Behind the extraordinary Gulf dispute with Doha

Donald Trump with Qatar's Emir Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani in Riyadh two weeks ago. Mr Trump was hoping to forge ...
Donald Trump with Qatar's Emir Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani in Riyadh two weeks ago. Mr Trump was hoping to forge unity among Washington's Middle East allies with his recent visit. AP
by Simeon Kerr

The unprecedented move by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Bahrain to sever diplomatic ties and cut transport links with Qatar pits important US allies in the Middle East against each other.

The action on Monday is an attempt to isolate the Gulf state because of its alleged support of terrorism, with an apparent $US1bn ransom paid to jihadi groups for the release of a royal hunting party the final straw.

Following the move, Qataris have been given two weeks to leave the four countries, while Saudis, Egyptians, Emiratis and Bahrainis have been barred from travel to or through the state.

Qatar has a population of just 2.7m people - most of whom are expatriates. Vast gas resources have turned it into one of the world's richest nations and it is a crucial supplier of liquefied natural gas to Asia and Europe. The country also has large investments in the UK, including London's Shard building and Harrods department store, and Europe through the Qatar Investment Authority, its sovereign wealth fund.

The recently-inaugurated Khalifa International Stadium, the first completed 2022 FIFA World Cup venue. This week's ...
The recently-inaugurated Khalifa International Stadium, the first completed 2022 FIFA World Cup venue. This week's action by Qatar's neighbours is likely to affect the construction industry and threaten Doha's ability to prepare for the event. Neville Hopwood

What is the immediate impact on Qatar?

The impact will be profound as Qatar imports half of its food supplies across the land border with Saudi Arabia. The closure is also likely to affect the construction industry and threaten Doha's ability to prepare for the 2022 football World Cup.

There will also be an impact on aviation. Qatar Airways, one of the world's fastest growing carriers, will face longer westbound flights with Saudi airspace closed. Abu Dhabi carrier, Etihad, and Emirates, the Dubai-based airline, have already announced they will stop flights to Qatar.

Riyadh and Abu Dhabi also said they would seek legal measures to stop other friendly parties using their airspace to reach Doha, but details of any attempt to tighten the blockade have not emerged.

If the dispute deepens, Qatar's supply of natural gas to neighbouring UAE via the Dolphin pipeline could be halted, cutting a third of the UAE's supply as demand for power spikes in the hot summer months.

What is Qatar accused of?

Qatar's support for Islamist movements has long been criticised by its regional neighbours, especially the UAE.

Abu Dhabi regards Doha's embrace of political Islam, including the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas, the Palestinian militant group, as an existential threat to the Gulf monarchies. The two have been engaged in increasingly vicious propaganda wars for years, using state-owned media to throw allegations at each other.

Doha, longstanding home of the brotherhood's spiritual leader, Sheikh Yusef al-Qaradawi, has acted as a haven for Islamist activists, including Saudi and Emirati nationals.

Qatar has also backed Islamist parties and rebel groups in conflicts, including in Libya and Syria.

In Syria, Qatar has been the most aggressive backer of Islamist groups seeking to topple the regime of President Bashar al-Assad. Critics say this has included indirect assistance to al-Qaeda affiliates, such as Tahrir al-Sham, via ransom payments for hostage releases.

Saudi Arabia has also been a supporter of Islamist groups, but observers say it has reduced its direct assistance in recent years. Western critics accuse Doha of lukewarm co-operation in the fight against terrorist financing.

Egypt and the UAE have also accused Qatar and Turkey of supporting Islamist rebels in Libya. Cairo and Abu Dhabi back Khalifa Haftar, a military strongmen who controls much of eastern Libya.

Regionally, Doha has forged closer ties with Ankara, which has adopted a similar approach to backing Islamist groups in Syria. Turkey has opened a military base in Qatar, which has hosted the US's regional military headquarters at Al-Udeid air base for years.

Qatar admits its view of political Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood differs to some of its neighbours, but says there is nothing wrong in backing groups that have widespread popular support. It denies backing violent terrorist groups.

What are the links between Qatar and Iran?

The Riyadh/Abu Dhabi axis has become increasingly concerned about what it sees as Doha's cosying up to Shia Iran, Saudi Arabia's arch-rival, in recent months.

Qatar, a Sunni state that shares its massive North gasfield with the Islamic republic, has traditionally taken a less aggressive stance towards Iran, like fellow Gulf state Oman.

Doha prides itself as a neutral player that can act as an intermediary in regional conflicts, from Lebanon to Sudan. The city hosts officials from groups regarded as terrorists by many other states, including Hamas and the Taliban in Afghanistan.

But Doha's critics say neutral mediation has mutated into support for groups that are actively attacking the interests of Sunni Gulf states.

Qatar is alleged to have paid millions of dollars to Iran-backed groups, including Hizbollah, to secure the release last month of Qataris who were taken hostage in southern Iraq last year.

Riyadh accuses Tehran of interfering in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen and Bahrain. Breaking Sunni Gulf ranks on Iran is regarded as a betrayal too far.

Why now?

The propaganda war between the state-funded media of Saudi Arabia and the UAE against Qatar has been escalating for weeks.

Doha claimed its state news agency had been hacked after it published comments last month allegedly made by the Qatari emir, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, expressing support for the Muslim Brotherhood and threw an olive branch to Iran. The Saudi and Emirati media ignored the hacking claims and repeatedly broadcast Sheikh Tamim's alleged remarks.

Qatar's state-owned satellite television channel, Al Jazeera, then gave prominence to reports this week about the apparent hacking of emails written by Yousef al-Otaiba, the UAE's highly influential ambassador to the US, that referred to a campaign against Doha's alleged terrorist links.

The deepening spat between the US allies - which goes back to 2014 - comes on the heels of President Donald Trump's visit to Saudi Arabia, where he endorsed Riyadh's leadership against interference from Iran in the Arab world.

Mr Trump was hoping to forge unity among Washington's Middle East allies to counter Tehran's influence and in the fight against Sunni radical groups such as Isis.

Financial Times