In the Spotlight

Countries North Korea Can Currently Hit With Their Missiles

Should North Korea ever have the capacity to launch a nuclear missile that could reach the U.S. mainland, Trump would have approximately ten minutes to react and make a decision to counterattack.

How a Democracy Can Implode

The biggest challenge to democracy comes from the voters themselves. As Americans, we have a duty to vote not just Republican or Democrat, but for those who will uphold our Supreme Law. In 2014, voter turnout for mid-term elections plunged to the lowest rate in 72 years. The overall national turnout was a disgraceful 36.3 percent.  

Republican Yes Votes on Health Care

Cases of beer were wheeled into the Capitol after the House narrowly passed a health care bill on May 4, 2017, that would repeal and replace major parts of the Affordable Care Act. Every Democrat voted no, joined by 20 Republicans. See who voted yes.

Could Iran Emerge as the Middle East Superpower?

With the Trump administration’s nationalistic sentiment of “America First” and a reduction of global political leverage, the world’s hegemony steps back. As a result, the international system is shifting to multipolarity of dominant regional superpowers.

The Effect of Immigration and Health Care Reform on Rural America

The immigration ban, which combined with health care reform will likely wreak even more havoc on an already depressed rural America.

Current Members of the U.S. House of Representatives

If we’ve learned anything from this last election, it’s that political complacency is no longer an option. And to effect change, there is no need to look any further than your own legislative backyards.

U.S. Senate Seats up for Reelection in 2018

The U.S. Senate elections will be held on November 6, 2018. Thirty-three of the 100 Senate seats are up for reelection. The Republicans will be defending just 8 seats, while the Democrats will be fighting for 23, plus another 2 held by independents. The winners of those seats will serve a six-year term from January 3, 2019, until January 3, 2025. The time to start organizing is now.

Middle East

ISIS, Turkey and Oil: Interview with Pelicourt

James Stafford

Viewpoints: Violence Between Israel and Palestine

Khalid al-Asaad Slaughtered by ISIS

Teri Schure



The Jedwabne Massacre of 1941: An Interview with Marcin Malek

Teri Schure

Global Refugee Crisis Deepens by the Day

Joshua Pringle

Is Russia Plotting to Bring Down OPEC?

Dalan McEndree



Taiwan Seeks to Join Fight Against Global Warming

Ying-Yuan Lee, Minister of Environmental Protection Administration, Republic of China (Taiwan)

Taiwan's Participation in the WHO Annual Assembly Is Vital to Ensuring Global Health Security

Dr. Tzou-yien Lin, Minister of Health and Welfare, Republic of China (Taiwan)

Myanmar: Transition Within Transition

Rajiv Bhatia



The Win: The Forgotten Americans vs the Loss: Trump Wants Revenge

Teri Schure

Why Is It So Hard for Some Americans to Vote? It's All About Race.

Viewpoints: How Accurate Are the U.S. Election Polls?



Child Brides in Zimbabwe

Stephen Tsoroti

Food Insecurity and Climate Change in Egypt

Joshua Goldfond

Tunisia: Escaping the Great Mosque of Uqba

Angela Smith Kirkman


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