen has generated a dire humanitarian situation with massive destruction to the country’s public and private buildings. Debris has accumulated, sometimes with hazardous explosive remnants of war (ERWs) under the rubble and their accumulation is one among many obstacles in the...

Paving the road for safer access in Alkhaisheen-Lahj

Funded by the World Bank, UNDP has partnered with the Public Works Project (PWP) under the Emergency Crisis Response Project (ECRP) to rehabilitate community infrastructure and assets to benefit crisis-affected communities from temporary income through labor intensive activities.

‘Our Home cannot be the Battleground!’ – Women-led initiative to prevent violence

During International Women Day and with sponsership of UN Women- HQ, Nusaibah was rewarded for her community initiative by Leadership Development Foundation. During the Advanced Training of Trainers on conflict resolution and mediation jointly conducted by UNDP Yemen and Partners Yemen in Lahj governorate,...

Families of Alaqamah starting their own businesses

Killed and displaced of their homes, families of Alaqamah, Mawza’a district, Ta’iz, have borne the brunt of the conflict reached to their village since early 2016. The conflict caused residents of Alaqamah to flee to neighboring areas without any shelter and protection. It is estimated that the rate of employment...

Conflict Scans
Enhancing Social Cohesion and Resilience through Insider Mediators in Al-Hodeidah

In partnership with Search for Common Ground and during the period 22 December 2016 - 9 January 2017, two conflict scans have been conducted in the districts of Zabeed and Bait Al-Faqeeh in Al-Hodeidah. The objective of the conflict scans is to identify the main local-level conflict issues, and identify conflict...

Supporting Internal Displaced Persons in war-torn areas in Yemen

Since the failure of political dialogue process in September 2014 followed by an intensive military conflicts in number of governorates including Aden, triggered a comprehensive civil war in March 2015, which was sequentially followed by the launching of the military operations by the Arab Force Coalition that further...

Promoting economic self-reliance of women in war-torn Yemen

In the conflict-affected district of Craiter in Aden City, 160 women between the ages of 18 to 50 completed a UNDP emergency employment programme generating a total of 10,560 work-days. Between July and November 2016, UNDP selected women most in need. The final beneficiaries participated to clear debris and solid waste from streets, schools and public institutions in Craiter, an area that witnessed heavy fighting during 2015.

Building Capacity of Local NGOs to Respond to Yemen's Humanitarian Crisis and Improve Service Delivery in Conflict Affected Communities: Training of Trainers (TOT)

Funded by United Nations Peace Building Fund (UNPBF) and in cooperation with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Humanitarian Forum Yemen (YHF) has concluded Training of Trainers (TOT) course on Humanitarian Competencies, Conflict Resolution, and Early Recovery to build the capacity of local Non-Government Organizations (NGOs)

Socotra's Information Center: Biodiversity Conservation and Sharing Benefits

The Socotra Archipelago, an island in the Arabian Sea, is a prime center of unique biodiversity. It is historically renown by its rare and spectacular plants. Only Socotra can give you a magic view of the dragon trees (locally known as blood tree), frankincense trees, desert roses…etc. that characterize its...