

The Gillard government decision to move single parents on to Newstart once their youngest child turned eight was ...

Welfare changes cost single parents up to $6000

Pension changes by successive governments have hit some of the poorest Australians the hardest, with single-parent families who rely on welfare up to $6000 worse off over the past decade.

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The Sydney Royal Easter Show is fun, but the costs can be scary.

11 ways to save on the Sydney Royal Easter Show

It's almost Sydney Royal Easter Show time again. The show, which runs from Thursday, April 6 to Wednesday April 19, is fun for the whole family, but the costs can burn a hole in the pocket.

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Brothers Craig and Cameron Zammit (pictured with their wives, Michelle and Belinda, and children) are taking up a fight ...

Fathers battle to save flexible work hours

For eight years, the Zammit twins arrived at work an hour early so they could be home in time to pick their children up from school – freeing their working wives to get them off to school.

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Road Trips

Australia's 'big things'

Australia's 'big things'

You've heard of The Big Banana, and the Big Pineapple? Here are a few more of the famous and not so famous big things around Australia.

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Sydney staycation:

Three kids, a cool car and a blue tree: our staycation to western Sydney

When you're in the thick of the weekly routine, a weekend away with the family can abstractly seem heavenly. Getting out of the inner city, breathing some different air and traipsing unfamiliar ground sounds so awesome you spend your weekdays dreaming about doing it.

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Reverse sea change: Linda and Mark Paternson moved their family to an inner-city apartment.

Can a family squeeze into an apartment?

Moving your family from a big house with a backyard to an inner-city apartment sounds like a daunting prospect – but that's what many families are doing.

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How to limit the volume on children’s devices

As more children spend their free time on their technological devices, there is an increase in children who are engaging in unsafe listening practices. It is important to make sure children's hearing is protected as the impact of blasting sound in their ears can stay with them for the rest of their lives.

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How dogs could make children better readers

Issues around children learning to read are rarely out of the news. Which is hardly surprising – becoming a successful reader is of paramount importance in improving a child's life chances. Nor is it surprising that reading creates a virtuous circle: the more you read the better you become. But what may come as a surprise is that reading to dogs is gaining popularity as a way of addressing concerns about children's reading.

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Making Time For Me