Theresa May's 'enough is enough' response to London attack marks a big change

Britain's Prime Minister, Theresa May, addresses the media following the London Bridge terror attack.
Britain's Prime Minister, Theresa May, addresses the media following the London Bridge terror attack. Getty Images

Theresa May's "enough is enough" response to yet another deadly attack on British soil will not just shape the final days of the election campaign but marks an important change in the way Britain's mainstream political leaders talk about the scourge of Islamist-inspired terrorism.

Appearing outside Downing Street hours after three men used a rented van and knives to kill seven people and injure dozens more near London Bridge on Saturday night, the Prime Minister could have employed a measured tone in her first public statement given there are just four days to go until Britons cast their votes and political campaigning had been suspended.

Indeed, she made no reference to Islamist extremism during her equivalent Downing Street statement following the Manchester bombing, preferring to focus on the "countless acts kindness that brought people closer together" and declare that the UK would not be cowed by acts of terrorism.

But three deadly attacks in the same number of months has prompted a much tougher reaction both in terms of May's rhetoric and expected policy response.

Arguing the "there is far too much tolerance of extremism in our country" and that "British values" needed to be upheld, the Conservatives leader said the recent attacks were tied by not by a "common network" but " by the single evil ideology of Islamist extremism that preaches hatred, sows division and promotes sectarianism".

May said military action and counter-terrorism measures were not enough to prevent radical Islam unless the "safe spaces it needs to breed" were eradicated. She then took aim at a familiar target - the big technology companies such as Facebook and Google - for providing these spaces online.

However, May made it clear the battle against extremism extends beyond cyberspace. In a significant shift for a safety-first politician, she said the government must look at the safe spaces "that continue to exist in the real world".

"The whole of our country needs to come together to take on this extremism, and we need to live our lives not in a series of separated, segregated communities, but as one truly United Kingdom," she said.

Corbyn almost level with May

May singled out the public sector as needing to be more robust in stamping out extremism, but she has in effect put Britain's Muslim community on notice.

During her time as Home Secretary, May was caught up in a damaging political fight with then Education Secretary Michael Gove over combating extremism in Birmingham schools. Yet her choice of words reflect growing concerns among senior government ministers that radical imams using British mosques have not been subject to same levels of scrutiny.

These fears extend to how easily many potential radicals have been able to travel between the UK and countries such as Syria and Iraq. It appears the Manchester bomber, Salman Abedi, was able to move between Libya and Britain while interacting with terrorist leaders before carrying out the attack.

May's criticism of "too much tolerance" could also be viewed as a coded criticism of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, who has enjoyed a strong showing in recent opinion polls. Corbyn has spent much of the campaign battling Tory accusations that he is a "threat" to national security because he is too soft on militant organisations such as Hamas and the IRA.

This arguments have some merit, but Corbyn is almost level with May in some polls on the question of "who do you trust to keep Britain safe?" His supporters argue his opposition to western interventionism in the Middle East and elsewhere enjoy widespread public support in a country still deeply angy about Tony Blair's decision to go to war in Iraq in 2003.

Exactly what May means by removing "safe spaces" in the real world remains to be seen. She has indicated stronger sentences for minor crimes will be imposed if she remains in government and more resources will be poured into the security and intelligence services.

There will also be a greater focus on deradicalisation. The government's controversial Prevent strategy - which attempts to compel public institutions such as universities and Muslim groups to self-report evidence of radicalisation - is likely to receive an "uplift" in terms of its resources and reach. Yet much of the detail is yet to be spelt out.

What has become clear is that the government believes it has entered a new phase of the war against homegrown terror. By evoking "British values" and criticising "too much tolerance", May has demonstrated a newfound willingness to have a robust and ideological debate about the best way to fight Islamist extremism.

This shift will define the rest of the election campaign and set the tone for her government's counter-terrorism strategies if she wins.