Mark Morris bowler Brooklyn Boudreau rolled a 214 in her final game to claim the 1A/2A singles title at the WIAA Girls State Bowling Championships held at Narrows Plaza Bowl on Thursday in the Tacoma suburb of University Place.

MM also grabbed the early lead in the team standings with 4504. Selah is second with 4483, and Columbia River is third with 4448.

Boudreau rolled games of 221-161-190-252 for 824 through four games and the lead, but a 164 in her fifth game dropped her into a tie with Ashlyn Jamrog of Olympic with identical scores of 988. In her final game, Jamrog rolled 187 to finish second with 1175, while Boudreau finished with 1202.

Boudreau is the second Mark Morris bowler to win a state singles crown. In 2013, Janaye Kilgore rolled a state 2A/3A record 1295 for six games (215.8 average). The all-class record was set in 2014 by Battle Ground’s Wylicia Faley with 1397 (232.8 average).

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Also on Thursday, MM’s Ady Allen placed 15th with 909, and Seaira Hazeltine of R.A. Long was 19th with 880. MM’s Myriah Mitchell finished 25th with 846, and RAL’s Hannah Hunsucker was 26th with 845.

MM competes again in the team event with 14 Baker format games on Friday at Narrows Plaza Bowl.


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